Status of the XML Protocol Working Group
Documents produced:
XML Protocol Requirements
(19 March 2001 WD)
XML Protocol Abstract Model
(9 July 2001 WD)
XML Protocol Usage Scenarios
(17 December 2001 WD)
SOAP Version 1.2:
Part 0: Primer
(17 December 2001 WD)
Part 1: Messaging Framework
(17 December 2001 WD): envelope, processing model, binding framework
Part 2: Adjuncts
(17 December 2001 WD): RPC convention, SOAP encoding, HTTP binding
Test collection
(editors' copy)
Expected to publish Last Call Working Drafts around the end of the month.
Recommendation expected during summer 2002.
Rechartering: binary attachments, ...
Hugo Haas
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