W3C   XML Key Management Services WG

DRAFT 13th March 2002 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Shivaram Mysore, Mike Just

Last revised by $Author: smysore $ $Date: 2002/03/13 18:06:58 $



Status Update

Next Telecon & Face to Face details

Action Items

  1. Shivaram/Stephen/Joseph: Make sure that the Requirements and Specifications are published as Last Call and Working Drafts
  2. Shivaram/Stephen: Start building Issues list in preparation for Requirements Last Call
  3. Shivaram/Stephen:Send details on next FTF to be held in Washington, DC at the NIST Campus on April 23; Also include info on the XKMS panel on April 24
  4. Stephen/Shivaram: Update links to latest Specs on the Web
  5. Stephen/Shivaram/Fedrick/Mike: Requirements issue List - Add Yassir's comment (mid-feb); Add Clarification of section 2.1.8 for key word (MUST, SHOULD, etc) usage
  6. Phill: Send updated draft atleast a week or so before FTF