W3C::Annotations::Proxy - an HTTP proxy for decorating pages with annotations
AnnoProx is a perl module that is intended to help people build Annotea proxies. It can be extended like most object-oriented perl modules, or be invoked directly:
perl -MW3C::Annotations::Proxy -e httpProxy [-- [options]]
connects to an annotation server for each mime type that
it has a prayer of annotating. If it gets back an annotation type
that it understands, it will tweak the rendering to reflect that
annotation context and body.
See the Perllib page for installation instructions and license infomration.
- -s|server
HTTP Annotea server to consult for annotations.
- -d|db
SQL database to consult for annotations.
- -p|port
Port number to listen on [8080].
- -l|listen
Number of sockets to listen with [5].
- -s|style
The CSS associated with the annotation class.
ex. -style '.annotation { color: blue; background: grey; } .orphan { color: red; }'
- -t|test
URL to test for rendering. annoprox will markup that document, print the results, and exit(0).
- -h|header
Add a header to be sent when requesting a test URL. This may be invoked multiple times.
- -e|encoding
Default character encoding if none supplied with the proxied resource. e.g. utf-8 or iso-8859-1
- -a|auth
username:password to be used when requesting the test URL.
- -w|whitespace
Flag to compress consequtive whitespaces in html//p prior to applying annotations. This is a work-around for an Amaya bug. Use it if you suspect that most of your annotations were generated by Amaya.
- -kill
Flag to kill the current server and exit.
- -help
Print a brief help message and exit.
- -man
Send the manual page to the $PAGER and exit.
- -X
Run in debugging mode (don't fork, log to screen).
Eric Prud'hommeaux <eric%[email protected]>