See also: IRC log
RESOLUTION: minutes approved
<JacekK> ACTION: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work things out with the Usage Guide [PENDING] [recorded in]
<JacekK> ACTION: JacekK to send a summary of today's discussion about the future of the group [DONE] [recorded in]
jacek: has not received links on email about uses of sawsdl. Please John send the url to your page
... please anybody send material, the page is empty
... could anyone write an email to the chinese person about the UDDI question
jacek: we may not need the '#' at the end of the XML namespace, what does the group think?
joel: arguments exist for not having the hash sign
jacek: understanding you: remove the hash sign
... anybody objects? hearing none
RESOLUTION: we remove the hash
Ajit: we still have a few problem with some use cases
... I will send the group an email
... we check againts the w3c site
Jacek: the test files are available in the form of two zip files, one per wsdl version
... anyone else having a sawsdl parser?
... the rdf mapper could be seen as a form of parser, only in case we don't have anything else
Joel: our parser might evolve to 2.0, but not fast
<JacekK> ACTION: JacekK to ping Marin Dimitrov about SAWSDL parser in WSMO Studio [recorded in]
Joel: as from the email from Rama: by the end of the month we'll have something ready
... Hopefully earlier
... when are hoping to have everything done
Jacek: now hoping end of march
... I can help by providing kicking power by phoning whoever appropriate
... rdf mapping: deri will produce something
... specs: also the ibm implementation and open university as well
Carlos: we have agreed to produce something by the end of the month
... good news is the will to push the standardization of this
Amit: do we need to test model references in all the allowed places?
Jacek: this discussion is useful in our group
... but there seems to be little to be added today
Joel: having questions of the component model
... xml component model and propagation
... for simple types and complex types, we have a wsdl statement
... for SAWSDL: model types are propagated from xml schema component model to simple types
... we need two statements
jacek: we could link to the spec in appropriate sections
... I coud give you the uris
... make references direct links. That would be useful
... I'm slow with raising the status of issues from resolved to "implemented", please let me know when all the resolutions are implemented