WSA Teleconference
24 Apr 2003

See also: IRC log


Present: Abbie Barbir, Assaf Arkin, Colleen Evans, Dave Hollander, Dave Orchard, Doug Bunting, Frank McCabe, Gerald Edgar, Hao He, Heather Kreger, Hugo Haas, Igor Sedukhin, Martin Chapman, Mark Jones, Mario Jeckle, Mike Mahan, Roger Cutler, Sinisa Zimek, Tom Carroll, Ugo Corda, YinLeng Husband

Regrets: Chris Ferris, David Booth, Geoff Arnold, Katia Sycara, Paul Denning,Sandeep Kumar, Shishir Garg

Chair: Mike Champion

Scribe: Igor


1. [15:35] Confirm scribe.  The current  list is at

Igor Sedukhin is the scribe

2. [15:37] Approve last week's minutes http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/arch/3/04/2003-04-17-ws-arch.htm

Minutes were approved.

Other administrative issues? Additional agenda items?

ACTION: chairs rise an issue to CG to track the F2F details

3. [15:40] Action Item Review


ACTION: Daniel to check Mark J's text following Scottsdale F2F re MEP
ACTION: Daniel, and the usual suspects will work on defining the relationship between messaging and description/choreog

Both still PENDING

ACTION: Editors will reconcile terminology used with WSDL
ACTION: Eric will close issue 21


ACTION: Hugo to send pointer to task force mailing list to WSA (WSD task


ACTION: Geoff and Eric to propose text about protocol independance by Thursday 24 April
ACTION: Chris to summarize WS-Policy spec for the list
ACTION: Geoff, Chris to report back to the group once agreement is reached on sync vs. async next week


NEW ACTION: All check the issues that they agreed to close
NEW ACTION: to the editors to crossrefernce that (remindier of the status)

Other updates:
Abbie has sent security section. Give another week to review.
ACTION: All to review security section text
mmahan sent some stuff privately to eric. will resend to the group, public list.
the text was related to privacy P3P
heather: MTF has agreed to post 3.2 as a note, no further work @ W3C
heather: can't commit to do the integration of the text in time
frank: what is the real deadline for publishing
hugo: 14th of may
<hugo> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2003AprJun/0015.html
<hugo> 17 May
frank: agrees to propose integration of MTF stuff
<hugo> which means that we have 1 extra week
<scribe> ACTION: Frank to work with Heather on integration

4. [16:00] General plan for moving forward

heather: hard to understand the doc
...discussion arround integration of David's diagrams...
heather: is there a better way to organize core concepts sesction, not just alphabetical list?
heather: where is the UML diagram?
martin: will look into redrawing it as UML
martin: timeframe?
<hugo> New Deadline for Publication requests: 15 May 2003
<hugo> this time, it's the real date
mchampion&hugo: can't be tweaking the UML @ the F2F
heather: formatting has to be improved
mchampion: propose something to improve it
<Roger> The short line format looks almost like some sort of poetry.
<Roger> Architectural Haiku?
<Heather> Heather has to leave early, talk to you next week
mchampion: the France F2F will have more formal votes in good standing to W3C guidelines
<hugo> http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process-20010719/process.html#good-standing
hugo&chairs will check what those gudelines are
mchampon: member participation will be looked at in compliance with those rules
mchampion: revise the requirements doc and make sure all reqs have owners
<hugo> [[
<hugo> January 2004
<hugo>     Working Group ends.
<hugo> ]]
roger: can't agree for this working grp to go forever
mchampion: agrees
mchampion: eliminate the reqs we can't address in time
doug: limit the number of reqs by the depth of description of the WSA and what it covers
mchampion: yes, doug is just being precise
roger: limiting scope by restricting what WSs are is wrong
frank: focus on things that must be there for sure and work on the text
daveH: solidify what has consensus, and prioritize things that don't have
  consensus and address that later
dougb: scribe, not sure how to capture this in minutes but my point was more that we have
  3 axes along which scope reduction is possible: requirements, what we describe (i.e. what
  is a web service) and depth of description (eg. focusing on "infrastructure)
mchampion: if you don't have time to spend with the editors, just take the topic
  of interest and own it
frank: read the output of the group.
daveH: make points related to the document
frank: order of the presentation: put the stakeholders view upfront?
frank: ... describes the current doc ...
mchampion: text on SOA + DaveO's text still needs to be worked in
frank: 1.7 WS technologies: belongs to stakeholder's view section. important for
  consolodated view on the various piece technologies
mchampion: what is being asked?
frank: someone take that section and own it...
mchampion: send an e-mail to ask for owner
frank: it is scattered, this section needs to be gathered and put together
mchampion: editors have to send an e-mail outlining where they need help
ACTION: Frank to send e-mail inviting for help on tech.consolidated view section
  and may start writing that section

