WSAWG Telcon Minutes 2002-06-20
- [chrisf]
- agenda+ Roll call, scribes for minutes/action items (15.30 + 5)
- agenda+ Agenda review, and AOB (15.35 + 5)
- agenda+ No minutes to approve (15.40 + 0)
- agenda+ Review action items [none] (15.40 + 0)
- agenda+ Status (15.40 + 10)
- agenda+ Review of progress made at F2F (15.50 + 10)
- agenda+ Review RTF proposals for Requirements doc changes related to
Team goal (16.00 + 15)
- agenda+ Review RTF D-AC018 [5] (16.15 + 15)
- agenda+ Proposal for D-AC005.5 - 8 (16.30 + 5)
- agenda+ Next steps and task assignments (16.35 + 20)
- agenda+ Wrap-up (16.55 + 5)
- [frankmcca]
- chris: I'd like to schedule some time to discuss my various goals that
I posted.
- [chrisf]
- okay, we'll see if there's time, otherwise next week I'll add it to
the agenda
- k?
- [frankmcca]
- that's ok
- [Mark_J]
- chris, when will the f2f minutes be available? I a bit lost in some
email threads without them.
- [chrisf]
- hugo and I were cleaning them up this morning. they should be posted
- zakim, this is arch
- [Zakim]
- ok, chrisf
- [JimD]
- Jim Davenport here from MITRE
- I cannot seem to dial in right now
- [chrisf]
- agenda?
- [hugo]
- Zakim, what is the agenda?
- [Zakim]
- I see 11 items remaining on the agenda:
- 1. Roll call, scribes for minutes/action items (15.30 + 5) [from chrisf]
- 2. Agenda review, and AOB (15.35 + 5) [from chrisf]
- 3. No minutes to approve (15.40 + 0) [from chrisf]
- 4. Review action items [none] (15.40 + 0) [from chrisf]
- 5. Status (15.40 + 10) [from chrisf]
- 6. Review of progress made at F2F (15.50 + 10) [from chrisf]
- 7. Review RTF proposals for Requirements doc changes related to Team
goal (16.00 + 15) [from chrisf]
- 8. Review RTF D-AC018 [5] (16.15 + 15) [from chrisf]
- 9. Proposal for D-AC005.5 - 8 (16.30 + 5) [from chrisf]
- 10. Next steps and task assignments (16.35 + 20) [from chrisf]
- 11. Wrap-up (16.55 + 5) [from chrisf]
- [Kreger]
- well thanks Dave! I need more gold stars!
- dave... how do you make it put the msg out with an * like that?
- [hugo]
- -----
- [Daniel]
- Daniel = scribe
- [hugo]
- 1. Roll call, scribes for minutes/action items (15.30 + 5)
- -----
- [Daniel]
- Chris goes over agenda
- item 3 minutes
- [hugo]
- F2F minutes to review:
- [Daniel]
- Hugo working on minutes, will post URL on IRC, will be approved next
week in call
- [frankmcca]
- Aims & Objectives URL:
- [Daniel]
- item 4 - no outstanding AIs
- item 5 status: editors call report:
- few attendees, working on usage scenarios document
- terminology: use thingies suggested
- Chris asks Hugo about posting of use cases
- Hugo: modified travel use case, integrated with Roger's EDS use case
- will post to list, link from homepage
- David O will review
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Hugo to publish his updated version of the use thingy doc
- [Daniel]
- RTF report: team lead reports, working on 7, 18, 19
- will send reworked #7 to list for review
- nest week will work on #18, 19
- nest - next
- CHris: will cover later in agenda also
- agenda item 7
- actually, item #6, review of f2f results
- Chris: meeting was partially successful, lot of progress, could be
- many proposals were resolved
- CHris has made the changes to the reqs doc, will post today
- David O presented basic Arch Document, much discussion at f2f
- more work needed
- Chris will propose additional task forces to work on parts of this
- esp. architectural aspects of existing specs need to be harvested
- binding, MEP, cross-functional requirements added to list
- Katia: cross reference must be consistent
- CHris: glossary presentation by Allen Brown
- discussion of glossary organization
- Allen will continue to work on this
- Chris: Use cases were also reviewed, both travel and EDI use thingies
were reviewed
- security aspects were discussed in detail
- confidentiality, data integrity, authentication
- this discussion ended when we reached the limits of the current architectural
- decision was made to split efforts to flesh parts out, parallel efforts
to maximize resources and speed process
- agenda item 7: review of RTF proposal addressing DAG002
- should some of these be moved to team goals?
