IRC log of ws-cg on 2002-09-17

Timestamps are in UTC.

Zakim, list conferences
I see WS_WSCG()1:00PM, XML_CG()12:00PM
Zakim, this is WS_WSCG
ok, Marsh
Zakim, who's here?
On the phone I see M_Champion, Jonathan_Marsh, Fallside, Hugo
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, em, mchampion, DavidF, Marsh, hugo
em has changed the topic to: WS-CG 2002-09-17 teleconference
Zakim, aaaa is Kelvin
Marsh will scribe
zakim, ??P3 is DaveH
zakim, who is here?
On the phone I see M_Champion, Jonathan_Marsh, Fallside, Hugo (muted), Kelvin, EricM, DaveH
On IRC I see MSM, RRSAgent, Zakim, em, mchampion, DavidF, Marsh, hugo
David: Spend 20 minutes on OASIS/W3C
Agenda is at:
David: Two questions:
David: 1 Report on the Forum on Security Standards for Web Services held last week in Boston. Are there any topics raised there that indicate a need for coordination?
David: 2 Topics arising from your ftf this week that would benefit from liaison between your TC and the W3C Web Services Activity, and mechanisms for addressing any such topics.
David: 3 What coordination should/can we do?
Kelvin: W3C-meeting: Good first step, lay of the land.
Kelvin: Overview of the focus of each group
Kelvin: Industry scenarios, especially reinforcing the need for security.
Kelvin: Didn't go down into intermediaries etc, which is the next level.
Chris: Timing is important - WS-Security can't take two years...
Chris: Rather than taking on new stuff, rationalize the stuff we're working on now.
Kelvin: Speed of getting these standards out is critical.
David: Talk of coordination?
Chris: Some talk about security assertion formats. Many pushing to have just one of SAML, XrML, etc.
Chris: While it's important to rationalize these, it's more important to understand the taxonomy so that people can choose one, understand how they relate.
David: Paraphrase: If people understood the taxonomy of security stanards, there might be less inclination to reinvent the world.
Chris: But there is always going to be something new - creators need to rationalize how it relates to existing stuff. Helps customers choose which standard to apply.
Chris: There will never be just one (of about anything). Need to accomodate this.
Chris: It would be good to have a structure for new ideas, so you know where the technology fits into. IETF requirement to document relationships with other standards.
David: Taxonomy the business of the WS Arch WG?
Mike: Likes the idea that unity is not achievable, but coherence is. E.g. what are the attributes of various assertion languages.
Mike: Puts the ball in our court; that's how we see our role.
Mike: People will come to us to figure how things work together.
Mike: Need to do a lot more talking and listening.
DaveH: We become more of a recording secretary.
DaveH: We can eliminate conflicts in terminology, for instance.
DaveH: W3C activities have precedence, but they need to be put in the greater context.
Mike: We thought security needed to be high priority. Some people initially thought that W3C missed the boat, but most have come around to see that one org can't do it all.
Kelvin: Re: Boston - 80% was show and tell. Reasonable scope for a second meeting that has tighter focussed.
Kelvin: Might want coordination meetings as issues arise.
David: Taxonomy idea - what role can WSA play in providing a role?
Chris: Key value add to coordinate and describe work, but there will always be multiple sets of vocabularies, terms, etc.
Kelvin: We listed groups and which we wanted to liase with.
Mike: WSA should be talking to the OASIS joint steering committee?
Kelvin: Or the OASIS TAG...
Kelvin: What's the role of the OASIS JS?
Chris: Keep security TCs coordinated - largely administrative function.
David: Sounds like the WSCG.
Chris: Joint Security Steering Committee - JSSC. They don't produce specs.
Chris: Also provides perpetuity as TCs come and go.
David: One concrete suggestion: another iteration of the Boston meeting.
Kelvin: Worthwhile exercise. Might need another down the road, a level deeper. Probably not right away.
Kelvin: We reference XML DSig and XEnc
David: Do you have reps?
Kelvin: We have a joint member.
Hugo: Is Hao a joint member of WSS and WSA?
Kelvin: yes.
s/Hoa/Hal Lockhart/
Hal Lockhart
DF observation - JSSC may be at same level as WS-CG
Kelvin: TC minutes are public domain.
David: Should we meet again?
Kelvin: Yes, after the next FTF.
Kelvin, after the 24th.
David: Two weeks will work.
David: Next call is on Oct 1st. We'll take it off line, try to get them back then.
ACTION: Jonathan to invite Chris & Kelvin back on the 1st.
