IRC log of ws-arch on 2002-08-29

Timestamps are in UTC.


AT&T: Mark Jones

AT&T: Steve Monetti (alt)

AT&T: Ayse Dilber

BEA Systems: David Orchard

ChevronTexaco: Roger Cutler

Contivo: Dave Hollander

France Telecom: Shishir Garg

Fujitsu: Frank McCabe

IBM: Chris Ferris

IBM: Heather Kreger

Idokorro Mobile: Mark Baker

IONA: Eric Newcomer

Oracle Corporation: Martin Chapman

Progress: Colleen Evans

SAP: Sinisa Zimek

Software AG: Michael Champion

Sun Microsystems, Inc: .Doug Bunting

The Thomson Corporation: Hao He

W3C: Hugo Haas

W3C: David Booth


19:38:44 [Zakim]
19:40:40 [dbooth]
Scribe: Frank
19:41:02 [dbooth]
Chairs: Mike Champion & Dave Hollander
19:41:07 [frankmcca]
zakim, I am frank
19:41:09 [Zakim]
ok, frankmcca, I now associate you with Frank
19:41:19 [frankmcca]
19:41:24 [frankmcca]
charter proposal
19:42:03 [frankmcca]
wsci submission is a starting point?
19:42:41 [frankmcca]
f2f agenda
19:43:27 [Kreger]
Chris will try to join later
19:43:37 [Zakim]
19:44:27 [frankmcca]
ws desc group overlap for f2f
19:45:03 [frankmcca]
minimal overlap with web services wg expected
19:45:50 [Zakim]
19:45:58 [Zakim]
19:46:02 [Zakim]
19:46:11 [frankmcca]
requirements discussion to a close, to get closure on requirements document
19:46:36 [Zakim]
19:48:00 [frankmcca]
f2f: choreography wg, workshop
19:48:18 [frankmcca]
reading list
19:49:20 [MarkB]
MarkB has joined #ws-arch
19:49:46 [Zakim]
19:53:46 [Zakim]
+ +1.617.439.aacc
19:57:04 [frankmcca]
mark baker to talk about about REST?
19:57:39 [frankmcca]
We would like to give a presentation on business related aspects of web services
19:57:43 [frankmcca]
19:59:19 [DaveH]
Frank will be given time for a presentation prior to covering the requirements document
20:00:00 [DaveH]
Frank is encouraged to begin discussion on email list regarding requirments.
20:00:40 [DaveH]
Mark and DaveO will be given 1 hour for presentation at f2f
20:00:59 [frankmcca]
f2f agenda: requirements phase, architecture phase
20:01:31 [frankmcca]
usage scenario document progress
20:03:13 [frankmcca]
status of usage scenario doc - published at end of July working draft
20:03:47 [frankmcca]
hugo: some parts need more work. editorial comments.
20:04:18 [frankmcca]
security usage scenarios needed
20:04:53 [frankmcca]
status: does not represent consensue yet.
20:05:08 [frankmcca]
half day session on usage scenario
20:05:39 [frankmcca]
technical issues with doc: improve consistency
20:05:54 [frankmcca]
please contribute text
20:06:04 [chrisf]
chrisf has joined #ws-arch
20:06:36 [Zakim]
20:06:43 [chrisf]
20:07:20 [frankmcca]
glossary: definitions will need discussion. Alternate editor required?
20:07:34 [frankmcca]
glossary needs organization
20:07:55 [chrisf]
the important thing missing is attribution/biblio!!!!!
20:08:37 [chrisf]
zakim, agenda?
20:08:38 [Zakim]
I see nothing on the agenda
20:09:04 [frankmcca]
heather: management asepcts of WSA, sometime during 2nd/3rd day
20:09:38 [frankmcca]
f2f agenda summary:
20:10:09 [frankmcca]
requirements doc, presnetations by Mark Baker & Frank McCabe, architecture itself, management issues, usage document, glossary
20:10:51 [Zakim]
20:11:13 [frankmcca]
hugo: architecture doc. MEPs in intro, in SOAP section, in WSDL, how should they be related to each other
20:11:20 [Zakim]
20:11:45 [DaveH]
Yes, it is.
20:11:52 [chrisf]
what about RM?
20:12:13 [frankmcca]
roger: relaible messaging must be in the requirements document
20:12:37 [DaveH]
personally, I agree. RM is essential.
20:13:17 [frankmcca]
AC017 may be dropped, in which case we must put reliable messaging in specifically
20:14:48 [DaveH]
Action: chairs to add RM and Management as sub-topic of during the architecture document session
20:15:27 [DaveH]
Action: Roger to restrucutre AC017 to capture RM but drop other items
20:15:35 [dbooth]
Frank == Francis McCabe, Fujitsu
20:16:05 [frankmcca]
Am I that bad a scribe?
20:16:16 [frankmcca]
20:16:31 [DaveH]
NO! >)
