Working Group home page · Meeting records
See agenda posted by the Chair.
- F2F planning update remote telcon facilities will be provided, need to register regrets, 20 rooms at Sheraton in Milpitas (1 mile from cisco) reserved by Cisco - call Sheraton after 7pm and mention cisco rate $135 until 3/29 - sandeep will post details - shuttles to cisco available - joint dinner/lunch with wsd in planning - agenda out before next week's call
- WS-CG report meeting this week - xml cg laision, daml laision - possible next f2f in paris (wsd being hosted by canon), visa, nortel offers to host
- Editing team report
Provide pre-f2f draft of req doc - snapshot before next week's call (i.e., 2 updates before f2f)
tutorials, pres of technologies, biz coordination, security, lots of diff things, ontologies
omg focus on uml mappings to w/s
talked to global grid forum - try to get invited expert
talked to oasis, daml-s
Hugo will provide the WG with a report on the OMG ... conference
he attended last week.
As per our charter[4] have invited an expert from the DAML Services
initiative[5] to join our WG. She will serve as liaison with that activity.
Some great email discussion has followed last week's con-call.
Many thanks to the goal champion's for focusing the discussion.
We'll spend a couple minutes on each with the respective champion
presenting a summary of their summary email. We can hopefully
come to consensus on the intent of each at least. Summary emails
are cited for each. I'll determine the order that they'll
be addressed so as to focus on getting as many completed as
DAG0001a Daniel Austin [6]
DAG0002 Daniel Austin [7]
DAG0003 Nilo Mitra [8] (regrets)
DAG0004 Abbie Barbir [9]
Raised questions on web components - are they well defined?
Relationship w/ #11
Don't know how to measure - need def. For web components
Abbie will send alt. wording
DAG0005 Mike Champion [10]
Simplicity - not much disc
Comment: point of simplicity is interoperability, use io as measure of simp - but how to do that?
Sent out alt wording
Henrik - simplicy reqs impossible to evaluate (xmlp), suggest think about kind of things to bring simp into design: modularity, composition
Roger - keep small description, break out with numbered subparts rather than roll up into larger description
Chris - need to clarify which goals apply to which actors
Suresh - use simpliest language, no circular references
mike - minimalism (smallest possible number of components) - burden of proof on those wanting more
tomc - original goal at proper level of abstraction, numbered items are 1st level csf
chris - make sure arch is simple, not w/s Suresh - uncomfortable leaving goal as-is - merging arch and subject
Chris will propose alt.
DAG0006 Joe Hui [11]
Comment - Goal is too broad
Replacement suggested, doesn't really narrow goal
Original wording stands
Suresh - "addresses" ambiguous, suggest "supports"; propose "heterogeneous" environments rather than "distributed"; can't secure everything in w/s environment
No one opposed to current language
"Addresses" is superset of "supports"
no one feels necessary overlap w/ #11
goal stands
DAG0007 Suresh Damodaran [12]
Statement refs. To arch, not w/s
Split into three parts: reliable, stable, predictable
not much feedback
roger - don't understand goal, need to see CSFs
csfs are at
sandeep - behavior should persist over time?
Need to noodle more
DAG0008 Tim Jones [13]
DAG0009 Mark Baker [14]
DAG0010 Dave Orchard [15] (regrets)
DAG0011 Mike Mahan [16]
DAG0013 Hugo Haas [17]
DAG0014 Doug Bunting [18]
DAG0015 Dave Orchard [19] (regrets)
DAG0016 Yin-Ling Husband [20]
DAG0001 and DAG0012 don't seem to have been kicked off so will
be deferred.
Chris - Missing goals - champions solicited
Roger to propose goal 17 for transactions/reliable msging
Hao - Management/monitoring (18)
Joe - someone should champion privacy
See also the list of pending action items.