W3C Architecture Domain

XML Protocol Activity

Working Drafts (Developer Discussion) · Events/Pubs· Bookmarks

The goal of XML Protocol is to develop technologies which allow two or more peers to communicate in a distributed environment, using XML as its encapsulation language. Solutions developed by this activity allow a layered architecture on top of an extensible and simple messaging format, which provides robustness, simplicity, reusability and interoperability. The XML Protocol Activity Statement explains the W3C's work on this topic in more details.

The first working group in this activity is the XML Protocol Working Group.

The initial focus of theXML Protocol Working Group is to develop a framework for XML-based messaging systems, which includes specifying a message envelope format and a method for data serialization, directed mainly, but not exclusively, to RPC applications, and conforming with the abovementioned principles. More specifics are available from the Charter.

New and Upcoming

Working Drafts In Progress

Developer Discussion

Technical issues are discussed in [email protected] (Archives).

To subscribe to xml-dist-app, send mail to [email protected] with Subject: subscribe. For more information, see the W3C mailing list page.

Timeline: Publications and Events



As a result of the increased interest in XML protocols, W3C and others have recently organized several activities on various XML protocol related activities including

Bookmarks: Recommended Reading

There are many existing efforts in this area, from the transport level to high-level long-life-cycle documents, most of them are already compiled in the XML Protocol Matrix.

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