DRAFT 11 May 2004 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Shivaram Mysore
Last revised by $Author: smysore $ $Date: 2004/05/17 06:26:05 $
- Shivaram Mysore, Sun Microsystems
- Tommy Lindberg
- Jose Kahan, W3C
- Pete Wenzel, SeeBeyond
- Announcements
- Review last telecon AIs
- Current issues list
- Interop Matrix
- In the last
telecon we had the following AIs which are still carried forward:
- AI: Shivaram to post the
updated specifications
- AI: Tommy to post Key set to the list so that everyone uses
the same set of keys for easier interop
- AI: Tommy will host a XKMS service endpoint for tests - date
- AI: Stephen will update the participant list
- AI: Guillermo will post the first cut on the interop matrix
based on Jose's input
- Tommy's commented on his experience on implemtation so far. He
says, some parts of the specification are ambigious as he will collect
thoughts and post them to the list. Some of them include:
- Ideas in compound messages are redundant
- Validity interval in relation to underlying PKI
- AI: Tommy: post comments on the
specification to the list.
- AI: Tommy: send email to the
list and folks to get comments on the test suite - especially other
- Tommy brought up the issues regarding interop matrix - like - boundary
conditions (min, max should be finite numbers atleast for interop), X509,
PGP, etc. Any requirements like these should be brought up on the
list and must be resolved.
Next Telecon
- Next
- Date: May 25, 2004; Time - 8:30AM - 9:30AM PST, 11:30AM - 12:30PM EST
check time for your local area here
- Agenda: More discussions on Interop Matrix