W3C   XML Key Management Services WG

DRAFT 8 June 2004 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Stephen Farrell

Last revised by $Author: sfarrell $ $Date: 2004/06/08 16:34:42 $





In the last telecon we had the following AIs which are still carried forward:

  1. AI: Tommy will host a XKMS service endpoint for tests - date TBD. See below.
  2. AI: Stephen will update the participant list - still OPEN (will do it soon - promise:-) CLOSED.
  3. AI: Jose ask QA group about our current proposal still OPEN
  4. Pete: How about including details about which implementations have worked against one another. AI: Guillermo. Still OPEN.
  5. AI: ALL suggest possible events/venues for doing face-to-face interop testing within the next six months. Post suggestions to the list. Leave OPEN.
  6. AI: Stephen/Shivaram will hassle (off-list) those who've said they'll write code to see where they're at. CLOSED.


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