- name expression
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
When an expression is used to specify the name of a constructed node, that expression is called the name expression of the constructor.
- name test
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A node test that consists only of a QName or a Wildcard is called a name test.
- namespace declaration
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A namespace declaration declares a namespace prefix and associates it with a namespace URI, adding the (prefix, URI) pair to the set of statically known namespaces.
- namespace declaration attribute
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A namespace declaration attribute is used inside a direct element constructor. Its purpose is to bind a namespace prefix or to set the default element/type namespace for the constructed element node, including its attributes.
- namespace-sensitive
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A value is namespace-sensitive if it includes an item whose dynamic type is xs:QName or xs:NOTATION or is derived by restriction from xs:QName or xs:NOTATION.
- node
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A node is an instance of one of the node kinds defined in .
- node test
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A node test is a condition that must be true for each node selected by a step.
- numeric predicate
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A predicate whose predicate expression returns a numeric type is called a numeric predicate.
- option declaration
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
An option declaration declares an option that affects the behavior of a particular implementation. Each option consists of an identifying QName and a StringLiteral.
- optional axes
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
The following axes are designated as optional axes: ancestor, ancestor-or-self, following, following-sibling, preceding, and preceding-sibling.
- ordering mode declaration
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
An ordering mode declaration sets the ordering mode in the static context, overriding any implementation-defined default.
- ordering mode.
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Ordering mode. Ordering mode, which has the value ordered or unordered, affects the ordering of the result sequence returned by certain path expressions, union, intersect, and except expressions, and FLWOR expressions that have no order by clause.
- path expression
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A path expression can be used to locate nodes within trees. A path expression consists of a series of one or more steps, separated by "/" or "//", and optionally beginning with "/" or "//".
- pragma
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A pragma is denoted by the delimiters (# and #), and consists of an identifying QName followed by implementation-defined content.
- predefined entity reference
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A predefined entity reference is a short sequence of characters, beginning with an ampersand, that represents a single character that might otherwise have syntactic significance.
- predicate
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A predicate consists of an expression, called a predicate expression, enclosed in square brackets. A predicate serves to filter a sequence, retaining some items and discarding others.
- primary expressions
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Primary expressions are the basic primitives of the language. They include literals, variable references, context item expressions, constructors, and function calls. A primary expression may also be created by enclosing any expression in parentheses, which is sometimes helpful in controlling the precedence of operators.
- principal node kind
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Every axis has a principal node kind. If an axis can contain elements, then the principal node kind is element; otherwise, it is the kind of nodes that the axis can contain.
- prolog
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
A Prolog is a series of declarations and imports that define the processing environment for the module that contains the Prolog.
- qName
From XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language (2007-01-23)
Lexically, a QName consists of an optional namespace prefix and a local name. If the namespace prefix is present, it is separated from the local name by a colon.