Semantic Annotations for WSDL WG teleconference

21 Aug 2007


See also: IRC log




<JacekK> scribe: Rama

Action Item review

<JacekK> ACTION: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work things out with the Usage Guide [RETIRED] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20070821#action01]

Final publication

Carine: Comments were very good. Have approval to go ahead with publication.
... Most likely will publish next tuesday or wednesday.

Jack: Who should make testimonials?

Carine: Will check with someone from communications regarding testimonials page.

Jack: Approval is for 'Recommendation'.
... What kinds of comments were made?

Carine: As-it-is, with-modifications etc. Good # of reviewers.

Jack: any objections from anyone?

RESOLUTION: No objections to publish the spec as recommendation

Usage guide edits

<JacekK> 0) leave as is

<JacekK> 1) fix listings

<JacekK> 2) drop listings

<JacekK> 3) move to appendix with caveats

<JacekK> 4) drop section

<JacekK> 5) just move offending listings to an appendix

Brahmananda: Syntax of rules is correct. Fixing the listings to make them in synch with textual rules is doable. Depends on available time.

Carine: 1 or 2 more days is ok.

Jack: Friday AM August 24th will be ok.

Brahamananda: Should be ok.

Jack: Both editors prefer offending listings to appendix and fix the rules up and add caveats
... No one else has comments. Lets proceed as planned.
... Paragraph preceding section 3.7 should be edited.

Rama: Rama will take care of flow.

Jack: SPDL appendix comes from no where.
... Let's remove it, because it has not enough context.

Rama: Concurs

Joel: Concurs

reference to WSDL-S

jacek: it is currently in the abstract, suggestion to move it to introduction?

rama: ok to move it to introduction

joel: move it or remove it, no opinion

RESOLUTION: move reference to WSDL-S to introduction

jacek: Jack will work with Brahmananda on some edits while he is in Galway.

resolution: Appendix A will be removed
... Appendix related to SPDL will be removed

Future of SWS efforts in W3C

Jack: None of the topics for future SWS efforts we came up with got pursued in this WG.

Jacek: Suggestion is to pursue these topics outside.

Joel: clarification point. Should we have concrete proposals to discuss?

Jacek: it varies on a case-by-case basis. Letting the WG on the efforts would be useful.

Declare success and close WG.

Joel: Agrees. Thanks for Jacek's leadership. Set records on how fast we got things done.

<caribou> +1 to Joel's point :)

Jacek declares success

Summary of Action Items

[DROPPED] ACTION: Eric to upgrade the SPDL page for SAWSDL readers and then work things out with the Usage Guide [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/sawsdl/minutes/20070821#action01]