IRC log of ws-cg on 2002-04-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [hugo]
- Zakim, this is WS
- [Zakim]
- ok, hugo
- [chrisf]
- agenda +report from xml-cg
- agenda +common glossary
- agenda +joint tf for usage scenarios
- [hugo]
- Last meeting minutes:
- [chrisf]
- agenda +nov/dec f2f?
- [hugo]
- DONE: ACTION: Hugo: Calendar should have August reserved.
- [chrisf]
- Hugo, done
- [hugo]
- Calendar:
- Public version:
- [chrisf]
- ACTION: Hugo to call the link "Calendar"
- [hugo]
- DONE: ACTION: Chris to check Sept dates in Washington with Arch
- [chrisf]
- sept f2f @disa in Wash DC sept 9th week
- no ideal time for all
- ACTION: Jonathan to send date to Hugo to be inserted into
- ACTION: Chris to confirm f2f date with WSAWG
- impractical time for hugo
- [hugo]
- DONE: ACTION: Hugo: Add June f2f dates in the calendar
- [chrisf]
- what's the agenda?
- [hugo]
- ACTION: Eric to have RDF-core, WebOnt, and? review SOAP Data
Model, determine initial assessment as to whether it is 2" or 2mi
apart from their DLG model and channel that feedback through a
single point of contact [PENDING]
- ACTION: Eric to provide XMLP with name of that contact by
Friday [PENDING]
- ----
- 1. report from xml-cg [from chrisf]
- F2F discussions
- ----
- 2. common glossary [from chrisf]
- [DavidF]
- comment from JM that common glossary likely to work better for
- DF suggests that xmlp give its glossary items to wsa and wsd as
basis/start for a new common glossary
- .... wsa and wsd may give f/back to xmlp on glossary items
during xmlp LC
- [Marsh]
- wsa adopts glossary as a deliverable, takes it through wd and
- Other groups can contribute and comment on this
- [DavidF]
- JM proposal ... wsa take on a glossary as a work item
- s/work item/deliverable/
- DF suggests glossary may (probably will) have multiple defns
for a single term, e.g. xmlp defn of message is single unit &
wsa defn of message is >= 1 unit
- CF suggests have usage scenarios common across WGs and use
cases maintianed within WGs
- Glossary is a wsa deliverable
- XMLP will work independent of the Glossary ('tho submitting
their terms to the glossary)
- WSD will agree to housing their terms in the wsa glossary
- Usage Scenarios doc is a WSA deliverable
- Use cases docs are individual WG deliverables
- [hugo]
- ACTION Chris & Jonathan: propose usage scenarios and
glossary plan to their WGs
- ACTION: Chris & Jonathan: propose usage scenarios and
glossary plan to their WGs
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: Chris & Jonathan: propose usage scenarios and
glossary plan to their WGs
- [Zakim]
- WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
- [hugo]
- Next meeting: 30 April 2002
- RRSAgent, what actions?
- [RRSAgent]
- I see 7 action items:
- ACTION: Hugo to call the link "Calendar" [1]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Jonathan to send date to Hugo to be inserted into
calendar [2]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Chris to confirm f2f date with WSAWG [3]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Eric to have RDF-core, WebOnt, and? review SOAP Data
Model, determine initial assessment as to whether it is 2" or 2mi
apart from their DLG model and channel that feedback through a
single point of contact [PENDING] [4]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Eric to provide XMLP with name of that contact by
Friday [PENDING] [5]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Chris & Jonathan: propose usage scenarios and
glossary plan to their WGs [6]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Chris & Jonathan: propose usage scenarios and
glossary plan to their WGs [7]
- recorded in
- [hugo]
- Zakim, please excuse us
- RRSAgent, please excuse us