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Term entries in the full glossary starting with the letter "I"

W3C Glossaries

Showing results 81 - 100 of 112

instance data

From XForms 1.0 (2003-10-14) | Glossary for this source

An internal tree representation of the values and state of all the instance data nodes associated with a particular form.

An [XPath 1.0] node from the instance data.

instance data node

From XForms 1.0 (2003-10-14) | Glossary for this source

An [XPath 1.0] node from the instance data.

instance of

From OWL Web Ontology Language Guide (2004-02-10) | Glossary for this source

the relation between an individual and a class
instance of mathML

From Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 2.0 (2001-02-21) | Glossary for this source

A single instance of the top level element of MathML, and/or a single instance of embedded MathML in some other data format.
instance of the data model

From XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model (XDM) (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

Every instance of the data model is a sequence.

From Modularization of XHTML (2001-04-10) | Glossary for this source

to replace an entity reference with an instance of its declared content.

From XSL Transformations (XSLT) 2.0 (2007-01-23) | Glossary for this source

An instruction is either an XSLT instruction or an extension instruction.

From Web Services Glossary (2004-02-11) | Glossary for this source

Assuring information will not be accidentally or maliciously altered or destroyed. [NSA Glossary]


From RDF Semantics (2004-02-10) | Glossary for this source

(adj., of a logic) Not extensional . A logic which allows distinct entities with the same extension.

From Glossary of Terms for Device Independence (2005-01-18) | Glossary for this source

An activity by which a user can influence the data and processing of an application by modifying the information associated with an active perceivable unit.
A common form of this kind of activity is the entry of data into an active perceivable unit that contains a form.
interactive element, non-interactive element,non-interactive

From User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (2002-12-17) | Glossary for this source

An interactive element is piece of content that, by specification, may have associated behaviors to be executed or carried out as a result of user or programmatic interaction. For instance, the interactive elements of HTML 4 [HTML4] include: links, image maps, form elements, elements with a value for the longdesc attribute, and elements with event handlers explicitly associated with them (e.g., through the various "on" attributes). The role of an element as an interactive element is subject to applicability. A non-interactive element is an element that, by format specification, does not have associated behaviors. The expectation of this document is that interactive elements become enabled elements in some sessions, and non-interactive elements never become enabled elements.
interlaced PNG image

From Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Second Edition) (2003-11-10) | Glossary for this source

sequence of reduced images generated from the PNG image by pass extraction .

From Hypertext Terms (1995-04-15) | Glossary for this source

A link to a node in the same database . See database .
internal entity

From Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.1 (2004-02-04) | Glossary for this source

If the entity definition is an EntityValue, the defined entity is called an internal entity. There is no separate physical storage object, and the content of the entity is given in the declaration.
internal entity

From Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (2000-10-06) | Glossary for this source

If the entity definition is an EntityValue, the defined entity is called an internal entity. There is no separate physical storage object, and the content of the entity is given in the declaration.
internationalized resource identifier

From XPointer Framework (2003-03-25) | Glossary for this source

An Internationalized Resource Identifier, or IRI is a protocol element that extends the syntax of URIs to a much wider repertoire of Unicode characters .

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

A global network of networks through which computers communicate by sending information in packets. Each network consists of computers connected by cables or wireless links.

From XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes (2001-05-02) | Glossary for this source

The number of literals for each value has been kept small; for many datatypes there is a one-to-one mapping between literals and values. This makes it easy to exchange the values between different systems. In many cases, conversion from locale-dependent representations will be required on both the originator and the recipient side, both for computer processing and for interaction with humans.

From RDF Semantics (2004-02-10) | Glossary for this source

() (n.) A minimal formal description of those aspects of a world which is just sufficient to establish the truth or falsity of any expression of a logic.

From Glossary of "Weaving the Web" (1999-07-23) | Glossary for this source

A part of the Internet or part of the Web used internally within a company or organization.

The Glossary System has been built by Pierre Candela during an internship in W3C; it's now maintained by Dominique Hazael-Massieux

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