$Date: 2006/01/26 23:49:36 $
$Revision: 1.33 $
core | soap | wsdl | test | schema | all | total | |
unassigned | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
active | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
postponed | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
closed | 24 | 7 | 18 | 0 | 1 | 6 | 56 |
dropped | 10 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 14 |
total | 34 | 9 | 19 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 70 |
id | owner | title | target | type |
id | owner | title | target | type | ||
i001 | David Orchard | EPRs as Identifiers | core | design | ||
i002 | Mark Nottingham | WS-Policy dependence | core | design | ||
i003 | Martin Gudgin | WSDL MEPs | wsdl | design | ||
i004 | Martin Gudgin | Security Model | core | design | ||
i005 | SOAP and WSDL references | core | design | |||
i006 | Marc Hadley | Message Property Optionality | soap | design | ||
i007 | Marc Hadley | Processing model of headers | soap | design | ||
i008 | Glen Daniels | RefProps/RefParams as individual SOAP headers | soap | design | ||
i009 | Paul Downey | Cardinality of properties and their values | core | design | ||
i010 | Anish Karmarkar | EPR Robustness | core | design | ||
i011 | Harris Reynolds | EPRs in To | core | design | ||
i012 | Robert Freund | EPR Life Cycle | core | design | ||
i013 | Anish Karmarkar | Serialising metadata into messages | soap | design | ||
i014 | Hugo Haas | Metadata Update/Reconciliation | core | design | ||
i015 | Marc Hadley | Redirection | core | design | ||
i016 | Glen Daniels | Distinguishing RefProperty headers | soap | design | ||
i017 | Anish Karmarkar | Purpose of the Action property | core | design | ||
i018 | Glen Daniels | Protocol-specific markup in ReferencePs | core | design | ||
i019 | Hugo Haas | WSDL Version Neutrality | core | design | ||
i020 | Anish Karmarkar | Addressing and WSDL | core | design | ||
i021 | Hugo Haas | WSDL Extension for Addressing | wsdl | design | ||
i022 | Greg Truty | Relationship to the SOAP binding framework | soap | design | ||
i023 | Rebecca Bergersen | Required properties in EPRs | core | design | ||
i024 | Rebecca Bergersen | Self-Contained vs. referencing EPRs | core | design | ||
i025 | Martin Gudgin | When Actions Collide | core | design | ||
i026 | Steve Vinoski | Supporting Multiple Ports in EPRs | core | design | ||
i027 | Anish Karmarkar | Pointing to WSDL location in EPRs | core | design | ||
i028 | Marc Hadley | Implications of the presence of ReplyTo | core | design | ||
i029 | Harris Reynolds | Disallowing Faults | core | design | ||
i030 | Requiring ReplyTo in Responses | core | design | |||
i031 | David Orchard | Making wsa:Action Optional | core | design | ||
i032 | Use W3C XML Schema to describe the syntax | all | editorial | |||
i033 | Rebecca Bergersen | Reference to WSDL definition in an EPR | core | design | ||
i034 | Anish Karmarkar | Action Defaults | wsdl | design | ||
i035 | Marc Hadley | Fixed action URI for faults | wsdl | design | ||
i036 | Greg Truty | WS-Addressing MIME Media Type | core | design | ||
i037 | Harris Reynolds | Replace QNames with anyURI | all | design | ||
i038 | Martin Gudgin | Scope of message addressing properties | core | design | ||
i039 | Hugo Haas | Spec name versioning | all | editorial | ||
i040 | Arun Gupta | Processing Model for our SOAP Faults | soap | design | ||
i041 | Paul Downey | Use Cases for Testing | test | design | ||
i042 | David Orchard | Extensibility Model | core | design | ||
i043 | Marc Hadley | Comparing RefPs | core | design | ||
i044 | Hugo Haas | Definition of the Rules to Reply to a Message | core | design | ||
i045 | Action defaults don't work with URNs | wsdl | design | |||
i046 | Jonathan Marsh | Comparison of URIs used as identifiers | core | design | ||
i047 | Marc Hadley | Absolute vs. Relative URIs | soap | design | ||
i048 | Francisco Curbera | EPR Comparison | core | design | ||
i049 | Jonathan Marsh | 'default default' action URI for fault messages | wsdl | design | ||
i050 | Hugo Haas | Misalignment of treatment of reply messages and fault messages | core | design | ||
i051 | Hugo Haas | Binding of Message Addressing Properties in the SOAP underlying protocol | soap | design | ||
i052 | Anish Karmarkar | What is a logical address? | core | design | ||
i053 | Schema Tweaks | schema | design | |||
i054 | Extending MAPs to add new endpoint types | core | design | |||
i055 | Jonathan Marsh | Namespace URI content | all | editorial | ||
i056 | Anish Karmarkar | Determining the value of the [destination] property from WSDL | wsdl | design | ||
i057 | Anish Karmarkar | Determining the value of the [reference parameters] property from WSDL | wsdl | design | ||
i058 | Defining MAPs in WSDL service descriptions | wsdl | design | |||
i059 | Glen Daniels | Support for asynchronous / multi-MEP usage of web services | wsdl | design | + | |
i060 | Jonathan Marsh | Spec namespace splitting | all | design | ||
i061 | Francisco Curbera | Action without UsingAddressing | wsdl | design | ||
i062 | "Fault:" interacts with [delimiter] | wsdl | design | |||
i063 | Definition of the WSDL 2.0 binding needs to be in terms of the WSDL component model | wsdl | editorial | |||
i064 | Jonathan Marsh | Migration of @Action from WS-A 200408 to WS-A 1.0 | all | design | ||