20:16:43 [chrisf]
ACTION: chairs to add RM and Management as sub-topic of during the architecture document session
20:16:54 [chrisf]
ACTION: Roger to restrucutre AC017 to capture RM but drop other items
20:17:43 [frankmcca]
The WSDL harverseting efforts not reflected in the WSA document currently and the processing model is not yet clear in the document
20:17:44 [chrisf]
ACTION: Hao to republish WSDL harvesting message URIs
20:18:58 [Zakim]
20:19:53 [frankmcca]
text for wsa doc welcome. preferably drop in text :-)
20:20:15 [chrisf]
people sending emails recommending text for specs should copy [email protected] so we can track these better
20:20:57 [frankmcca]
ACTION: daveH to provide top down text
20:21:40 [frankmcca]
charter for choreography wg has been published privately
20:22:39 [frankmcca]
CG charter topic next tuesday (choreography WG charter)
20:23:47 [frankmcca]
scoping statement for choreography WG.
20:23:53 [Zakim]
20:24:36 [frankmcca]
discuss charter formally next week. Will have been discussed by CG. f2f can react to scoping section and overall document.
20:25:03 [frankmcca]
must be done by f2f.
20:25:29 [frankmcca]
eric: Iona will have specific comments to charter.
20:26:07 [frankmcca]
current charter is open, additional constraints will be considered
20:26:20 [frankmcca]
ACTION: all comments to proposed charter asap
20:27:36 [frankmcca]
mark baker feels its not needed, but will not object to chartering group.
20:32:03 [mnot]
20:32:07 [mnot]
20:33:28 [chrisf]
ack mnot
20:33:31 [frankmcca]
ACTION: workshop discussion on choreography in f2f agenda
20:35:08 [mnot]
20:35:08 [frankmcca]
relationship between the CWG (Choreography WG) and WSA WG; substantive issue of how to run the workshop, and the relationship between choreography and WSA itself
20:36:06 [frankmcca]
8 weeks needed to establishing CWG from f2f
20:36:11 [DaveH]
20:36:15 [DaveH]
20:36:24 [mchampion]
ack mnot
20:37:05 [frankmcca]
mnot: potentially destructive to hold a workshop to decide whether to have a CWG or not
20:37:17 [frankmcca]
It may not be a workshop from W3C process POV
20:37:18 [DaveH]
20:37:43 [dbooth]
Frank, what you're describing sure sounds like a workshop!
20:38:16 [frankmcca]
Ahh, its all in the legal technicalities
20:38:23 [chrisf]
we discussed w/s to be held concurrent with chartering process and not serially
20:38:31 [chrisf]
on last week's call
20:38:53 [dbooth]
20:39:00 [frankmcca]
workshop targetted to bootstrapping the CWG as effectively as possible
20:39:26 [frankmcca]
What are the dangers of halding a workshop?
20:39:47 [DaveH]
ack daveh
20:39:49 [Zakim]
- +1.617.439.aacc
20:40:21 [frankmcca]
dangers: from W3C has a specific function.
20:40:35 [frankmcca]
dangers: from W3C a workshop has a specific function.
20:41:17 [frankmcca]
seems to be consensus that CWG is a good thing. The proposed charter a good starting point
20:41:56 [frankmcca]
ACTION: all anyone willing to edit glossary, please contact editors.
20:42:01 [frankmcca]
dbooth volunteers
20:42:41 [frankmcca]
WSCI submission
20:43:16 [frankmcca]
W3C has directed the WSCI submission to WSAWG for consideration
20:43:45 [frankmcca]
WSCI desrerves some discussion
20:43:52 [frankmcca]
in this WG
20:44:07 [frankmcca]
Is this a template for the CWG?
20:44:32 [frankmcca]
What CSFs does WSCI fullfill?
20:44:42 [dbooth]
Incidentally, the lead time requirements for a F2F meeting are the same as for a Workshop: (both 8 weeks)
20:45:16 [frankmcca]
WSCI is explicit input to proposed CWG, what are we trying to decide in this group now?
20:45:30 [DaveH]
20:45:54 [frankmcca]
Submission was made to WSA WG
20:46:20 [dbooth]
Dave, in what page did you find the broken link?
20:46:36 [DaveH]
20:46:59 [frankmcca]
We should make some progress in understanding relationship between choreography and rest of WSA. Decisions not being here, education is the topic at hand
20:47:04 [dougb] link on same page is also broken (forbidden)
20:47:17 [frankmcca]
