WS Arch Telcon Minutes
13 Mar 2003

See also: IRC log


Present: Abbie Barbir, Chris Ferris, Dave Orchard, Dave Hollander, David Booth, Doug Bunting, Don Mullen, Eric Newcomer, Frank McCabe, Gerald Edgar, Hugo Haas, Katia_Sycara, Mark Jones, Mike Champion, Mike Mahan, Paul Denning, Roger Cutler,Shishir, Garg, Ugo Corda, Zulah Eckert

Regrets: Colleen Evans, Geoff Arnold, Hao He, Hugo Haas, Igor Sedukhin, Martin Chapman, Mike Brumbelow, Scott Vortmann, Srinivas Padrangi, Yin Leng Husband

Chair: Mike Champion

Scribe: Eric Newcomer


<ericn> Will be a telcon next week, either Dave H. or Dave B. will chair
... Review of minutes
... Review of action items

<ericn> ACTION: Chris to summarize WS-Policy spec for the list
... ACTION: Ugo to summarize the WS-Policy meeting
... This also closes the action item from the F2F
... Action item still open for chairs to discuss WSD and WSA relationship at coordination meeting
... Actions still pending for editors to align with new WSD terminology
... Action still pending for Eric to close Issue 21
... ACTION: Editors to check Mark J's text following Scottsdale F2F for inclusion
... ACTION: Tom to open issues based on Mike's draft response to an issue raised by Mark Baker
... Mike still to work with Eric an getting the visibility text into the document

<chrisf> [email protected]

<ericn> Hugo's action to create glossary mailing list is closed.

<Roger> [email protected]

<chrisf> ACTION: Editors will reconcile terminology used with WSDL [PENDING]
... ACTION: Eric will close issue 21 [PENDING]
... ACTION: Chairs to raise properties-features coordination between WSD and WSA on WSCG [PENDING]
... ACTION: MikeC will work with Eric to make sure that Dave O's visibility resolution text is in the document [PENDING]

<dbooth> Poll: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2003Mar/0074.html

<ericn> Please review David Booth's email from Tuesday (as posted to IRC) to the public list and follow the instructions for voting
... Mark J. says it looks likely XMLP will soon submit PR draft of SOAP 1.2 for decision to issue as a recommendation

<mitrepauld> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnwebsrv/html/infoset_whitepaper.asp

<ericn> Mark J. reports on the discussion around attachments at XMLP, including alternative proposals
... Mike: Architectural issue around how attachments might be described in WSDL
... Discussion about potential architectural issues with respect to proposed use of infoset in the binary "attachnemts" alternative
... Attachments spec not being bundled with SOAP 1.2, not going out at the same time
... DavidB mentions potential architectural issue with regard to WSD around MEPs
... Input/Output patterns do not capture the idea of relationship between the input and output the way that request/response does
... If WSDL adopts input/output but SOAP uses MEP the WSA may have to decide how to reconcile terminology and modeling at the port type level

<mitrepauld> see R2303 at http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/Basic/2003-01/BasicProfile-1.0-WGAD.html#WSDLPORTTYPES

<ericn> ACTION: Don Mullen to send pointer to task force mailing list to WSA (WSD task force)
... Need to explain how various versions of specs relate and can be understood in the context of WSA

<dbooth> Feedback form: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/100/TP2003/
... > Tech Plenary agenda: http://www.w3.org/2003/03/TechPlenAgenda.html

<ericn> Discussion at WSD has not yet gotten to the issue of reflecting RESTful messages
... Team members who attendet tech plenary asked to fill out feedback form (see Dave B post)

<dbooth> > The W3C team would like feedback on the Tech Plenary, and in
... particular,
... > would like to know whether members would find it helpful to hold Tech
... > Plenaries more often. Potential benefits: (1) Better cross-WG
... > communication; (2) possibly reduced travel expenses for people in
... multiple
... > WGs, since the WGs need to hold F2F meetings anyway, and a Tech
... Plenary
... > allows them to be consolidated.
... Straw poll: Should we have a Tech Plenary twice a year?
... In favor: ~10
... Opposed: 0
... There were also some questions about whether the "Wednesday part" would be valuable, but the aspect of co-locating WG meetings was favored by all who spoke.

<ericn> Discussion about 4 Webs presentation at plenary and noted about the benefits of raising some of the issues for further discussion
... Mike suggests that the editors review QA framework editing guidelines to ensure we're thinking about conformance, what's in and out of scope
... Discussion on how to progress the spec, divide up the work, convert to XML etc.

<dbooth> $ which ssh-keygen
... /usr/bin/ssh-keygen

Summary of Action Items

ACTION: Chairs to raise properties-features coordination between WSD and WSA on WSCG [PENDING]
ACTION: Chris to summarize WS-Policy spec for the list
ACTION: Don Mullen to send pointer to task force mailing list to WSA (WSD task force)
ACTION: Editors to check Mark J's text following Scottsdale F2F for inclusion
ACTION: Editors will reconcile terminology used with WSDL [PENDING]
ACTION: Eric will close issue 21 [PENDING]
ACTION: MikeC will work with Eric to make sure that Dave O's visibility resolution text is in the document [PENDING]
ACTION: Tom to open issues based on Mike's draft response to an issue raised by Mark Baker
ACTION: Ugo to summarize the WS-Policy meeting

David Booth
[email protected]
$Date: 2003/04/04 12:44:06 $