Web Services at W3C and the Status of SOAP Version 1.2

Hugo Haas <[email protected]>
W3C Web Services Activity Lead

Presentation at Evolve Conference 2002, Sydney, Australia, 8 October 2002

Slides available at:



From human to machines:

World Wide Web designed for people to share information
People have been using HTML forms as interfaces to access programs (CGI programs)
More recently
Machine to machine interactions

Web service:

Standardization work

Core technologies have been worked on for a long time:

Web Services Activity: Web services technologies

Web Services Activity

Design of the Web Services Architecture

Requirements of the Web services architecture

Integration to the World Wide Web

Need to respect the Web's architectural principals

Web is a set of resources that are:

Design of Web services technologies must be done in a Web-friendly way

Status of the Web Services Architecture Working Group

Documents listed on the Working Group's page:

A language to describe Web services

Problem: I want to use your Web Service

Need standard format for describing Web Services

WSDL 1.1 (W3C Submission) used as a starting point

Status of the Web Services Description Working Group

Documents listed on the Working Group's page:

Communicating between machines

An XML-based protocol: SOAP version 1.2

SOAP 1.2 in a nutshell

SOAP 1.2 extensibility


abstract piece of functionality typically associated with the exchange of messages between communicating SOAP nodes


SOAP 1.2 adjuncts

Status of the work on SOAP version 1.2

Started from SOAP/1.1; more than 300 issues found and then solved.

Outline of the work done:

Specifications in Last Call.

Documents produced by the XML Protocol Working Group

Documents listed on the Working Group page:

Next steps


This presentation: http://www.w3.org/2002/Talks/1008-hh-w3cday/

W3C Web Services Activity: http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/