- refactoring options discussion
- CHris: hopefully everyone has looked at this
- Suresh leads conversation
- the first proposal is to move DAG007 over to team goals
- let's talk about this first, then the rest
- DAG007 says the ref architecture must be reliable and stable over time
- Daniel sez: where do you want to move it?
- Chris: asks group how to proceed with this proposal: serially or as
a whole?
- Suresh starts with 7.1 - relaible
- 7.2 stable over time
- 7.1.1 precise definition of architecture, no opaque jargon
- Frank M. asks if we use plain English or UML or what?
- Suresh sez the doc doesn't say, intentionally ambigous
- Frank M: do we think it should be in English?
- Suresh: thinks it should be ambigous
- Daniel agrees, even while typing
- Chris notes we shoud try not obfuscate the text too much
- make sure we define terms as much as possible
- 7.2 - stability and evolution
- 7.2.1 - stable conceptual model
- 7.2.2 WSA defined by well-defined policy
- 7.2.3 new versions of WSA should be backwards compatible
- 7.2.4 changes are well-defined
- [dbooth]
- Daniel: I was worried about 7.2.3. I've worked on a lot of software
projects that required it, and I've worried about it.
- Zulah: We had this discussion and the "should" came up.
- [Kreger]
- unarbitrarily???
- [Daniel]
- LOL that is not a word
- Dave thanks, I am back as scribe
- [dbooth]
- ok
- [Daniel]
- much gracias
- Suresh, Katia argue over compatibility
- [DaveO]
- zakim, who's here?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Mark_A_Jones, GlenD, ??P7, +1.408.732.aaaa, Tim_Jones,
??P10, ??P9, +1.972.459.aabb, Joseph_Hui, Igor_Sedukhin, Chris_Ferris, Hugo,
??P17, +1.919.488.aacc,
- ... DavidB, MikeM, ??P20, Prasad_Yendluri, ??P25, PaulD, +1.415.229.aadd,
??P1, DOrchard, +1.412.268.aaee, ??P3, Henrik?, ??P28, ??P29, ??P30, ScottV?,
- On IRC I see DaveO, jeffm, AllenBr, Kreger, JimD, MartinC, MikeM, Daniel,
igors, TC, TimJones, joe, Zakim, RRSAgent, chrisf, frankmcca, MarkB, Mark_J,
Henrik, dbooth, hugo
- [Daniel]
- Daniel will accept 7.2.3 so long as it says "should"
- [DaveO]
- zakim, mute me
- [Zakim]
- sorry, DaveO, I do not see a party named 'DaveO'
- [DaveO]
- zakim, mute dorchard
- [Zakim]
- DOrchard should now be muted
- [Kreger]
- I can buy that
- [Daniel]
- paul Denning sez: is superflous
- SUresh: that one applies specifically to changes, not the same as 7.2.1
- Suresh: does the group agree?
- No complaints from the ppl
- Mike M. sez: 7.2.1 may be superflous also
- [chrisf]
- resolved: remove: , and the
- changed Web Service Architecture is reliable
- [Daniel]
- Suresh: I adont agree
- [chrisf]
- from d-ac007.2.3.1
- [Daniel]
- Katia: makes point about
- Chris clarifies
- they could be merged but its worth preserving the distinction
- CHris: other comments?
- Joe Hui: at a higher level, "evolvable over time"?
- Joe: should we add this?
- Suresh: stable changes lead to evolution, not really needed
- Suresh says it was removed because it is mentioned elsewhere
- Joe argues that his point is different
- wants to add evolvable to 7.2.2
- CHris: let's get closure w/o adding things
- Please send your change requests to the list
- Can we be confortable with the existing text? what do we think?
- Frank M asks about 7.2.2
- Frank: does it refere to the arch or the documents or the components
or what?
- SUresh: all of the above
- Suresh: do we agree?
- Dbooth suggests we should clarify the text
- Frank supports idea, but it needs further elaboration, describes as
- [joe]
- Joe'd like to see the notion of an "evolutionary roadmap" reflected
in 7.2.2.
- [Daniel]
- Frank: versioning is a difficult task fraught with error and controversy
- Chris clrifies the versioning
- Frank: how does versioning work? incrementing?
- Frank we need a versioning policy
- Chris: agrees we need to spend more time on this
- [dbooth]
- Daniel: What i intended was the arch must be reliable, stable, but
there is a path for it to grow. I did not mean easily understood.
