DRAFT 07 Decmber 2004 XKMS Teleconference Minutes
Chairs: Stephen Farrell, Shivaram Mysore
Note Taker: Stephen Farrell
Last revised by $Author: kahan $ $Date: 2004/12/07 19:58:28 $
- Shivaram Mysore
- Jose Kahan, W3C
- Tommy Lindberg
- Stephen Farrell, Trinity College
- Yunhao Zhang, SQLData
- Guillermo Alvaro, Trinity College
- Announcements
- Review last telecon AIs
- Interop schedule
- In the last
telecon we had the following AIs:
- AI: All - Don't forget to start thinking and
writing down your ideas on what should constitute a compliant XKMS
and/or XKRSS clients/servers based on your experience. Do we need to
have several levels of compliancy or just one? Should they always
support asynchronous, synchronous, and compound requests?
STILL OPEN New AI: Jose raise an issue about where spec is
- Yunhao said that the spec doesn't say anything on how many times
should a client send a Status Request in order to complete a request.
Rich sugges that maybe we should add a non normative choreography
section or appendix to the spec to describe this. STILL OPEN
- Yunhao to propose some guidance for inclusion in the test spec. and
send to list CLOSED Yunhao to re-tx message
- AI: Shivaram - make spec changes accordingly.
(for now, will be done in the next few days) DONE
- AI: Jose - update issues list - to follow after item 9 above
and thus DONE.
- AI: Guillermo, Tommy and Yunhao (and whoever else is willing
to devote effort) will work out the additional tests and other test
spec changes over the next week. The work will take place on
the list, giving everyone else a chance to see what's up.
- We will freeze the test specification just before our next
call (currently scheduled for Dec 7th)
- There will then be a 30-day period for carrying out interop
testing (probably ending mid-January), the additional time
allows for the Christmas/New Year break.
- AI: Shivaram, Stephen and Jose will start to prepare
documents etc for the formal request for transition to PR. (We don't
have a deadline there, but I guess the same mid-January one
would be right.) STILL OPEN
- AI: Jose will check whether we need to extend the
charter for this (we're formally to-be-done by year's end at
the moment) STILL OPEN
- AI: Jose will add another question to the questionaire about
compliance. CLOSED
We are still ok with the schedule agreed at the last concall.
For our next (Jan11th) concall we want to:
- have substantially completed execution and documentation of testing
- have prepared the documentation for the request for PR
New Tests
Guillermo went through the new tests.
- limited use shared secret test issue - there will be no test devoted to
stored shared secrets which are the output of the string2key function,
i.e. where the input to the test is a "bare" symmetric key
- we will include a test case validing the string2key algorithm in
section 8.1,. AI: Guillermo and Jose to generate such test
- on the basis that this is no MUST for DSA we do not need any such
- AI: Guillermo and Tommy fill in the "messages" sections
(fragments/templates) for the new tests in the test spec. Due by
Spec issues since last concall (AI: Shivaram to include resolutions
of these)
- section 8.1 discussed above (maybe some more mailing list discussion
- partII section 4.1 needs additional editorial text describing the
- Jose had raised an editorial issue about QName and the spec.
- notbound authentication requires a bit more text and examples and maybe
a clarified test case (to make clear where id can go)
Happy holidays of all the various sorts!
Next Telecon
- Next
- Date: January 11th, 2005; Time - 4:30pm GMT/Dublin (if you're unlucky
enough not to live in Dublin, you can check time for your local area here:-)
- Zakim Bridge (617) 761-6200 Code: "XKMS"
- Future telecons at the same time on January 25th
- Agenda: Frozen Test spec, Interop Matrix; issue list, Moving to PR