IRC log of ws-cg on 2002-10-15
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [hugo]
- Zakim, who is here?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Dave_Hollander, ??P1, Kelvin, Hugo,
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, DaveH, DavidF, hugo
- [DavidF]
- zakim, ??PP1 is addisson
- [Zakim]
- sorry, DavidF, I do not recognize a party named '??PP1'
- [DavidF]
- zakim, ??PP3 mikeC
- [Zakim]
- I don't understand '??PP3 mikeC', DavidF
- [hugo]
- Agenda at
- agenda+ Review action items
- agenda+ Continued co-ordiantion discussion w/ Kelvin &/or
Chris re. OASIS/W3C co-ordination
- agenda+ Report from XML CG
- agenda+ Status on choreography charter proposal from WS
- Zakim, list agenda
- Zakim, what is the agenda?
- [Zakim]
- I see Team_MIT(site)10:00AM, WS_WSCG()1:00PM
- I see 4 items remaining on the agenda:
- 1. Review action items [from hugo]
- 2. Continued co-ordiantion discussion w/ Kelvin &/or Chris
re. OASIS/W3C co-ordination [from hugo]
- 3. Report from XML CG [from hugo]
- 4. Status on choreography charter proposal from WS Arch [from
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: Hugo open a WSAWG issue about MEP
- [hugo]
- -----
- MC and JM to continue trying to find venue for Jan 2003 f2f:
candidate on the West Coast
- ACTION: Hugo to add the publication moratoria in the
- MSM to send email to tech-plenary arrangements team with
coordinated response from WS and XML: done
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: DH MC MSM to discuss team tag to report from XML
- [hugo]
- -----
- Zakim, close agenda 1
- [Zakim]
- agendum 1 closed
- I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 2. Continued co-ordiantion discussion w/ Kelvin &/or Chris
re. OASIS/W3C co-ordination [from hugo]
- [hugo]
- Telcons every 2 weeks, next f2f in Dec
- (Kelvin speaking)
- [DavidF]
- OASIS forming a Steering Committee on JOint Security to oversee
all security issues in OASIS
- aka SJC
- [DaveH]
- re action team-tag - this was a discussion regarding my
inability to fully attend xml-cg meetings and micheal's coverage of
the liason.
- This action is done.
- [DavidF]
- thnx D
- [hugo]
- [DavidF]
- SJC would be the place where W3C could liase
- (from Kelvin)
- KL: SJC might report to TAB, and W3C may have liason with
- HH: not sure about that liason
- [hugo]
- HH: not sure about TAB liaison. however, the WSCG may not be
the closest to the SJC; xenc, dsig and XKMS would be closer
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: Hugo to contact Joseph Reagle about liasing through
- [hugo]
- KL: OASIS process changed; can publish something every month;
more flexibility
- [DavidF]
- KL: OASIS in process of collecting comments on WS security
- [hugo]
- ... collected on the WS-Security mailing list (public)
- ... should start the formalization by the end of the year, and
should get something out between Dec and March
- [DavidF]
- KL: WS security spec = WS-Scecurity and 4 related bindings
- [hugo]
- KL: [ scribe missed something about new work]
- ... I have seen something about a new work about Web services
and signatures: new security work
- DF: it seems like OASIS has created a new security steering
group; maybe, we should liaise at a higher level from now on
- KL: several level. WG level will still happen
- ... SJC seems important
- [DavidF]
- KL: Phil Griffin chairs SJC
- Carl Best would be a good contact as well (he is in OASIS
Technology Office)
- [hugo]
- DF: how often such a report would work for you?
- KL: around every month would work best
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to wscg telcon in ~1 month
- [hugo]
- -----
- Zakim, close agenda 2
- [Zakim]
- agendum 2 closed
- I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 3. Report from XML CG [from hugo]
- [hugo]
- agenda+ I18N WS task force
- 5. I18N WS task force
- AP: I am the chair of this task force
- [DavidF]
- AP= Addisson Philips
- AP was invited to telcon by DF to give brief overview of I18N
- [hugo]
- ... getting started
- [DavidF]
- charter to be liason for ws wg's, thus removing direct contact
w/ I18N WG
- [hugo]
- ... this task force is meant to the the WS Activity direct
liaison with the I18N Activity
- [DavidF]
- snap!
- [hugo]
- 2 deliverables:
- - set of use cases, specific to I18N
- - come up with a set of requirements for the architecture
- [DavidF]
- ... concerned that because coming in late, out of synch
- DH: why a TF for WS?
- [hugo]
- came up at an I18N workshop; interesting issues, and interest
from people
- DF: vendors today concentrate on server interactions
- [DavidF]
- ... so why an I18N interest?
- [hugo]
- AP: agreed, but there are interesting issues, e.g. executing in
a particular locale
- [DavidF]
- discussion on whether transport layer should include local (for
ex.) information
- s/local/locale/
- [hugo]
- AP: what I really am interested in is finding out who to talk
- DF: public mailing lists are a good start
- DH: reviewing our recently published documents would be good
- Zakim, close agenda 5
- [Zakim]
- agendum 5 closed
- I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 3. Report from XML CG [from hugo]
- [hugo]
- -----
- XML CG didn't meet
- -----
- Zakim, close agenda 3
- [Zakim]
- agendum 3 closed
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 4. Status on choreography charter proposal from WS Arch [from
- [hugo]
- MC: went back to the WG reporting the WSCG discussions
- ... need to make progress on choreography framework
- ... WG accepted the task to guide people
- ... not a whole lot of progress yet
- ... we will drive the WG with the agenda to focus on this
- DH: need to give more concrete directions
- MC: got 3 companies volunteering invited experts for 6 weeks to
help us out
- DF: who are they?
- DH: in the process of finalizing this
- DF: report from W3M on behalf of MSM
- ... 2 actions:
- - talk to the owned of BPEL and ask about bringing the spec to
- ... behind on this
- - ask authors of BPEL, WSCI, (???) (didn't hear) to do a
presentation to staff to see how things relate to each other
- HH: MSM did start to talk to people; in progress
- DH: goal to get something published, useful to the AC
- [Zakim]
- WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
- [DavidF]
- DH: something is an architecture document describing how
choreaography fits into WS arch
- rssagent, bye
- rrsagent, bye
- [RRSAgent]
- I see 4 open action items:
- ACTION: Hugo open a WSAWG issue about MEP [1]
- recorded in
- ACTION: Hugo to add the publication moratoria in the calendar
- recorded in
- ACTION: Hugo to contact Joseph Reagle about liasing through SJC
- recorded in
- ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to wscg telcon in ~1 month [5]
- recorded in