IRC log of ws-cg on 2003-01-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

zakim, who is here?
sorry, MSM, I don't know what conference this is
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, MChapman, MSM, DaveH, DavidF
zakim who is here?
zakim, this is wscg
ok, MSM
zakim, who is here?
On the phone I see ??P1, Michael, +1.415.229.aaaa, Dave_Hollander, Fallside
On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, MChapman, MSM, DaveH, DavidF
zakim, +1.415 is MChapman
ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to next wscg telcon to report on OASIS/Securit/W3C co-ordination. [CONTINUED]
ACTION: DaveH to review status of description (metadata, etc) work at post-f2f CG call (note: try and schedule a joint session with RDF folks at TP) [PENDING]
ACTION: hugo to check status of xmlp charter and ensure it is renewed w/ an appropriate date
this action has been done
zakim, ??P8 is steve
suggested agenda 1. report on status of Choreog WG, 2. reports from XML CG and Semantic Web CG, 3. further advice for C14N for XMLP WG
1. report on Choreog WG ....
from Martin Chapman, Oracle
Oracle has promised much support
contemplating asking members to submit position papers for 1st f2f (Feb)
zakim, mute Steve
Steve should now be muted
zakim, unmute Steve
Steve should no longer be muted
two inputs to wg, wsci and wsa. wsci provides a good starting point. Eindhoven paper?
Martin, is there a pointer for the enidhoven papers?
Steve and Martin thinking about starting with meta-model (Eindhoven paper)
i will find a ref to the papers - pretty sure that they were sent to wsawg
steve concerned that no users represented on the WG, how to recruit them?
2. reports from XML CG and Semantic Web CG .....
3. further advice on C14N for XMLP WG ....
zakim, unmute Michael
sorry, MSM, I do not see a party named 'Michael'
zakim, unmute MSM
MSM should no longer be muted
DF: one question is where the work should be done: recharter/extend? new charter for new WG?
DF: the work was not really in the original charter ...
... but launching a new WG can take a long time
DF: perhaps the way to do it is to start drafting a new charter now ...
DH: there is also the issue of maintenance status
MC: is there interest and expertise in XMLP to do this?
DF: yes, but it may not be enough to attract people: if C14n is the only work item, I don't see a full WG
draft a new charter, put c14n in, maintenance, and see if other items fall into the list
if it doesn't reach critical mass, then treat it as maintenance under the existing charter
next meeting: Feb 4
WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
call participants think that the draft new charter see if it flies" approacj is reasonable
rrsagent, bye
I see 3 open action items:
ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to next wscg telcon to report on OASIS/Securit/W3C co-ordination. [CONTINUED] [1]
recorded in
ACTION: DaveH to review status of description (metadata, etc) work at post-f2f CG call (note: try and schedule a joint session with RDF folks at TP) [PENDING] [2]
recorded in
recorded in
zakim, bye