See also: IRC log
Present: David F, Hugo H, Eric M, Jonathan M, Michael SMcQ, Steve RT, Mike C (IRC)
Chair: Hugo then David
Scribe: Hugo
<hugo> Agenda:
<em> davidF, you around?
<hugo> AOB: XML Query LC
... AOB: WSCG agenda management
<hugo> ACTION: Arch & Chor chairs to poll their members for input to Schema on subset idea, or send a link to the CG showing that this has been done
... ACTION: Arch & Chor chairs to poll their members for input to XML Core on subset idea, or send a link to the CG showing that this has been done
<MSM> For the minutes: WS Arch msg to TAG on this topic is at
<em> (back in min)
<hugo> SRT: reporting on WSCWG f2f with OASIS TC chairs: it went very well
<MSM> The underlying issue:
<davidF> about to dial in - sorry for the delay - v urgent ph call came in at 1 minute before the hour
<hugo> ... WSCWG would be interested about a WS technical plenary
... MSM: I talked to Lauren Wood, and we have freedom to organize whatever is necessary for us to do; no constraint from their side
... JM: scheduling problems due to the November f2f which is planned for Arch and Desc
... MSM: so Arch and Desc may want to have their f2f is conjonction with XML2003; what about Chor and XMLP?
... SRT: it is going to be tricky because of current f2f schedule planned
<MSM> XML 2003 schedule:
<hugo> ACTION: Steve to check about possibility of collocating a f2f with XML2003
... DF: it is a possibility
... ACTION 3 = Steve and David to check about possibility of collocating a f2f with XML2003
... [ Discussions about format: plenary session, round-robin meetings, collocated f2fs ]
... DF: who's responsible for putting together an agenda?
... HH: it should be us, but it is hard to put together without knowing who would be around
... DF: we haven't heard any burning issue
... ACTION: Hugo to find out about OASIS interest about the WS plenary
... DONE: ACTION: Chairs to get feedback from their groups on the idea of a WS W3C/OASIS tech plenary in Dec
... DONE: ACTION: Hugo to send reminder about WSCG calls
... SOAP 12 & WSDL 11
... JM: I think that we are done with the soapbuilders proposal
... ACTION: WSCG to track progress of SOAP12 in WSDL11 enviroment activities within XMLP and WSD WGs
... We think it's done (waiting for DF's confirmation)
... ACTION 5-
... ACTION- 5
... All: Congrats to DF for SOAP 1.2 being a Rec
<davidF> XML Query LC
<hugo> HH: WSDWG will not be reviewing XML Query LC docs
<davidF> it is noted that WSD has declined to review XQUery LC
<hugo> JM: I didn't get any volunteer
... DF: were you asked to review the documents?
... JM: not that I know of
... MSM: I wanted to make sure that enough WS people are aware of XML Query
... DF: in XMLP, we are discussing about the XML Query data model while working on attachements
... ... we are running into similar problems
... ... still learning what the similarities are
... ... not sure that we will have feedback on it
... MSM: the LC ended officially yesterday
... JM: note that I highlighted the interesting parts to the WSDWG (data model, etc)
<hugo> HH: I think that a status + agenda request email would help to build the agenda
<davidF> HH notes low attendance, late agenda, etc
<hugo> DF: issue is that the meeting is every other week
... proposals:
... - send a reminder for agenda items
... - have a 1/2h week every week
<mchampion> +1 to a short meeting every week ... I get confused about when we really have one scheduled
<hugo> Europeans express their desire to keep their Tuesday evening free every other week
... Feeling that a cron job asking for agenda item requests
... ACTION: Hugo to set up cron job to send reminders