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<JacekK> last week:
<JacekK> two weeks ago:
Both Minutes Approved
<JacekK> ACTION: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work things out with the Usage Guide [PENDING] [recorded in]
<JacekK> ACTION: JacekK to check about the future suggestions about an ontology for SWS concepts [ONGOING] [recorded in]
Tomas: checking on how SAWSDL is used in eHealth project
Implementaion status: UGA Woden is released on 23/04/2007
- SAWSDL4J - some bugs yet to be fixed (partial)
- Radiant - no development going on
- IBM alpha works:
joel: tools can read/interpret but how do we want to prove it (in terms of requirements)
ajith: unit tests are supposed to capture those things
jacek: a short descriptions on what it can do can be useful for using the tool, we can point to the description
joel: we can have logging that might be another thing we can do to demonstrate what happened
RDF mapping : pending
SAWSDL usage: work is going on in using SAWSDL with WSMO (DERI)
1. and 2. Amit
5. Amit
joel: what is the expected schedule of the next phase
<JacekK> ACTION: JacekK to check exactly when we should have implementations complete [recorded in]
John: any implementation time line for IBM and DERI
Joel: we don't have unit test, but by next call should be available
Jacek: RDF mapping should be done
- specification not sure whether it will be available by next call
John: can ontology be included?
Jacek: it can be published somewhere in UGS site and then it can be linked/refered