20:47:23 [dbooth]
queue =
20:47:43 [dbooth]
Frank, you've confused zakim!
20:47:48 [dbooth]
20:48:39 [DaveH]
20:48:42 [frankmcca]
WSCI exists to replace hypertext as business interaction
20:48:42 [DaveH]
20:48:47 [DaveH]
20:48:57 [frankmcca]
zakim, q-
20:48:58 [Zakim]
I see We, Should, Make, Some, Progress, In, Understanding, Relationship, Between, Choreography, Rest, Of, WSA., Decisions, Not, Being, Here, Education, Is, The, Topic, At on the
20:49:00 [Zakim]
... speaker queue
20:49:20 [dbooth]
20:49:24 [dbooth]
20:49:27 [dbooth]
20:49:30 [frankmcca]
you don't follow links, you invoke methods
20:49:58 [DaveH]
frank, please note that it is one members position:
20:50:14 [frankmcca]
20:50:19 [frankmcca]
20:50:26 [frankmcca]
20:50:50 [frankmcca]
Humans can deal with hypertext, programs can't
20:50:51 [DaveH]
another view: point is to write code that can konw what it will be doing apriori
20:51:24 [frankmcca]
we should prejudice choreography from other inputs
20:51:34 [frankmcca]
we should NOT prejudice choreography from other inputs
20:51:47 [dougb]
20:52:04 [dougb]
ack dougb
20:52:57 [mnot]
20:53:02 [frankmcca]
is anything wrong with our response to WSCI "we have recommended chartering a CWG, and thanks"
20:53:27 [frankmcca]
More is needed to reflect a proper respective to the work involved
20:55:59 [frankmcca]
BEA, Sun, Oracle(?) feels that a response along above lines is fine
20:56:24 [frankmcca]
We shhould harvest WSCI for WSA
20:57:00 [frankmcca]
There is a use case in the WSCI doc, we should grab it?
20:57:15 [frankmcca]
ACTION: all, read the WSCI doc.
20:57:29 [dbooth]
20:57:34 [frankmcca]
Discuss at the next telecon
20:57:53 [dougb]
sorry, bye now
20:57:59 [Zakim]
20:58:09 [DaveH]
next week, same bat time, real bat channel
20:58:24 [Zakim]
20:59:09 [DaveH]
ACTION: chairs to add wsci doc to f2f reading list
20:59:47 [frankmcca]
registration deadline is sept 1st
21:00:06 [frankmcca]
teleconference bridge - one request so far
21:00:18 [DaveH]
those who register late, are at the discression of the host and are not likely to have food service
21:00:44 [DaveH]
ACTION: daveB will secure 5 dial in lines
21:01:15 [DaveH]
21:01:18 [Zakim]
21:01:19 [frankmcca]
see you next week in full official mode
21:01:23 [Zakim]
21:01:25 [Zakim]
21:01:26 [Zakim]
21:01:27 [Zakim]
21:01:29 [Zakim]
21:01:31 [Zakim]
21:01:32 [Zakim]
21:01:47 [frankmcca]
I will email this out shortly
21:01:52 [Zakim]
21:01:54 [Zakim]
- +1.650.875.aabb
21:01:55 [Zakim]
21:01:56 [Zakim]
21:01:57 [Zakim]
21:01:58 [Zakim]
21:01:59 [Zakim]
WS_ArchWG()3:30PM has ended
21:02:11 [chrisf]
zakim, please excuse us
21:02:12 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #ws-arch
21:02:22 [chrisf]
rrsagent, please excuse us
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
I see 10 open action items:
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chairs to add RM and Management as sub-topic of during the architecture document session [1]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Roger to restrucutre AC017 to capture RM but drop other items [2]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Hao to republish WSDL harvesting message URIs [3]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: daveH to provide top down text [4]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: all comments to proposed charter asap [5]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: workshop discussion on choreography in f2f agenda [6]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: all anyone willing to edit glossary, please contact editors. [7]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: all, read the WSCI doc. [8]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: chairs to add wsci doc to f2f reading list [9]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: daveB will secure 5 dial in lines [10]
21:02:22 [RRSAgent]
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