- atomic value
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
An atomic value is a value in the value space of an atomic type, as defined in .
- atomization
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Atomization of a sequence is defined as the result of invoking the fn:data function on the sequence, as defined in .
- available collections.
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Available collections. This is a mapping of strings onto sequences of nodes. The string represents the absolute URI of a resource. The sequence of nodes represents the result of the fn:collection function when that URI is supplied as the argument.
- available documents.
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Available documents. This is a mapping of strings onto document nodes. The string represents the absolute URI of a resource. The document node is the root of a tree that represents that resource using the data model. The document node is returned by the fn:doc function when applied to that URI.
- axis step
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
An axis step returns a sequence of nodes that are reachable from the context node via a specified axis. Such a step has two parts: an axis, which defines the "direction of movement" for the step, and a node test, which selects nodes based on their kind, name, and/or type annotation.
- base URI declaration
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A base URI declaration specifies the base URI property of the static context. The base URI property is used when resolving relative URIs within a module.
- base URI.
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Base URI. This is an absolute URI, used when necessary in the resolution of relative URIs (for example, by the fn:resolve-uri function.)
- binding sequence
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
The value of the expression associated with a variable in a for clause is called the binding sequence for that variable.
- boundary whitespace
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Boundary whitespace is a sequence of consecutive whitespace characters within the content of a direct element constructor, that is delimited at each end either by the start or end of the content, or by a DirectConstructor, or by an EnclosedExpr. For this purpose, characters generated by character references such as or by CdataSections are not considered to be whitespace characters.
- boundary-space declaration
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A boundary-space declaration sets the boundary-space policy in the static context, overriding any implementation-defined default. Boundary-space policy controls whether boundary whitespace is preserved by element constructors during processing of the query.
- boundary-space policy.
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Boundary-space policy. This component controls the processing of boundary whitespace by direct element constructors, as described in .
- built-in functions
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
The built-in functions supported by XQuery are defined in .
- character reference
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A character reference is an XML-style reference to a character, identified by its decimal or hexadecimal code point.
- collation
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A collation is a specification of the manner in which strings and URIs are compared and, by extension, ordered. For a more complete definition of collation, see .
- comma operator
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
One way to construct a sequence is by using the comma operator, which evaluates each of its operands and concatenates the resulting sequences, in order, into a single result sequence.
- computed element constructor
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A computed element constructor creates an element node, allowing both the name and the content of the node to be computed.
- construction declaration
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A construction declaration sets the construction mode in the static context, overriding any implementation-defined default.
- construction mode.
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Construction mode. The construction mode governs the behavior of element and document node constructors. If construction mode is preserve, the type of a constructed element node is xs:anyType, and all attribute and element nodes copied during node construction retain their original types. If construction mode is strip, the type of a constructed element node is xs:untyped; all element nodes copied during node construction receive the type xs:untyped, and all attribute nodes copied during node construction receive the type xs:untypedAtomic.
- constructor function
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
The constructor function for a given type is used to convert instances of other atomic types into the given type. The semantics of the constructor function call T($arg) are defined to be equivalent to the expression (($arg) cast as T?).
- content expression
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
The final part of a computed constructor is an expression enclosed in braces, called the content expression of the constructor, that generates the content of the node.