W3C XKMS Participants

Note, the contents of this page have been replaced with the acknowledgements in the XML Key Management Specification when it was issued as Proposed Recommendation. Previously, this list included who actively participated or requested addition with the intent of using that list to populate the specification acknowledgements. Participants should review and be familiar with the contributor policies.

This list includes those, who through request and agreement to the contributor policies participate as a contributor to the WG's deliverables; this list will then be used to populate the specification's acknowledgements.

Participants in the Working Group during Candidate Recommendation

(at the time of publication, and by alphabetical order)

Previous participants up to Candidate Recommendation were

(by alphabetical order)

WG Participants joining after the publication of the XKMS Recommendations

Stephen Farrell <[email protected]>, Shivaram Mysore <[email protected]>

Last revised by Farrell $Date: 2005/06/30 11:45:23 $