IRC log of ws-cg on 2003-04-29
Timestamps are in UTC.
- [Zakim]
- WS_WSCG()1:00PM has now started
- [Marsh]
- Zakim, Jonathan_Marsh is Marsh
- [DavidF]
- dialling
- [hugo]
- Last meeting's minutes:
- [DavidF]
- zakim, hwo is here?
- [Zakim]
- sorry, DavidF, I do not understand your question
- [DavidF]
- zakim, who is here?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Marsh, Hugo, EMiller, DavidF
- On IRC I see emscribe, RRSAgent, Zakim, Marsh, DavidF,
- [hugo]
- This week's agenda:
- RRSAgent, where am I?
- [RRSAgent]
- See
- [hugo]
- ----
- 1. Roll and minutes to be recorded in IRC
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Marsh, Hugo, EMiller, DavidF, MSM
- [hugo]
- ----
- 2. Review agenda
- ----
- 3. Review action items:
- Discussing: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to
Schema on subset idea [PENDING]
- [MChapman]
- sorry i'm late
- [DavidF]
- hi mike
- hi martin
- [hugo]
- no progress; will be brought up by chairs
- ACTION: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to Schema
on subset idea [PENDING]
- ACTION: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to XML
Core on subset idea [PENDING]
- both are still relevant
- ACTION: MSM to send pointers about Schema and XML subsets
- CLOSE: hugo to look into registration numbers for AC
- ACTION: Jonathan to craft a proposal to better ensure
appropriate resources are available to accomplish the RDF-WSDL
mapping [PENDING]
- DONE: hugo to create and present IG proposal in time for next
WSCG telcon
- DONE: Hugo to talk to DavidF to get up-to-date on attachment
- DF: the current situation is that the XMLPWG decided to the
PASWA proposal as a starting point
- ... this is the starting point for an attachment model the same
way SOAP 1.1 was used as a starting point for the XMLP work
- ... we are still waiting for an opinion from W3C about IPR
declarations about PASWA document
- ... we have not received IPR declarations from all authors, and
some declarations haven't been ratified yet
- ... we are not doing technical work on this until the IPR
situation is sorted out
- ... we are missing a process for a WG taking on a document
- MSM: I will call Danny
- [DavidF]
- .... MSM already has an action to call Danny
- [hugo]
- DONE: Hugo to talk to WS-I contact about attachment work
- HH: somebody has been designated to do some active monitoring
in both BPWG and XMLPWG
- ----
- 4. Reports from other CGs:
- RRSAgent, where am I?
- [RRSAgent]
- See
- ----
- 5. Adoption of SOAP 1.2 in a WSDL 1.1 environment
- [DavidF]
- HH: SOAP 1.2 about to become a REC however it cannot all be
described in WSDL 1.1, and WSDL 1.2 not yet ready - how do vendors
propose to proceed? should xmlp make some statement? etc?
- MChapman: maybe a question to ask WS-I ?
- various: WS-I would have to invent something which they are not
chartered to do
- DF: what are the SOAP 1.2/WSDL 1.1 issues?
- MSM & JM: problems with specifying SOAP version
- [hugo]
- DF: Proposal to ask XMLPWG about problems and document it
- HH: I would be happy with a Note published by the WG
- ACTION: DavidF to express the concern of the use of SOAP 1.2 in
a WSDL 1.1 environment to the XMLPWG
- DF: I will mark this as urgent
- ----
- 6. WSIG proposal
- HH presents the proposal
- HH: would like feedback and approval to spend Team resources on
- JM: there is an XML plenary
- ... what is the advantage of this IG over a plenary list?
- [MChapman]
- sorry guys I have to leave for another call
- [hugo]
- BOF:
- [DavidF]
- em: IG list has been a good mechanism within SW for
experience/code/discussion sharing etc
- [Marsh]
- I must go - another telcon...
- [Zakim]
- WS_WSCG()1:00PM has ended
- [DavidF]
- zakim, bye
- [emscribe]
- zakim, disconnect me
- [DavidF]
- ACTION: next WSCG telcon .. WSCG to decide on howto proceed
with WSIG
- rrsagent, bye
- [RRSAgent]
- I see 6 open action items:
- ACTION: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to Schema
on subset idea [PENDING] [1]
- recorded in
- ACTION: WS WG chairs to poll their members for input to XML
Core on subset idea [PENDING] [2]
- recorded in
- ACTION: MSM to send pointers about Schema and XML subsets
- recorded in
- ACTION: Jonathan to craft a proposal to better ensure
appropriate resources are available to accomplish the RDF-WSDL
mapping [PENDING] [4]
- recorded in
- ACTION: DavidF to express the concern of the use of SOAP 1.2 in
a WSDL 1.1 environment to the XMLPWG [5]
- recorded in
- ACTION: next WSCG telcon .. WSCG to decide on howto proceed
with WSIG [6]
- recorded in