IRC log of ws-cg on 2003-02-04
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [hugo]
- hi David
- Zakim, this is WS
- [Zakim]
- ok, hugo
- [hugo]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Martin_Chapman
- [hugo]
- Agenda:
- [MSM]
- correction - emmit is Eric Miller (at MIT), not S R-T
- [hugo]
- ----
- 1. Roll and minutes to be recorded in IRC
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Martin_Chapman, Fallside, Michael,
Mike_Champion, Hugo, Kelvin, Steve.Ross-Talbot
- [hugo]
- ----
- 2. Review agenda
- Done
- note addition of:
- ----
- 4. Report on OASIS/Security/W3C co-ordination
- [DavidF]
- [hugo]
- Kelvin points people to TC home page
- [DavidF]
- web services security: SOAP message security
- newly decided title for TC's spec
- [hugo]
- new official name
- [DavidF]
- re. security joint committee ....
- KL not so involved
- [hugo]
- Trying to narrow our spec down to a reasonnably stable
- [DavidF]
- TC thinking about security interop event
- their version of W3C's CR
- [hugo]
- Focus: get the spec stable, and interop event
- [DavidF]
- spec changes becoming less frequent, profile changes still
- profiles describes use of each of kerberos, x509 ... etc
- [emmit]
- zakim, marja is em
- zakim, mute me
- [Zakim]
- sorry, emmit, I do not see a party named 'emmit'
- [emmit]
- zakim, mute em
- [Zakim]
- Em should now be muted
- [DavidF]
- ... is the IBM site mentioned by KL ... there are other sites
at MSFT, Verisign etc
- [hugo]
- ----
- 3. Review action items
- [emmit]
- zakim, who is here?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Martin_Chapman, Fallside, Michael,
Mike_Champion, Hugo, Steve.Ross-Talbot, Em (muted)
- On IRC I see emmit, MSM, RRSAgent, Zakim, DavidF, hugo
- [hugo]
- DONE: ACTION: DF to invite Kelvin to next wscg telcon to report
on OASIS/Securit/W3C co-ordination.
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: DaveH to review status of description (metadata, etc)
work at post-f2f CG call (note: try and schedule a joint session
with RDF folks at TP) [PENDING]
- [emmit]
- zakim, unmute me
- [Zakim]
- sorry, emmit, I do not see a party named 'emmit'
- [emmit]
- zakim, unmute em
- [Zakim]
- Em should no longer be muted
- [hugo]
- action dropped
- ----
- 5. Reports from other CGs:
- ----
- 7. From JonathanM, draft text for WSDL liaison statement to
WS-Security TC:
- [emmit]
- hugo, perhaps you me and steve should follow-up on this
discussion and repotr back to the wscg at a late date?
- [hugo]
- emmit, sure. how do you want to proceed? maybe we should start
by talking to sync our information
- [emmit]
- yep, makes sense
- [hugo]
- everybody's happy with the proposed text
- [emmit]
- :)
- [DavidF]
- CG agreed to JM sending his draft to WS-Sec TC on behalf of
- [hugo]
- ----
- 6. Web Services Glossary.
- DF: Motivation: multiple glossaries developed
- ... XMLP, WSD, all went to WSA
- ... OASIS, WS-I looking into glossaries too
- ... is there some way that we could help the situation?
- [DavidF]
- HH: notes ongoing work in WSA, e.g Roger Cutler's doc;
recommends keeping number of terms small
- [emmit]
- zakim, unmute me
- [Zakim]
- sorry, emmit, I do not see a party named 'emmit'
- [emmit]
- zakim, unmute em
- [Zakim]
- Em should no longer be muted
- [DavidF]
- HH thinks that simple merging is the wrong approach
- [hugo]
- need to continue this discussion next time
- [Zakim]
- WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
- [DavidF]
- lively discussion on glossaries; some in favour of using
technology (e.g. SW) to help solve, DF thinks politics may be a
larger issue than technology, MSM notes existence of various draft
stds (ISO etc) for glossaries; CG generally agreed that it is a
topic we should continue discussing
- rrsagent, bye
- [RRSAgent]
- I see 3 open action items:
- ACTION: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to Schema
on subset idea [2]
- recorded in
- ACTION: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to XML
Core on subset idea [3]
- recorded in
- ACTION: DavidF to draft Q re. TAG's involvment, he to roll in
feedback by end of week before sending [4]
- recorded in