DRAFT 07th November 2002 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Stephen Farrell
Last revised by $Author: smysore $ $Date: 2002/11/08 19:37:57 $
- Shivaram Mysore, Sun Microsystems
- Stephen Farrell, Baltimore
- Mike Just, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS)
- Phill Hallam-Baker, Verisign
- Yassir Elley, Sun Microsystems
- Joseph Reagle, W3C
- Blair Dillaway, Microsoft
- Federick Hirsch, Nokia
- Donald Eastlake, Motorola
- Merlin Hughes, Baltimore
- Ed Simon, XMLsec Inc
- Joseph Reagle, W3C
- For Issue number explanation, refer to Issues
- Issue #77, TLS: server auth, one ciphersuite, no client auth,
ACTION Stephen Farrell to write text
- Issue #54, SOAP bindings clarification:ACTION Blair to send text
to list
- Issue #57: ACTION Blair to find code & send to
- Issue #98, open
- Issue #25, open
- Issue #78, ACTION Blair email re replay language resolves
- Issue #79, text needed ACTION Stephen Farrell, define fixed
locate message (UseKeyWith value)
- Issue #85, close. Add sentence that nothing is idempotent
(ACTION Mike Just to add to issues list)
- Issue #86, ACTION Frederick to check if OCSP MUST in requirement
is right
- Issue #90, close. part of #54
- Issue #89,92,96 are really editorial
- Issue #95, close. part of #78
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