- atomic test
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
A test case that tests a single rule from the specification and maps back to exactly one assertion. This is in contrast to some test cases that may test a combination of rules.
- certification
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
Acknowledgement that a validation was completed and criteria established by the certifying organization for issuing a certificate (or branding) has been met.
- compliance
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
This term is deprecated. The QA Working Group recommends to use the word Conformance. See Conformance.
- conformance
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
The ability of a product to meet all the requirements claimed to be supportedPart of a specification which defines the requirements that must be satisfied to claim conformance to part of the specification.Testing the level of fullfilment with regard to the claim done on features implementation
- conformance clause
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
Part of a specification which defines the requirements that must be satisfied to claim conformance to part of the specification.
- conformance testing
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
Testing the level of fullfilment with regard to the claim done on features implementation
- conforming document
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
Document that obeys the rules defined in the recommendation it was written for.
- quality assurance, QA
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
The process assuring the quality of one organization's outcomes.
- semantic requirement
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
Same as test assertion
- standard
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
a set of language or protocol rules serving as a rallying point, as a base for independent agents to communicate together without a specific and a priori agreement.
- test assertion
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
A set of premises that are known to be true by definition in the spec.
- test case
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
An individual test that corresponds to a test purpose, which in turn maps back to the assertion(s), and finally the spec.
- test purpose
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
An explanation of why the test was written, and must map directly to one or more test assertions.
- test requirement
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
Same as test assertion
- test suite
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
A set of documents and tools providing tool developers with an objective methodology to verify the level of conformance of an implementation for a given standard
- validation, validate, validating
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
The process necessary to perform conformance testing in accordance with a prescribed procedure and an official test suite.
- W3C recommendation
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
A standard agreed upon by the Web industry and community represented in W3C.
- well-formed
From W3C QA - Quality Assurance glossary (2003-09-06)
As defined in the XML recommendation, it's a textual object which obeys to the rules 2.1 of XML 1.0 recommendation.