WS Architecture Teleconference
2 Oct 2003

See also: IRC log


Present: Daniel, DBooth, Hugo, DougB, Dave_Hollander, Roger, Gerald, Abbie, Ugo, fgm, Martin, Shishir, Zulah


Chair: DaveH

Scribe: Hugo


<DaveH> be there in a minute...day job
... http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-arch/2003Oct/0004.html
... add gerald and ugo

Scribe: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-arch/2003Oct/0004.html

DaveH: we had a f2f last week
... we tried to be disciplined with microphones, but it seems that people had problems on the phone

Ugo: phone + IRC was OK

DaveH: we did quite a few things during in this f2f
... we got closer to the scope of the document
... Mike and I have talked about staying focused on the document, so that we get it in a state of status quo

<DaveH> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-arch/2003Oct/0004.html

DaveH: I want us to make sure we understand and address our list of action items

Action items

Roger: has Daniel submitted his project plan?

DaveH: I haven't seen it

Daniel: it is in progress

Scribe: ACTION: Eric to author sections on SOAP and WSDL to help improve the explanations of them
... [ Eric away ]
... ACTION: Frank directed to add notation information to appropriate section to explain existing diagram conventions (possibly Section 1.4 or other appropriate place)
... [ In progress ]
... ACTION: Frank to review sec 3.5 to propose a new name for it and ensure it covers: 1. What do we mean by semantics? 2. WHere are the pointers to descriptions of semantics? 3. Is there a conceptual framework for higher level interop?
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Hugo to review our doc and propose how WS constraints and capabilities should be addressed in our doc. Due 17 October.
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Abbie, Katia and Frank to add 2.x "Security Model" with Hugo's help (including interface with W3C staff expertise as necessary)
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Katia to send URI of CMU app that takes WSDL documents and translates them into OWL-S
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Martin to review the document (by the next F2F) against a list of specs from the POV of asking whether the arch framework is sufficient to relate those specs to our arch.
... [ Pending ]

Martin: I am planning to use Roger's list

Scribe: ACTION: MikeC and Katia to draft (prior to next F2F) and propose a summary section for consideration by the WG
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Tom Carrol to respond to the RDF issue to say that we're doing it in OWL
... [ Pending ]

Daniel: I will ping Tom

DaveH: our answer is to point the person to our appendix

Scribe: ACTION: Ugo to propose text for Sections 3.15.2 and 3.15.3 on security implicatgions for SOAP and WSDL
... [ In progress ]

Ugo: I have sent out a note, but haven't gotten any feedback

<ugo> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-ws-arch/2003Sep/0075.html

DaveH: this is probably linked to the action item about Abbie's framework

Scribe: ACTION: Zulah to recommend TOC structure regarding policy and draft text for missing sections on policies.

Zulah: Frank and I are working on the management model
... that will help us start with policy
... should be done by next f2f

Scribe: ACTION: Zulah to write a section on QOS (expanding Sec

Zulah: should be done sooner than the 1st one

Scribe: ACTION: DavidB to revise discovery text and have a review at a later telcon
... [ In progress ]
... ACTION: Eric to propose concepts, relationships, text for how to encorporate transactions into the WSA doc. Presumption is that it is reliability in the service model.
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: EricN to send dbooth comments on Sec 1
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Hugo to bug MikeC about minutes from the last F2F and extract editor actions from them
... [ In progress ]
... ACTION: MikeC to move firewall example of intermediaries to the end of the text on intermedaries
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: chairs to bring a clear statement of the architectural issues at the intersection of SOAP and WSDL to the attention of the Coordination group
... ACTION 18 = chairs to organize investigation architectural issues at the intersection of SOAP and WSDL
... DaveO notes that the action item is not right; modified as above
... ACTION: dbooth to look into adding mention of "syntax and semantics are relative: one person's syntax is another's semantics"
... Done by Frank
... Maybe done by Frank
... ACTION 19 = dbooth to look into adding mention of "syntax and semantics are relative: one person's syntax is another's semantics"; check Frank's text
... ACTION: dbooth to start a list of editors' term usage and check it into CVS
... [ In progress ]
... ACTION: editors to make sender/originator and receiver/recipient consistent with SOAP 1.2's usage
... Reworded the unclear action item
... ACTION: editors to add third party to concepts and reliationships around intermediaries
... Next action item is folded into action item 21
... ACTION: for davidb, martin, zulah and katia to work on getting a consensus on the discovery process
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Mike to work on the use the term Web services intermediaries. Ultimately SOAP, may be higher level. Needs to be captured in the document
... [ Pending ]
... ACTION: Frank and Hao, refactor the definition of reliable messaging based on "delivery-policy" and the explainantion
... [ Pending ]

DaveH: I encourage you to do this relatively early

Frank: I will

Scribe: ACTION: Frank, change model to reflect delivery policy, add 2.? section for delivery policy, change stakeholder on reliable messaging.

