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Term entries in the full glossary starting with the letter "H"

W3C Glossaries

Showing results 21 - 27 of 27

HTTP response

From Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (2005-01-18) | Glossary for this source

An HTTP message sent back to an HTTP client in response to a previous HTTP request.
This term was developed from the definition of response in Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1.
HTTP server

From Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (2005-01-18) | Glossary for this source

An application program that accepts connections in order to service HTTP requests by sending back HTTP responses.
Any given program may be capable of being both an HTTP client and an HTTP server; our use of these terms refers only to the role being performed by the program for a particular connection, rather than to the program's capabilities in general. Likewise, any HTTP server may act as an origin server, HTTP proxy, HTTP gateway, or tunnel, switching behavior based on the nature of each request.
This term was developed from the definition of server in Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1.
hybrid document

From Modularization of XHTML (2001-04-10) | Glossary for this source

A hybrid document is a document that uses more than one XML namespace. Hybrid documents may be defined as documents that contain elements or attributes from hybrid document types.

From XML Linking Language (XLink) (2001-06-27) | Glossary for this source

A hyperlink is a link that is intended primarily for presentation to a human user.

From Hypertext Terms (1995-04-15) | Glossary for this source

MultiMedia Hypertext . HyperMedia and HyperText tend to be used loosely in place of each other. Media other than text typically include graphics, sound, and video. (More...)

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

Nonsequential writing; Ted Nelson's term for a medium that includes links. Nowadays it includes other media apart from text and is sometimes called hypermedia.

From Hypertext Terms (1995-04-15) | Glossary for this source

Text which is not constrained to be linear. (More...)

The Glossary System has been built by Pierre Candela during an internship in W3C; it's now maintained by Dominique Hazael-Massieux

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