- Katya: But now we're talking about it pertaining to the document, so
"reliable" is a confusing term.
- [Daniel]
- Daniel talks about intent of goal 7, meaning of relaible is "predictable
- Thx Dave!
- [DaveO]
- zakim, unmute dorchard
- [Zakim]
- DOrchard should no longer be muted
- [Daniel]
- Suresh: agrees with reliable term
- Katia: confusing reliable with well-defined
- Katia sez well-defined is different and should be included, thinks
text is confusing
- David O suggests that this go to the mailing list
- Chris: hmmm maybe we can get closure on at least some things, ie the
intent rather than text
- Chris: objections?
- no objections
- editors take action item to fix DAG007 as per group agreement
- now on DAC008.6
- Ooops
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC007 with modifications
agreed on the call
- [dbooth]
- Daniel: 007 was originally intended to refer to the arch, not the team.
- [Daniel]
- Katia: doesn't agree
- on to 8.6 - use of components must be consistent w/in architecture
- Katia: suggests it might be moved
- Daniel notes that this applies to both the arch and doc, and that this
was intentional on the part of the editors
- Katia suggests rewording:
- [chrisf]
- The definition and use of the components is consistent
- within the Web Service Architecture
- and the architecture document itself
- [Daniel]
- CHris: hears no objection, so moved
- moving on 12.7
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC008.6
- [Daniel]
- 12.7 sez architecture must be validated against use thingies
- does the group agree?
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC012.7
- [Daniel]
- Chris: this si approved
- ag 5.3 - unique components
- Chris goes over items 5.x, asks for comments
- Chris: objections?
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC005.3
- [Daniel]
- CHris hears no objections, editors will do it
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Editors to mark D-AC005.3 as approved AC005.3
- [Daniel]
- CHris: skipping agenda item 8, RTF needs more time to cogitate on this
- CHris: tortures group with high pitched noise as he changes telephones
- Chris: on to agenda item 9
- rrevision for DAC 5.5-8
- Frank M: what about mgmt? this is a black mgmt out of scope?
- Chris: discuss on the list
- Frank have we discussed this before?
- CHris: not on the call
- CHris ( on item 9) 5.5-8 revision suggested by Srinivas, text is recast
- Chris reads proposed text
- Mark B. sez: there was something on the list about this
- mark: actually that was 5.6 sorry
- Chris: do we adopt the revisions?
- [DaveO]
- zakim, mute dorchard
- [Daniel]
- CHris: no objections, editors are tasked with fixing it
- [Zakim]
- DOrchard should now be muted
- [Daniel]
- Chris: on to agenda item #10
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Editors to change and mark as accepted: D-AC005.[56]
- [DaveO]
- sigh..
- [Daniel]
- Chris recaps what happened at the f2f on this issue
- [DaveO]
- zakim, unmute dorchard
- [Zakim]
- DOrchard should no longer be muted
- [Daniel]
- CHris: I had hoped to draft what might constitute scope of security
WG proposal
- Chris: we worked on this but did not achieve closure, based on Joe
Hui's "onion" proposal
- (see f2f notes)
- Chris: suggestion that we might focus on end to end security also,
possibly at the message level
- CHris: requires digital signing of SOAP msgs, credentialing
- Chris: when we got to the point of setting pen to paper, we broke out
into broader discussion
- Chris: of need for more clear arch def before security WG can be proposed
- CHris: futher discussion was about arch model for WS...suggestion was
that we would
- Chris: harvest assumptions and ideas from existing WS specs
- and then set up a subteam to do the harvesting
- members should be familiar with WSDL and/or SOAP
- David O: is that an or or or both
- Chris: and/or
- CHris: need a small group
- Chris: also a 2nd subgoup working on security use thingies
- Chris: based on dissecting Hugo's travel use thingy
- Chris: talks about short time frame 3-4 weeks
- CHris: calls for volunteers, 3-4 ppl per group to progress in short
- Mark Baker: under the impression that harvesting would look at running
code as source for arch principles
- Mark B: better approach that harvesting other specs
- Mark: what do you think?
- CHris: you mean the web?
- Mark: better source than specs, which are very general
- Katia: what is the point?
- Katia: harvest from *what* running code?
- David O: Mark may be suggesting looking at a wide range of code
- Mark: experience shows that running code is best soruce
- Paul D: are you thinking about deployment descriptors etc?
