See also: IRC log
Jacek: will not be approving minutes -> next week
<JacekK> ACTION: 2006-11-21: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work things out with the Usage Guide [PENDING] [recorded in]
<JacekK> ACTION: 2007-04-10: JacekK to check about the future suggestions about an ontology for SWS concepts [RETIRED] [recorded in]
<JacekK> ACTION: 2007-04-24: JacekK to check exactly when we should have implementations complete [RETIRED] [recorded in]
Jacek: Eric to upgrde SPDL page for SAWSDL readers
... work in DERI on service semantics and grounding to WSDL using SAWSDL, any other work around?
... The action will be closed
... Jacek will get concrete date hen the implementation will be completed
... with implementations available the gaps should be indentified
... the implementations take more time then anticipated, the action has not been completed as we do not know exactly when the impl. will be completed
... this action will be closed
Jacek: we will do polishing starting next week
... inconsitencies around propagations
... we have an option to have a propagation from global types
... how will that work with imports?
Doug: those schema imports do work in the underlying APIs
Jacek: suggestions: we allow propagation from global type def to global elements or attr. declaration
... it won't put us back
<JacekK> RESOLUTION: open new issue on annotation propagation, close with clarification of status quo
Jacek: this should be implemented by Holger, I'll give him other editorial polishing as well
Jacek: all features should be implemented in every category
... when we have Woden+SAWSDL and SAWSDL4J we will be very close
... RDF mapping should be available soon after Woden+SAWSDL is available
John: I think we r nearly done, may be next week
Doug: SAWSDL4J has not changed since last update
Jacek: please send the report to me by e-mail
Doug: the serialization is left on woden implementation
... we r waiting for woden to do serialization
Jacek: The link for woden is missing
Doug: Radiant will annotate 1.1 and 2.0 according to the spec
Jacek: Rama showed how semantic tools for web services parsed WSDL1.1 with annotations but it would be useful that the semantic matching could be demonstrated suing SAWSDL -> this is going to be convincing
... we need to show how advanced tools use SAWSDL
... we should put more visibility on that on the web site
Doug: we're working on UDDI integration
Jacek: is UDDI implementation required for higher level functions of the tool?
Doug: discovery needs it
Jacek: some work on semantic annotations for BPEL -- waiting for Carlos for details
... other specs comming up - lightweight ontology for semantic web services, probably not big progress during the next week
Jacek: I have not heard anything to report on these items
Joel: Holger to check acknowledgements to update the current situation in the group