Present: Assaf Arkin, Daniel Austin , Dave Hollander, David Booth, Doug Bunting, Frank McCabe, Geoff Arnold, Gerald Edgar, Hao He, Katia Sycara, Mark Jones, Martin Chapman, Mike Champion, Mike Mahan, Tom Carroll, Ugo Corda, Yinleng Husband, Zulah Eckert
Regrets: Chris Ferris,Paul Denning, Roger Cutler,
Chair: Mike Champion
Scribe: Mark Jones
<scribe_mj> May 1 minutes approved.
... The WD got published.
... Mike C would like to get additional material from Rennes into
an editor's draft ASAP.
... Going through f2f action items ...
... action was - Chairs will put MEP drilldown discussions on
agenda(s) in near future.
... ACTION: chairs should figure out the context for the MEP
... ACTION: chairs will confirm the dates of upcoming f2fs with the
... action was - Editors will put in a paragraph in 2.1 making the
point that
... "concepts" are nouns and "relationships" are verbs
... ACTION: editors will update 2.1 to explain the organization
principals better.
... action was - WSA will write up our own take on the
Plato-Aristotle debate on the true meaning of "resource" --
concrete thing or shadow of it
... ACTION: editors should propose a way of distinguishing
"resource" and other uses of ids (qnames, conversation ids,
... action was - add "try to improve wording of glossary entry for
synchronous" to issues list, low priority
... ACTION: issues list editor (Tom) should add an issue to improve
the wording of "synchronous"
<dbooth> +1 to Martin's suggestion!
... +1 to DougB's suggestion!
<scribe_mj> DougB suggested that the issue should
have a proposal attached to it before we revisit.
... action - rework two paras in section 2.1 that address
conformance as described in the above proposal
... (from 10:39 on day 1 of f2f)
<geoff_a> Has any other W3C body ever addressed the concept of conformance? If not, this sounds like a TAG-level issue...
<scribe_mj> ACTION: Frank will
tackle the issue of conformance and should relate it to RFC
... action - section 2.1, para 2 - and concept that summary and
relations are more definitive/precise and description is for
general understanding
... ACTION: add this to Frank's task above
... action - 2.2.31 Service needs to be reconciled with WSDL
... the wg is actively working on this ...
... ACTION: Frank will find a good definition of IS-A and HAS-A in
the UML domain and suggest for our normative definition
... ACTION: Chairs will begin notifying people of lack of good
standing and
... applying W3C rules consistently. The chairs will research the
specific rules.
... ACTION: Editors should adopt WSDL definitions for "endpoint"
and "interface".
... ACTION: Editors should make sure that "port" and "porttype" are
no longer used.
<Daniel> Greetings to all; sorry I'm late
<scribe_mj> action - UML diagram for service drawn
in Rennes needs to be incorporated into text.
... The WG is actively working on this ...
... ACTION: martin will try to create a harvesting of SOAP as we
did with WSDL
... ACTION: CHairs should turn the Friday morning f2f discussion
into action items or recruit someone to do it.
<DaveH> brb
<Hao> BTW, what happened to the WSDL harvesting material?
<scribe_mj> ACTION: Mike C will
propose some wording by next f2f to put REST to rest.
... [agenda] Consolidating / Confirming F2F decisions, moving
<DaveH> help q
<Daniel> gotta run folks, see you next week
<scribe_mj> 2 points of view
... WSDL group says users can invent a service group if they
... others want to have a feature in WSDL to express it
... this may just reflect a dynamic/static distinction
<DaveH> Please define "provider" and consumer" before tackling service groups
<scribe_mj> ACTION: Frank will draft some text to clarify the service group issue
<DaveH> what is a uri of a service? IT IS NOT target/@resource
<scribe_mj> ACTION: editors should
review Mike Mahan's privacy text and incorporate it.
... ACTION: editors should also review Abbie's security text and
incorporate it.