Action item review:
Hugo (or Dave) to follow-up on MEP document and most likely open a WSAWG issue about it [PENDING]
MC to inform XML CG that WS may have reqs re. processing and call for reqs should include WS WGs [PENDING]
ACTION: Hugo (or Dave) to follow-up on MEP document and most likely open a WSAWG issue about it [PENDING]
MC and JM to continue trying to find venue for f2f, and figure out whether or not to have an overlap day [PENDING]
ACTION: MC to inform XML CG that WS may have reqs re. processing and call for reqs should include WS WGs [PENDING]
ACTION: MC and JM to continue trying to find venue for f2f, and figure out whether or not to have an overlap day [PENDING]
JM to ask Kelvin and Chris to attend next time, to report on W3C-OASIS meeting, first WS-Security FTF, and any thoughts on liasons. [done]
DH & MC to report on charter progress from WS ARch f2f mtg [done]
ACTION: Review Hugo's additions to the minutes of the last meeting. Hugo to consider comments until the end of the week, then post.
Skip agenda item 4
Agenda item 5: choreography charter
David: What happened at the FTF>
DaveH: Three discussions. First: statement of need from the WG stating that choreography is important, general scope, and encourages open group for this work. Unanimous consensus.
DaveH, can you provide a URI for this statement and notes?
DaveH: Note, doesn't say that this must happen at W3c, or give it a priority.
DaveH: Second: Encourages the WSCG to form a WG to address choreography. Attached charter proposal.
After debate, a vote resulted 17 yes, 1 no, 8 abstain, 4 not present.
Follow-on conversation: Strong consensus that there should be a Workshop, but confusion on how to do this.
Mike: Main issue is the venue - should it be W3C?
DaveH: no consensus...
DaveH: Third item: Including BPEL4WS in the WG, and without it there may be reason not to move ahead. Authors of BPEL4WS did not vote yes for the group.
Mike: No consensus on a resolution to encourage BPEL4WS authors to contribute to the group.
Mike: Don't know how the politics will fall out.
DaveH: We have a mandate to present the charter to the WSCG. We are doing so now.
David: JeffM's charter?
DaveH: Yes. No substantive changes.
DaveH: WG feels that it is important that all parties are involved.
Jon: Are we being asked to take up the "encouragement"?
David: We can recommend a course of action.
Mike: Envisioned asking W3C to solicit authors to submit those specs.
David: Is there a definitive list of the specs in question?>
Mike: One in the charter, doesn't include everything
David: WSA needs to create a definitive list.
DaveH: There is one in the charter?
David: Two different answers.
David: Straw plan of action: Ask WSA to create the definitive list, then pass it to W3C Management.
DaveH: We do have a definitive-enough list in the charter. Please use that.
Hugo: WG is happy enough with the list.
Hugo: Only omissions might be WS-Coordination, DAML-S.
Mike: BPEL seems to be a show-stopper, others might not be.
Hugo: Team prefers a consensus, so they'd be welcome at the table of a RF group.
David: They are welcome, or necessary?
Mike: Not completely clear from the WG.
David: We're trying to determine which items on the list are essential.
s/prefers a consensus, so they'd be welcome at the table of a RF group./thinks that this is an important work, which must be done in a public, consensus-driven environment, in a RF WG./
Mike: The charter list represents those which are viewed as essential.
David: Given that the list is not unambiguously "definitive", the WSA should reaffirm that the list is indeed the definitive list.
David: And the list of which are essential and which are not.
DaveH: BPEL was affirmed as essential. Others we will need to check.
David: Is it our opinion to ask the WSA to reaffirm the items on their spec list and their importance.
Hugo: Pretty clear the WG wanted to get the key players to the table. The list won't change in 2 weeks.
David: Don't you want to confirm that the list is accurate?
DaveH: BPEL can happen in parallel.
David: Has W3M already embarked on a plan to do this>?
Hugo: Haven't met yet.
David: Will W3T recommend W3M to do this?
DaveH: Propose chair work with W3M to develop a plan.
Mike: Clearly we want to approach BPEL authors to sort this out.
ACTION: David, discuss this topic with W3M (MSM).
David: WSCG generally in favor that it is in the scope of the WSCG to work with W3M on this topic.
WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
Zakim, please excuse us
RRSAgent, please excuse us
I see 6 open action items:
ACTION: Jonathan to invite Chris & Kelvin back on the 1st. [1]
recorded in
ACTION: Hugo (or Dave) to follow-up on MEP document and most likely open a WSAWG issue about it [PENDING] [2]
recorded in
ACTION: MC to inform XML CG that WS may have reqs re. processing and call for reqs should include WS WGs [PENDING] [3]
recorded in
ACTION: MC and JM to continue trying to find venue for f2f, and figure out whether or not to have an overlap day [PENDING] [4]
recorded in
ACTION: Review Hugo's additions to the minutes of the last meeting. Hugo to consider comments until the end of the week, then post. [5]
recorded in
ACTION: David, discuss this topic with W3M (MSM). [6]
recorded in