
From Semantic Web Standards

Participants' list of the RDF Next Steps, Workshop, June 26-27, 2010

See also group photo #1 and group photo #2

Participants are also encouraged to join the [email protected] mailing list (with public archives).

List of Participants

  1. Ivan Herman, W3C
  2. Sandro Hawke, W3C
  3. Peter Mika, Yahoo (Saturday only)
  4. Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research
  5. Axel Rauschmayer, LMU Munich
  6. Dave Beckett, individual
  7. Paula Gearon, individual
  8. Fabien Gandon, INRIA
  9. James Leigh, Zepheira
  10. Richard Cyganiak, DERI, NUI Galway
  11. Elisa Kendall, Sandpiper Software
  12. David Booth, Cleveland Clinic (contractor)
  13. Natasha Noy, Stanford University
  14. Mike Dean, Raytheon BBN Technologies
  15. Axel Polleres, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway
  16. Guus Schreiber, VU University Amsterdam
  17. Evan Wallace, NIST
  18. Jun Zhao, University of Oxford
  19. Lee Feigenbaum, Cambridge Semantics (Saturday only)
  20. David Wood, individual
  21. Jie Bao, RPI
  22. Li Ding, RPI
  23. Andy Seaborne, Talis Systems Ltd
  24. Ian Davis Talis
  25. Alejandro Mallea, PUC Chile
  26. Thomas Lörtsch, individual
  27. Jeremy Carroll, TopQuadrant
  28. Stefan Decker, DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway
  29. M. Scott Marshall, Leiden University Medical Center
  30. Stéphane Corlosquet, Massachusetts General Hospital (Saturday only)
  31. Jeff Pan University of Aberdeen
  32. Michael Uschold, Independent
  33. Deborah McGuinness, RPI (Saturday first session only)
  34. Atanas Kiryakov, Ontotext
  35. Vassil Momtchev, Ontotext