Pre-W3C Web and Internet Background
- pre-1979
- pre-1989
- 1989
- 1990
- 1991
- 1992
- 1993
- 1994
- 1995
- 1996
- 1997
- 1945: Vannevar Bush
- 1960: J.C.R Licklider
- 1962: Douglas Englebart
- 1965: Ted Nelson
- 1968: Douglas Englebart
- 1969: ARPANET
- 1971: Ray Tomlinson
- 1974: Vint Cerf / Bob Kahn
- 1978: TCP/IP
1971: Ray Tomlinson of BBN creates email program to send messages across a distributed network.
1972: Tomlinson expands program to ARPANET users, using the "@" sign as part of the address.