Next week, Eric Prud’hommeaux will present an “Overview of the linking open drug data task” at the RDF Symposium of the American Chemical Society on August 22 and 23 in Boston. The RDF Symposium is co-organized by HCLS member Egon Willighagen, who will also present “Linking the Resource Description Framework to Cheminformatics and Proteochemometrics”.
A recent article about Data Sharing appeared in the New York Times! The article describes a project that led to biomarker discovery for Alzheimer’s Disease, see Sharing of Data Leads to Progress on Alzheimer’s. There has been some discussion about it on the HCLS mailing list.
At the Semantic Technology conference in San Francisco in June, in a session organized by Christine Golbreich and M. Scott Marshall, Applications of Biomedical Ontologies and Resources was presented by the trio HCLS/NCBO/NIF. M. Scott Marshall introduced ontologies from both an ontology building perspective (including the Foundational Model of Anatomy and the Translational Medicine Ontology) and an application perspective, while Mark Musen presented on the National Center for Biomedical Ontologies (NCBO) and Jeffrey Grethe presented on the NeuroInformatics Framework (NIF). Together, the presentations provided an overview of the range of general to specific applications of ontologies and Semantic Web. Note also that both NCBO and NIF provide a SPARQL endpoint to their resources: and