DRAFT 14 September 2004 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Takers: Shivaram Mysore
Last revised by $Author: smysore $ $Date: 2004/09/16 18:19:36 $
- Shivaram Mysore
- Jose Kahan, W3C
- Pete Wenzel, See Beyond
- Guillermo Alvaro, Trinity College
- Tommy Lindberg
- Stephen Farrell, Trinity College
- Howard Bae, Oracle
- Rich Salz, Datapower
- Announcements
- Review last telecon AIs
- Current issues list
- Interop Matrix
- In the last
telecon we had the following AIs which are still carried forward:
- AI: Jose turn Guillermo's XML into an on-line
questionaire - DONE
- AI: All Send comments on updated
schema to the list STILL OPEN
- AI: Tommy: As a result of
the schema update (namespace URI changed), all examples have to be
regenerated. Thanks to Tommy for volunteering to do this. STILL
- AI Jose: How we get the new schema to be placed in
this new location - http://www.w3.org/2004/07/xkms.xsd ? Shivaram:
Just update the exisiting one till the spec gets Recommendation
status STILL OPEN (though maybe we won't need it - AI
chairs: re-check with list as to whether anyone's product code
requires this given current issue resolutions.)
- AI: Jose and Guillermo to work on the interop
document associated with the Interop Matrix which will help walk
thro' the interop scenarios. DONE
- AI: Rich Salz - Send a proposal to resolve the QName
issue in schema which is not allowing extension for non-repudiation
usage. DONE.
- AI: Guillermo - Add more test messages to the interop
matrix. Send out a template to the list so that others can contribute
test messages easily. DONE
- AI Jose: Follow up with W3C regarding Guillermo's
confirmation as an Invited Expert. DONE
- Interop Testing:
- The following participants have confirmed to test against Tommy
Lindberg's service - Datapower(Rich Salz), Entrust (Roland),
Guillermo (Trinity College), SQL Data, Berin Lautenbach, Tommy
Lindberg's client
- Rich Salz: will test scenarios 1-5
- Tommy: XKISS and XKRSS services are running and are prepopulated
with X509 artifacts. Most likely there will be no compound message
support. Contacted SQLData and tested Client and Service generated
KeyPairs. Revoke operation was also tested successfully.
- AI Roland:Can you confirm if you can run a XKRSS
service? Even just a validation service is fine. Tommy mentioned that
you both had done some testing a while ago. It would be great to have
that going again.
- AI Roland, Tommy: Take a look at Rich's QName
proposal with schema changes from an implementation point of view and
send a note to the list.
- AI Tommy:Send the notes taken regarding interop
testing that has been done so far - especially questions which say
"how can this be tested at all??"
- AI All Interop Participants: Test against services
available and submit interop report via online
questionaire by September 28 latest.
- AI Stephen: Check on OCSP
issue with IETF, ETC, DSS and other groups and report back.
Next Telecon
- Next
- Date: September 28, 2004; Time - 8:30AM - 9:30AM PT, 11:30AM - 12:30PM
ET check time for your local area here
- Zakim Bridge (617) 761-6200 Code: "XKMS"
- Future telecons at the same time on October 12th
- Agenda: More discussions on Interop Event results, Interop Matrix;
issue list