i065 | Katy Warr | What to do when SOAPAction and Default Action Pattern conflict? | wsdl | design | ||
i066 | Jonathan Marsh | wsaw:UsingAddressing as a policy assertion | wsdl | design | ||
i067 | SOAP 1.2 support for Async | wsdl | design | |||
i068 | One-Way SOAP 1.1 Binding for HTTP | wsdl | design | |||
i069 | Katy Warr | Complications due to wsaw:UsingAddressing and wsaw:Anonymous on endpoint | wsdl | design | ||
i070 | Katy Warr | Allow for runtime override of WSDL address when generating [destination] MAP | wsdl | design |
i001 | EPRs as Identifiers | core - design - closed |
i002 | WS-Policy dependence | core - design - closed |
i003 | WSDL MEPs | wsdl - design - closed |
i004 | Security Model | core - design - closed |
i005 | SOAP and WSDL references | core - design - closed |
i006 | Message Property Optionality | soap - design - closed |
i007 | Processing model of headers | soap - design - closed |
i008 | RefProps/RefParams as individual SOAP headers | soap - design - closed |
i009 | Cardinality of properties and their values | core - design - dropped |
i010 | EPR Robustness | core - design - dropped |
i011 | EPRs in To | core - design - dropped |
i012 | EPR Life Cycle | core - design - closed |
i013 | Serialising metadata into messages | soap - design - dropped |
i014 | Metadata Update/Reconciliation | core - design - closed |
i015 | Redirection | core - design - dropped |
i016 | Distinguishing RefProperty headers | soap - design - dropped |
i017 | Purpose of the Action property | core - design - closed |
i018 | Protocol-specific markup in ReferencePs | core - design - dropped |
i019 | WSDL Version Neutrality | core - design - closed |
i020 | Addressing and WSDL | core - design - closed |
i021 | WSDL Extension for Addressing | wsdl - design - closed |
i022 | Relationship to the SOAP binding framework | soap - design - closed |
i023 | Required properties in EPRs | core - design - closed |
i024 | Self-Contained vs. referencing EPRs | core - design - closed |
i025 | When Actions Collide | core - design - dropped |
i026 | Supporting Multiple Ports in EPRs | core - design - closed |
i027 | Pointing to WSDL location in EPRs | core - design - dropped |
i028 | Implications of the presence of ReplyTo | core - design - dropped |
i029 | Disallowing Faults | core - design - closed |
i030 | Requiring ReplyTo in Responses | core - design - dropped |
i031 | Making wsa:Action Optional | core - design - closed |
i032 | Use W3C XML Schema to describe the syntax | all - editorial - closed |
i033 | Reference to WSDL definition in an EPR | core - design - closed |
i034 | Action Defaults | wsdl - design - closed |
i035 | Fixed action URI for faults | wsdl - design - closed |
i036 | WS-Addressing MIME Media Type | core - design - closed |
i037 | Replace QNames with anyURI | all - design - closed |
i038 | Scope of message addressing properties | core - design - closed |
i039 | Spec name versioning | all - editorial - closed |
i040 | Processing Model for our SOAP Faults | soap - design - closed |
i041 | Use Cases for Testing | test - design - dropped |
i042 | Extensibility Model | core - design - closed |
i043 | Comparing RefPs | core - design - dropped |
i044 | Definition of the Rules to Reply to a Message | core - design - closed |
i045 | Action defaults don't work with URNs | wsdl - design - closed |
i046 | Comparison of URIs used as identifiers | core - design - closed |
i047 | Absolute vs. Relative URIs | soap - design - closed |
i048 | EPR Comparison | core - design - closed |
i049 | 'default default' action URI for fault messages | wsdl - design - dropped |
i050 | Misalignment of treatment of reply messages and fault messages | core - design - closed |
i051 | Binding of Message Addressing Properties in the SOAP underlying protocol | soap - design - closed |
i052 | What is a logical address? | core - design - closed |
i053 | Schema Tweaks | schema - design - closed |
i054 | Extending MAPs to add new endpoint types | core - design - closed |
i055 | Namespace URI content | all - editorial - closed |
i056 | Determining the value of the [destination] property from WSDL | wsdl - design - closed |
i057 | Determining the value of the [reference parameters] property from WSDL | wsdl - design - closed |
i058 | Defining MAPs in WSDL service descriptions | wsdl - design - closed |
i059 | Support for asynchronous / multi-MEP usage of web services | wsdl - design - closed |
i060 | Spec namespace splitting | all - design - closed |
i061 | Action without UsingAddressing | wsdl - design - closed |
i062 | "Fault:" interacts with [delimiter] | wsdl - design - closed |
i063 | Definition of the WSDL 2.0 binding needs to be in terms of the WSDL component model | wsdl - editorial - closed |
i064 | Migration of @Action from WS-A 200408 to WS-A 1.0 | all - design - closed |
i065 | What to do when SOAPAction and Default Action Pattern conflict? | wsdl - design - closed |
i066 | wsaw:UsingAddressing as a policy assertion | wsdl - design - closed |
i067 | SOAP 1.2 support for Async | wsdl - design - closed |
i068 | One-Way SOAP 1.1 Binding for HTTP | wsdl - design - closed |
i069 | Complications due to wsaw:UsingAddressing and wsaw:Anonymous on endpoint | wsdl - design - closed |
i070 | Allow for runtime override of WSDL address when generating [destination] MAP | wsdl - design - closed |