
All-Group Meeting: Plenary Day Agenda

The Wednesday of the All-group meeting is a W3C plenary day, open to members of W3C Working and Interest Groups who have registered. The floor chair for the day is Janet Daly

Schedule of Events

08:00 Continental breakfast (optional). Sign up for BOF tables at lunch if you like.
08:30 Welcome and Introduction
08:45 Opening thoughts - Axioms, Architecture, and Aspirations -- Tim Berners-Lee (slides)
09:30 Web Architecture: Building scalable accessible international global systems in N slides; hopes for the Technical Architecture Group.


  • Wendy Chisholm, W3C Web Content Guidelines and WAI Evaluation and Repair Tools
  • Paul Cotton, W3C XML Query WG Chair
  • Martin Duerst, W3C Internationalization Co-Chair
  • David Fallside, W3C XML Schema WG member, W3C XML Protocol Chair
  • Eric Miller, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead

Moderator to be confirmed. The session organizer is Janet Daly.

10:30 Break
11:00 All About XML Schema: Working Group experiences with building them, using them, lessons learned.


  • Daniel Austin, W3C HTML Working Group
  • Aaron Cohen, W3C SYMM WG Chair
  • Micah Dubinko, W3C XForms 1.0 Co-Editor
  • Henry Thompson, W3C XML Schema WG and co-author of XSV (the XML Schema validator)
  • ... more to confirm.

Moderator: Philipp Hoschka. The session organizer is Janet Daly.

12:00 Lunch. BOF (birds of a feather) discussions around lunch tables, sign up at registration at breakfast
13:30 Presentation: System and Web tools for collaborators. The W3C Systems team is presenting on the current tools available to working groups for publishing, and is soliciting feedback on tools and services to consider. (slides on Amaya and publishing on W3C)

The W3C Systems Team is staffing an information booth for the full plenary day to answer additional questions.

The session organizer is Alan Kotok.

14:30 Break
15:00 Getting into and out of Candidate Recommendation: Common expectations. The shock of having to find consensus outside the working group, and how to deal with it. Getting out: What level of interoperability -- what test suites are needed - and what does it mean really?


  • Judy Brewer, W3C WAI IPO Director
  • Lorrie Cranor, W3C P3P Co-Chair
  • Philippe LeHegaret, W3C DOM WG Chair
  • Steven Pemberton, W3C HTML WG Chair
  • Michael Sperberg-McQueen, W3C XML Schema Co-Chair

The moderator is Vincent Quint, W3C User Interface Domain Leader. The session organizer is Janet Daly.

16:00 Town Hall: Plenary discussion with panel. Moderator: Jean François Abramatic.
17:00 Adjourn formal meeting

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Tim BL