Web Services Coordination Group call
6 Jan 2004


See also: IRC log


Present: David, Steve, Hugo, Carine, Mike, Martin, Jonathan

Regrets: EricM

Chair: SteveRT

Scribe: hugo


Scribe: No regrets received

Minutes approval

Scribe: Last minutes approved

<Scribe> ACTION: [DONE] David to contact the XML Core WG about MIFFY/MTOM work

<SRT> From Eric Miller: Apologies and regrets as I will be unable to attend todays teleconference.

Scribe: ACTION: [DONE] Jonathan to talk to Mike about joint WSD/WSA meeting in January

Discussing: Steve to draft email to AB to express desire to have CG involved in organizational liaison, providing technical point of view

Steve: I did that and it's related to the WS-I action item

Hugo: I think that the AB action item is for similar cases in the future; the WS-I ones is some concrete suggestions about what we would like to see happening from the POV of the CG and WS WGs

Scribe: ACTION: [DONE] Steve to ask chairs to ping people in their WGs about something

<Scribe> ACTION: Steve to draft email to AB to express desire to have CG involved in organizational liaison, providing technical point of view [IN PROGRESS]

Hugo: deadline for WS-I feedback is next call

Scribe: ACTION: Steve to inform everybody that deadline is next call (20 January 2004)

<Scribe> ACTION: [DONE] Hugo to add an XMLCG liaison in the charter
... done at http://www.w3.org/2003/12/ws-cg-charter.html

<Scribe> ACTION: [DONE] Hugo to revert IPR sentence in section 4 to previous text

Hugo: I added an ebXML liaison that I had missing, too

Mike: I had some discussions with the ebXML people at XML2003

Hugo: I am hoping to send things out this week

WS WG reports

Scribe: -- XML CG
... Nobody present
... -- Sweb CG
... Nobody present
... -- SWSIG

Carine: Nothing much to report
... I have been thinking about how to gather links and organize the home page

Scribe: ACTION: WSCWG chairs to follow-up with SWSIG coordination email / reissue the request
... -- Choreography
... Status report: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ws-cg/2004Jan/0006.html

Martin: very productive f2f in December
... very useful feedback from Pi-Calculus experts
... the 2 language proposals were merged into 1 and the WG accepted it as a WD
... the WG sees features and properties as very important for describing choreographies nicely (independently of things like reliable messaging, etc.)

Jonathan: this is interesting as we are discussing their fate
... it would be very interesting to see how they are useful to you

Martin: we are working on this and will send it to you ASAP

Steve: we are hoping to get that to you by your next call

Martin: support for multicast was discussed
... we do have a use case
... the question is the support for it in WSDL 2.0

Jonathan: we have just extended our MEPs
... so there will be support for that, but you should review our MEP document

Steve: I would really like it if people could send written reports, even if it's just a one-line one

Scribe: [ this was a general comment ]
... -- WSAWG:

Mike: we are continuing to summarize what we have learned
... there will be architectural loose ends that we'll try to document too
... the f2f is not likely to be attended broadly except by editors

Scribe: -- WS Desc WG:

Jonathan: I have asked for a review of part 1 and 2 to make sure they're close to being done
... I have not seen much feedback, so it may mean that indeed they are

Scribe: -- XMLP:

David: still focusing on attachments
... we have decided to go forward with it in the following way:
... we will not be attemting to design a general purpose XML attachment mechanism
... we will liaise with other WGs, focusing on our protocol attachment work
... the big motivation for us is to have it included in WSDL 2.0, and therefore we need to be ready before they go to last call
... also, our charter limits us to a tighter scope than the one of a general attachment mechanism

Next meeting

Scribe: Next meeting is 20 January 2004

Globus world

Steve: I will be there
... is there something this Group would like me to convey or ask there?

Scribe: Jonathan gives some background about the coordination in WSDWG

Hugo: I'd be interested in knowing if they have choreography requirements that we don't address at this point


Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Steve to inform everybody that deadline is next call (20
  January 2004) [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: WSCWG chairs to follow-up with SWSIG coordination email /
  reissue the request [recorded in
[IN_PROGRESS] ACTION: Steve to draft email to AB to express desire to have
  CG involved in organizational liaison, providing technical point of view
  [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2004/01/06-ws-cg-irc#T18-21-58]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl 1.47 (CVS log)
$Date: 2004/01/06 19:05:27 $