W3C XML Key Management Services WG

DRAFT 10th April 2003 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Stephen Farrell

Last revised by $Author: sfarrell $ $Date: 2003/04/10 16:32:14 $


  1. Stephen Farrell
  2. Phillip Hallam-Baker, Verisign
  3. Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
  4. Yassir Elley, Sun Microsystems


  1. Shivaram Mysore, Sun Microsystems
  2. Joseph Reagle, W3C
  3. Blair Dillaway, Microsoft



  1. Review previous meeting Action items
  2. Specification Status update + new issues addressing - Phill
  3. Next Steps - Round Table

Last call

Previous Action Items

  1. The WG members should all review drafts Phill will produce end of this week and post any remaining issues to the list before 4 April. Goal is to have WG concurrence on moving to Last Call status by that date. - DONE
  2. Joseph to get status on Web Services glossary, will send mail telling them what terms we're using where not presently defined - DONE
  3. Phill to include definitions or put in references to definitions of terminology like "policy", "trust", etc as requested by Shivaram (line 190, 318) - email - OPEN

Action Items

  1. Stephen to send "last call - no objections" mail to list today
  2. Phill to produce "pubrules" version for tomorrow, Friday
  3. Joseph: kick that version through W3C last call process
  4. Phill to include definitions or put in references to definitions of terminology like "policy", "trust", etc as requested by Shivaram (line 190, 318) - email -
  5. Stephen/Shivaram: get reviewers to commit to LC review of spec
  6. Chairs/Frederick: formally publish the requirements on the TR page
  7. Joseph: send definition of trust/policy etc.

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