See also: IRC log
Present: David_Fallside, Mike_Champion, Steve_Ross-Talbot, Hugo, EMiller, Jonathan
Chair: David Fallside
<hugo> Agenda:
<Marsh> will be there soon - leaving XSL WG FTF now...
<davidF> who is here?
<hugo> Discussing: ACTION: Arch & Chor chairs to poll their members for input to Schema on subset idea, or send a link to the CG showing that this has been done
... SRT & MC: No discernable interest
... DONE ACTION: Arch & Chor chairs to poll their members for input to Schema on subset idea, or send a link to the CG showing that this has been done
... DONE ACTION: Arch & Chor chairs to poll their members for input to XML Core on subset idea, or send a link to the CG showing that this has been done
... Discussion about August break:
... - Chor and Desc off in August
<davidF> & XMLP
<hugo> - Arch will be every other week
... DONE ACTION: Hugo to contact Liam re schedule for w/shop, initiate a ballot if possible to poll WSA, WSD members on availability
... JM: Announcement should go out in the next day or two
<davidF> ACTION: Hugo to find out about OASIS interest about the WS plenary
<hugo> Pinged OASIS but hasn't heard anytihng back yet
... DONE ACTION: Hugo to set up cron job to send reminders
<davidF> ACTION: Steve and David to check about possibility of collocating a f2f with XML2003
<hugo> SRT: We are currently having a straw poll about the location of the December f2f; I will give you an answer next time
... XML 2003:
... CG reports:
<davidF> motivation: HH has been trying to figure out timelines of WS*WGs, and extant dates are often out of date
<hugo> -- Web Services Architecture Working Group
<davidF> now only 6-8 people taking on assignments
... HH: estimates LCall around 12/03
<em> lol
<hugo> -- XML Protocol Working Group
... DF: went to Recommendation
<mchampion> WSA plan to move ahead involves a) stricter assignments of people to discussion leading/harvesting tasks and b) setting up a straw poll mechanism to determine where consensus or deadlock exists
<hugo> ... working on SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism based on PASWA
... ... this is our primary activity in the near future
... ... re. the Rec, the maintenance operation hasn't started yet
... ... f2f coming up in a couple of weeks
... ... I am hoping to be done with attachments by the end of the year
<davidF> -- WS Description WG
<hugo> JM: shooting for LC for December, but maybe February is more realistic
<davidF> had been hoping for LC in 12/03, more likely 02/04
... learning to not talk about issues that are 'ocean boiling'
... have lost some editorial skills, e.g. Gudge
... and slowdown with others
<hugo> MC: I don't understand the purpose of the discussion around targetResource
<davidF> JM: that discussion seemed to tire the WG
... JM: thinks that WG has not been able to form a single coherent vision
... JM: sometimes this formulation is provided by an editor, no such person in WSD WG
... JM: working on a version 2 spec is less fun than a version 1
... JM: next time would be to have a much stronger statement of scope at the beginning
... EM agrees
<hugo> -- Web Services Choreography Working Group
<davidF> ST: BPEL has lost time due to existence of BPEL
... ST: however upside is that they have spent more time defining scope
... (re. first ST comment, "WSC WG has lost time due to ...")
<em> ?
<hugo> SRT: requirements document should be available by end of next week
<davidF> we heard a buzzing and then you were gone
<hugo> ... we have the beginning of a strawman
... ... we have 2 task forces working
... ... we have lost about 3 months due to political events, but now we are going much quicker
<SRT> task force #1 - review input against initial reqs
... task force #2 - formalisms (pi and event caluli)
... strawman (nascent)
... req doc - close to publish (1-2 weeks)
<davidF> JM sends regrets for next call, MC & HH only available for 30m
<hugo> Next meeting: Tuesday 29 July (short call)