5. [16:15 ] Stack Diagrams

Eric has proposed
based on a long conversation among the editors.  Can we live with this, or propose "friendly amendments" and move on? See http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/ws/arch/wsa/candidate_diagrams.htm

for a collection of all known previous suggestions that were considered in coming up with this one.

We also need someone to take responsibility for writing the text and editing the properties/constraints to link the diagram(s) with the rest of the document.

<mchampion> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2003Apr/0254.html
mchampion: can we put it in the doc
mario: can live with it. wants a straw poll
<mario> Suggestion to adopt the current version of Eric's propsed diagram as is (please
  type "y" to vote for adoption)
<Roger> y
<mchampion> y
<Mark_J> y
<mario> The diagram ist listed at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2003Apr/0254.html
<hugo> y
<mario> y
<ugo> y
<DaveO> n
<frankmccabe> y
<arkin> y
...discussion of what this diagram is for and if it is applicable and detailed properly...
<mmahan> y-
daveO: orthogonal concepts do not make sense on the stack diagram
daveO: 3 points: messages, descriptions, discovery and security flow though
  (implied?). wants more accurate representation of that
diagram 10 by daveO
arrows? what for?
daveO: relationships are arrows
roger: does not see stack diagrams making anything clearar in the WSA.
roger: daveB's diagrams, on the other hand made a lot of discussions clearer
mchampion: may be we're closer to consensus than we think we are
frank/roger: stack just puts the names of related classifications in one place
mark: agrees that it is more marketecture than and architecture
roger: suggests an outline instead of stack
mark: the point of the diagram is non-linear relationships
<TomCarroll> Then how about three related diagrams
<scribe> ...this grp needs to create the common marketecture stack diagram, instead of
  enumerating all stacks that all the members could produce for that
ACTION: mchampion to produce text that renders into --A-- stack diagram

6. [16:30 ] Fundamental scoping constraints on WSA

It's obviously not productive to discuss "what does 'web service' really mean".  The Chairs proposed a "Plan B" to refocus on the issue of the fundamental constraints on what is in-scope for the architecture that we're defining.  See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2003Apr/0203.html


mchampion: summarize URI discussion
daveO: URI of what exactly? no consensus arround that. WS enpoint has URI, service
  element in WSDl may have a URI in 1.2. An agent implementing WS may be identified. What
  has to be indentified to correspond to WS?
daveO: on the Web URI identifies a resource. What that resource is for a WS?
mchampion: all of those things are Web resources and have URIs
martin: not all of those are web resources
daveO: WSDL says a WS is a collection of endpoints. The thing behind the endpoints
  is a WS implicitly.
daveO: reiterates his discussion with WSDL group about naming of those things
daveO: all we can do it interact with an endpoint and therefore --IT-- it a WS
martin: WSDL confuses the whole issue
frank: there is something that is a WS and it has a name. name should be the
daveO: there is no place in WSDl for the URI for the WS
matin: this is fundametal for WSA
ACTION: group: review, develop opionon and sync up with WSD

Summary of Action Items

ACTION: All check the issues that they agreed to close
ACTION: All to review security section text
ACTION: Daniel to check Mark J's text following Scottsdale F2F re MEP [PENDING]
ACTION: Daniel, and the usual suspects will work on defining the relationship between messaging and description/choreog [PENDING]
ACTION: Frank to send e-mail inviting for help on tech.consolidated view section and may start writing that section
ACTION: Frank to work with Heather on integration
ACTION: chairs rise an issue to CG to track the F2F details
ACTION: mchampion to produce text that renders into --A-- stack diagram
ACTION: to the editors to crossrefernce that (remindier of the status)

David Booth
[email protected]
$Date: 2003/05/05 08:04:50 $