6th August 2003 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Stephen Farrell
Last revised by $Author: sfarrell $ $Date: 2003/08/13 15:21:24 $
- Stephen Farrell, Trinity College Dublin
- Frederick Hirsch, Nokia
- Shivaram Mysore, Sun Microsystems
- Jose Kahan, W3C
- Phill Hallam-Baker, VeriSign
- Merlin Hughes, Baltimore
- Yassir Elley, Sun Microsystems
- Blair Dillaway, Microsoft
- Status update & Issues list resolutions [3] - Phill
- Next Steps Last call status
Meeting notes
We're aiming to finish by next week's call with all issues handled. To get
there we just went through the previous call's open issues and did a bit of
near-term planning.
Previous Call's Action Items
(Some of the items below were allocated to Phill in his absence, but in
his role as editor; the chairs will check that this isn't a problem.)
- Respond to issue 301 submitter: Shivaram - Open
- Respond to issue 302 submitter: Blair - CLOSED
- Respond to issue 303 submitter and check for embedded issues:
Stephen - Open
- Respond to issue 304 submitter (or other Entrust person): Frederick
- Respond to issue 305 submitter: Phill - Open
- Respond to issue 306 submitter: Phill - Open
- Respond to issue 307 submitter: Phill - Open
- Respond to issue 308 submitter: Phill - Open
- Respond to issue 309 submitter: Phill - Open
- Respond to issue 310 submitter: Phill - Open
- Setup a call for next week: Shivaram - DONE
- Send call for participation in interop trials etc to WG list:
Shivaram - Open
New Actions
- Respond to issue 301 submitter: Shivaram
- Respond to issue 303 submitter and check for embedded issues:
- Respond to issue 305 submitter: Phill
- Respond to issue 306 submitter: Phill
- Respond to issue 307 submitter: Phill
- Respond to issue 308 submitter: Phill
- Respond to issue 309 submitter: Phill
- Respond to issue 310 submitter: Phill
- Send call for participation in interop trials etc to WG list:
- Send editorial comments - Jose
- Send text re UseKeyWith URI extensions (foo/bar/issue 302) -
- Chopra - 11 - Phill to check very clearly on list (and on the
phone), change to be made unless someone with code objects
- Issues list update with links to mails responding to submitters -
- New, latest, greatest and possibly even last version of the
spec- Phill
- Setup a call for next week, same time, same place - Stephen
Next Telecons
- Date -same time next week - to be confirmed to list
- Dial-in Number - probably the same
- Time - ditto