DaveH: related to the previous one

Scribe: DONE: dbooth to ensure that management is mentioned in the intro

DavidB: it was already done

Roger: I don't see anything related to the use cases
... Hao asked me to do some work, I'd like evidence that it's useful

DaveH: focusing on the architecture is a more important goal to me
... I would see this work as actively worked on early next year

Roger: so it sounds like it is useful then
... Hao asked me to add cross-references

DaveH: if you are going to work 10 hours on a document, I think that it would be more useful to work on the architecture document
... Katia, could you please send your offline minutes out?

Katia: I am cleaning them up

DaveH: please send them as is for now

Katia: OK

<DaveH> ACTION: chairs to harvest action items from Katia's email

Frank: I would like to schedule some time for us to align the message-oriented model with SOAP

DaveH: unfortunately, MikeC and MikeM are not around today

<DaveH> ACTION: chairs to schedule followup discussion on intermediaries
... Registration open for Nov f2f
... Registration closes Oct 29

DavidB: it is not sure what we are doing on the Wednesday

Roger: when does the meeting finishes on Friday?

DaveH: probably somewhere between noon and 2pm

<DaveH> ACTION: chairs to publish when the f2f will end on friday

Summary of Action Items

ACTION: DavidB to revise discovery text and have a review at a later telcon
ACTION: Frank, change model to reflect delivery policy, add 2.? section for delivery policy, change stakeholder on reliable messaging.
ACTION: dbooth to look into adding mention of "syntax and semantics are relative: one person's syntax is another's semantics"; check Frank's text
ACTION: chairs to organize investigation architectural issues at the intersection of SOAP and WSDL
ACTION: chairs to publish when the f2f will end on friday
ACTION: Hugo to bug MikeC about minutes from the last F2F and extract editor actions from them
ACTION: Hugo to review our doc and propose how WS constraints and capabilities should be addressed in our doc. Due 17 October.
ACTION: Katia to send URI of CMU app that takes WSDL documents and translates them into DAML-S
ACTION: Tom Carrol to respond to the RDF issue to say that we're doing it in OWL
ACTION: Eric to author sections on SOAP and WSDL to help improve the explanations of them
ACTION: editors to make sender/originator and receiver/recipient consistent with SOAP 1.2's usage
ACTION: dbooth to start a list of editors' term usage and check it into CVS
ACTION: for davidb, martin, zulah and katia to work on getting a consensus on the discovery process
ACTION: EricN to send dbooth comments on Sec 1
ACTION: MikeC and Katia to draft (prior to next F2F) and propose a summary section for consideration by the WG
ACTION: Martin to review the document (by the next F2F) against a list of specs from the POV of asking whether the arch framework is sufficient to relate those specs to our arch.
ACTION: chairs to harvest action items from Katia's email
ACTION: Frank and Hao, refactor the definition of reliable messaging based on "delivery-policy" and the explainantion
ACTION: Frank directed to add notation information to appropriate section to explain existing diagram conventions (possibly Section 1.4 or other appropriate place)
ACTION: chairs to schedule followup discussion on intermediaries
ACTION: Ugo to propose text for Sections 3.15.2 and 3.15.3 on security implicatgions for SOAP and WSDL
ACTION: Zulah to write a section on QOS (expanding Sec
ACTION: editors to add third party to concepts and reliationships around intermediaries
ACTION: Mike to work on the use the term Web services intermediaries. Ultimately SOAP, may be higher level. Needs to be captured in the document
ACTION: Eric to propose concepts, relationships, text for how to encorporate transactions into the WSA doc. Presumption is that it is reliability in the service model.
ACTION: Frank to review sec 3.5 to propose a new name for it and ensure it covers: 1. What do we mean by semantics? 2. WHere are the pointers to descriptions of semantics? 3. Is there a conceptual framework for higher level interop?
ACTION: MikeC to move firewall example of intermediaries to the end of the text on intermedaries
ACTION: Abbie, Katia and Frank to add 2.x "Security Model" with Hugo's help (including interface with W3C staff expertise as necessary)
ACTION: Zulah to recommend TOC structure regarding policy and draft text for missing sections on policies.

Minutes formatted by David Booth's perl script: http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/
$Date: 2003/10/02 20:19:31 $