- Mark: not sure about that...more about interactions between existing
components as model for architecture
- David O: one of the reasons for harvesting was from Glen D., instead
of proposing conceptual model,
- we should start from the group up with components exchanging infosets
- and then talk about how this might be extended with more features,
- WSDL proviedes an abstract model of these intractions might take place
- David O likes this idea
- iteratively adding more refinements
- opposes Daniel's top-down suggestion at previous f2f
- Katia: doesn't object to Dave's proposal, but notes that this leads
to feature creep in the description
- David O: WSDL supports 4 types of that what you mean?
- Katia: there are other things too
- David interrupts: the point is that the reality of these specs have
lots of architecture in them
- David: we should gather all of that up and then work on it
- Chris: this is useful for consistency
- David: what? we need consistency? Ha!
- Chris: that would be nice...
- CHris: one can think of features that should be defined unambigously
and consistently
- CHris: and we need to take these things into accoutn when we work on
the arch
- Chris: we can consider alternate sources of desription, but we have
to deal with what is already done
- regardless of the impact
- mark doesn't agree
- Daniel doesn't agree with Dave, agrees with Mark
- David O: makes distinction about harvesting, helps to identify gaps
- mark: notes basic assumption that we all know about SOAP and WSDL
- David O: ppl were unconfy with features of SOAP and WSDL
- [jeffm]
- Regrets - I need to drop off, see y'all next week
- [Daniel]
- David O: points out that most of the arch is already done, we just
need to harvest
- Suresh: likes David's approach
- has one question: is the part from the other specs normative?
- Chris: normative?
- Daniel: this means we are stuck with SOAP and WSDL
- Scribe: correction: David O said "normative" not CHris F.
- Katia: aska about meaning of normative
- David O: SOAP must be extended to be used, so extensibility is key
- Suresh: which version of SOAP 1.1?
- Chris: SOAP 1.2
- Chris: normative defn is diff in this group than normal W3C
- David O: can you pass on the reference to SOAP attachments?
- Suresh: question about infosets
- Chris: we can discuss that later
- Chris: wrapping up, asks for volunteers for these two subgroups
- Chris: note short timelines
- Chris: work will start asap
- CHris: sez that previous volunteers fro the f3f should volunteer again
- Joe Hui: wonders if CHris would state scope of volunteer work
- Chris: after the useage thingies work is done yes
- Joe: what is the overall scope?
- CHris: will send in an email
- [MarkB]
- i have to leave too. later all.
- [Daniel]
- bye for now, I have another meeting
- [dbooth]
- FrankMcC: I sent out some additional goals/requirements.
- ... I'd like to find a way to get the process in place to address them.
- [chrisf]
- [15:45] <Daniel> item 4 - no outstanding AIs
- [dbooth]
- ... The background for this is that they come from our experience in
doing agents.
- ... An agent is like a use case for people doing Web Services.
- ... And from doing Agent interop stds also.
- Katya: And also they represent how WEb Services may evolve in the future.
- ... Rather than just one-shot "get the stock quote" examples.
- ... In reality you have multi-party interactions and more complicated
- FrankMcC: If WS are going to be deployed by businesses, they need to
address std business needs.
- ... These goals are enable techynologies to meet those needs.
- Katya: Yes.
- FrankMcC: I'd like to put a process into place for addressing these.
- Chris: That is part of our process.
- [MikeM]
- i must leave.
- [dbooth]
- Chris: Just keep championing them on the list and try to bring them
toward consensus or capture the sense of what people think.
- Chris: No teleconference call on July 4th.
- Chris: Re: Usage Scenarios, DaveH is not on the call, and my phone
battery is dying, so could someone volunteer to chair the call?
- MarkH: I'll hang out for the call.
- (A few others also said they would)
- zakim, please propose a chair
- [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'please propose a chair', dbooth. Try /msg Zakim
- [dbooth]
- Hao: I'll chair.
- [Meeting adjourned]
- rrsagent, where am i?
- [RRSAgent]
- See
Action Items
- ACTION: Hugo to publish his updated version of the use thingy
doc [1]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC007 with modifications
agreed on the call [2]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC008.6 [3]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC012.7 [4]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Editors to include new version of D-AC005.3 [5]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Editors to mark D-AC005.3 as approved AC005.3 [6]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Editors to change and mark as accepted: D-AC005.[56]
- recorded in
- [Zakim]
- WS_ArchWG()3:30PM has ended
Chair had system crash and lost roll info