Spec issues since last concall (AI: Shivaram to include resolutions of these)
Use of stringprep's password profile was generally accepted by the group as the way to deal with this issue. - basic version w/o constraints like folding of whitespaces, case sensitiveness, etc. - use Ed's version + look at Jose. AI: Shivaram - update Spec for Section 8.1 - DONE
Does any appendix (C) example needs to be modified - both XKISS and XKRSS - AI: Tommy will update examples as needed once text is ready. -In Progress
There was considerable discussion on this (Jose, Shivaram, Vamsi, Stephen). XKMS is a combination of Application and on-the-wire protocol. As a part of the sample, we are demonstrating a combination of this interoperability. As Applications are involved, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) come into picture which means a configuration issue - either on the client or server side. What we mean by this is - a service may suggest a 2048 bit RSA key size, and this may be a weak one for another service which will only consider 4096 bit keys. Moreover, XKMS is supposed to be agnostic about other riding protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, S/MIME and SOAP. Hence, publishing a WSDL will only cater to a Web Services realm and not others.
It was suggested and generally accepted that a WSDL be published and be included in the samples.zip file as a sample.
AI Jose: send this minutes to the QA team to start of a email thread and arrange for a conference call to resolve this issue.