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Press Work: Releases and Clippings (D1.3) - Year 2004-2005
IST-FP6-004308 "Web Services And Semantics" (WS2) Project

Press Releases - Press Clippings

Press Releases

9 June 2005
World Wide Web Consortium Holds Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services
25 January 2005
World Wide Web Consortium Issues Three Web Services Recommendations
13 Octobre 2004
W3C Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities to Explore Next Web Services Layer

Press Clippings [2004 - 2005]

Misc. (30)

Java World [30 June]
"JAVAONE: Interoperability frustrations aired", Paul Krill, W3C, Web services, WSDL, XML Schema [29 June]
"Public Key Crypto in an XML Framework", Kathleen Ohlson, W3C, XML Key Management System 2.0, W3C XML Security Framework, XKMS 2.0, Web services
iNTERNET magazine [29 June]
"Introduction of Semantic Web [pp.40-43]", Yasuyuki Hirakawa, W3C, Semantic Web, XHTML, HTML, PICS, RDF, P3P, CC/PP, OWL, SPARQL, Web Services, Tim Berners-Lee (in Japanese)
PC PRO [29 June]
"W3C updates XML PKI spec", Alun Williams, W3C, XML, XKMS 2.0, Web services, XML Signature, XML Encryption
Yahoo! Finance [28 June]
"Aspect Communications Paves Convergence Path for Contact Centers With Release of Aspect Uniphi Suite V6.1" , W3C, Web Services, VoiceXLML, SOAP
Nikkei BP, IT Pro [28 June]
"W3C Issues XKMS 2.0, Specification for Public Key Management, as a W3C Recommendation", W3C, XKMS 2.0, Web Services (in Japanese)
Business Wire [28 June]
"World Wide Web Consortium Issues XML Key Management System (XKMS) 2.0 as a W3C Recommendation" , W3C, XKMS 2.0, Web Services
InfoDecideur [28 June]
"Le W3C recommande XKMS 2.0 comme système de gestion de clés de chiffrement XML" , W3C, Web Services, XKMS 2.0 (in French)
@IT [23 June]
"W3C/XML Watch - June 2005", Emie Kayama, W3C, Semantic Web, SKOS, SPARQL, OWL, RDF, RDF Schema, XML, Namespaces in XML 1.1/1.0, XML Schema, XSLT 2.0/1.0, DI, DISelect 1.0, MWI, XKMS 2.0, SMIL 2.1, XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0, SVG 1.2 Full/Tiny, sXBL, CDF, WS-Addressing, WSDL 2.0, MMI, XLink 1.1, QA Framework, XHTML 2.0, Tim Berners-Lee, Liam Quin (in Japanese)
O'Reilly [22 June]
"A Bright, Shiny Service: Sparklines", Joe Gregorio, W3C, SVG, HTTP, CSS, HTML, URI, DOM, Web Services, XML
Innovation et Administration [16 June]
"Le fonctionnement des services Web" , W3C, Web Services, HTTP, XML, SOAP (in French)
01net [13 June]
"Deux solutions pour alléger XML" , Ludovic Arbelet, W3C, eb Services, XML, XML Binary (in French)
Programmers Heaven [10 June]
"Printing company cites XML tools for multimedia forms", W3C, XML, Web Services Description Language (WSDL), XML Schema, XSLT, XPath, XQuery
TMCnet [9 June]
"World Wide Web Consortium Holds Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services", W3C, Web services, Semantic Web
The Register [18 May]
"Politics hurting web services - Gartner" , Gavin Clarke, W3C, WSDL, WS-Addressing, XML, Philippe Le Hégaret
01 Informatique [13 May]
"Les services web se déploient largement" , W3C, Web Services, HTTP, SOAP, XML (in French)
01 Informatique [13 May]
"La sémantique va donner un sens « universel » aux données du web" , Ludovic Arbelet, Philippe Davy, Thierry Jacquot et Marie Varandat, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, Semantic Web, Ivan Herman (in French)
Linux Magazine [1 May]
"Initiation aux services web" , Lionel Tricon, W3C, Web Services, XML, SOAP, HTTP, WSDL (in French)
PC Expert [1 May]
"Services Web gratuits" , W3C (in French) [15 April]
"Web Services Still at an Impasse" , Clint Boulton, W3C, Web Services, WS-Addressing, SOAP [12 April]
"Le W3C participe à la conférence WWW2005 au 10 au 14 mai, au Japon", W3C, WAI, Mobile Web, Web Services, Internationalisation, XML, Semantic Web, Privacy (in French)
C|NET [12 April]
"W3C to open kimono in Japan", Paul Festa, W3C, Web Services, Internationalization, WAI, Mobile Web, XML, Privacy, Semantic Web
ITR News [12 April]
"Le W3C participe à la conférence WWW2005 au 10 au 14 mai, au Japon", W3C, WAI, Mobile Web, Web Services, Internationalisation, XML, Semantic Web, Privacy (in French)
Network World [24 March]
"Lo sviluppo per il Web si incontra a Chiba" , W3C, Web Services, Web Services, Mobile Web, XML (in Italian)
Web Services News [6 April]
"BlackBerry maker puts Web services in motion" , Nitin Bharti, W3C, Web Services, XML, XML Binary
Credit Management [1 April]
"Web Services", W3C, WSDL, Web Services, XML, SOAP
CNET Japan [24 March]
"Faster XML ahead?" , W3C, XML, Binary Characterization, Web Services (in Japanese)
Network World [24 March]
"Lo sviluppo per il Web si incontra a Chiba" , W3C, Web Services, Web Services, Mobile Web, XML (in Italian)
C|NET [23 March]
"Faster XML ahead?", Martin LaMonica, W3C, XML, XML Binary Characterization Working Group
ZDNet UK [23 March]
"Faster Web services on the horizon?", Martin LaMonica, W3C, Web Services, XML Binary

Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services (2)

PRWeb [10 June]
"WSMO Targets W3C Semantic Web Activity" , W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web
BusinessWire [9 June]
"World Wide Web Consortium Holds Workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services; Groups to identify points of intersection between Web services and Semantic Web", W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web

Rules Workshop (3)

I-Newswire [2 May]
"World Wide Web Consortium Holds Rule Languages Workshop" , W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web
Réseaux et Télécoms [28 April]
"W3C : vers un langage de règles standard" , W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web (in French) [27 April]
"Le W3C organise un atelier sur les langages de règles", W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web (in French)


Enjeux [1 July]
"Le W3C publie trois recommandations pour les services Web" , W3C, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB
e-business Process [31 March]
"webMethods contributes to three WC3 Web Services recommendations" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB
JDN Developpeurs [7 February]
"Les nouveautés du monde SOAP" , Xavier Borderie, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XQuery, XSLT, XOP, RRSHB (in French)
ITWeek [7 February]
"Specs to boost web services" , Darryl Taft, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB
Computer Weekly [1 February]
"W3C rolls out new XML standards" , Anthony Savvas, W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB
Décision Informatique [31 January]
"Le consortium W3C accélère les services Web" , Pierre Berlemont, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon (in French)
ET News [31 January]
"W3C Issues Three Web Services Recommendations" , W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB (in Korean)
Yahoo! Italia [31 January]
"Nuove Specifiche Per i Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB (in Italian) [31 January]
"W3C will Webservices beschleunigen" , W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB (in German)
IT Week [31 January]
"W3C specs grasp SOAP" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XOP
Client Server News [31 January]
"W3C standardizes XOP, MTOM & RRSHB" , W3C, Web Services, MTOM, SOAP 1.2, XOP, RRSHB
Technologia Empresarial [29 January]
"W3C recomienda estándar para servicios Web" , W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB (in Spanish)
Linea EDP [28 January]
"Nuove parole nel vocabolario Web service" , Web Services, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB (in Italian)
InfoWeek [28 January]
"XML-Spezifikationen für binäre Daten" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB (in German)
Golem [28 January]
"W3C will Web-Services beschleunigen" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB (in German)
Sophianet [28 January]
"W3C : trois recommandations qui "boostent" les services Web" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon (in French)
eCommerce Times [27 January]
"W3C Boosts Web Services Performance" , Jay Lyman, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB
CIO Today [27 January]
"W3C Offers Web Services Standards" , Jay Wrolstad, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon [27 January]
"W3C will XML-Verarbeitung beschleunigen" , Martin LaMonica und Joachim Kaufmann, W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB (in German)
DMX Zone [27 January]
"W3C presents Key Web Services Standards" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB
TechNewsWorld [27 January]
"W3C Boosts Web Services Performance" , Jay Lyman, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB
Le Monde Informatique [27 January]
"Le W3C ratifie 3 recommandations pour accélérer les transmissions de données binaires avec SOAP" , C.C, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB (in French)
eWeek [27 January]
"W3C, OASIS Recommend New Web Services Standards" , Darryl Taft, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB
PC Inpact [27 January]
"Des optimisations du XML approuvées par le W3C" , W3C
ZDNet France [27 January]
"Des optimisations du format XML validées par le W3C" , W3C, Web Services, XML
ZDNet UK [27 January]
"W3C shows why innovation needs standards" , W3C, XOP, IRI
ZDNet UK [27 January]
"W3C outlines XML speed boosting plan" , Martin LaMonica, W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB
Punto Informatico [27 January]
"Il W3C ottimizza i web service" , W3C, Web Services, XML, XOP, MTOM, RRSHB (in Italian)
Computer World Australia [27 January]
"W3C addresses Web services bandwidth" , Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon
iTNews [27 January]
"W3C issues new web services recommendations" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon [27 January]
"W3C recommends quicker XML transmission" , Martin LaMonica, W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB
Japan Internet [26 January]
"W3C issues 3 new specifications for Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, XOP, MTOM, RRSHB, XML (in Japanese)
Computer World Italia [26 January]
"Nuove specifiche W3C, web services più veloci" , W3C, Web Services, XML, XOP, MTOM, RRSHB (in Italian)
IT Pro, Nikkei BP [26 January]
"W3C issues 3 Recommendations to process binary data for Web Services efficiently" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, XOP, MTOM, RRSHB, XML, Yves Lafon (in Japanese)
CNet News [26 January]
"W3C recommends quicker XML transmission" , Martin LaMonica, W3C, Web services, XOP, MTOM, RRSHB, XML, SOAP
ITmedia Enterprise [26 January]
"W3C releases 3 new specifications for Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XOP, MTOM, RRSHB, XML (in Japanese)
ComputerWoche [26 January]
"W3C verabschiedet Standards zur Beschleunigung von Web-Services" , W3C, Web Services, XOP, SOAP, XML Schema (in German)
TechWorld [26 January]
"W3C addresses web services bandwidth: How to deal with bulky graphics" , Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon
Réseaux&Telecom [26 January]
"Le W3C ratifie 3 recommandations pour accélérer les transmissions de données binaires avec SOAP" , C.C., W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB
LinuxElectrons [26 January]
"WWW Consortium Issues Three Web Services Recommendations" , W3C, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon
Macworld [26 January]
"Web standards deliver Web service support" , Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon
Livedoor [25 January]
"Three new Web services documents", W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB (in Japanese)
ACM Queue [25 January]
"W3C Issues Key Web Services Standards" , W3C, Web Services, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB
InfoWorld [25 January]
"W3C addresses Web services bandwidth" , Paul Krill , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon
Internetnews [25 January]
"W3C Issues Key Web Services Standards" , Clint Boulton, W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XML, XML Binary, XOP, RRSHB, Yves Lafon
Info Decideur [26 January]
"Le W3C publie trois recommandations pour les services Web" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, XOP, RRSHB

Misc. (21)

SearchWebServices [9 March]
"Dancing with Web services: W3C chair talks choreography" , Nitin Bharti, W3C, Web Services, WSDL
Web Services Journal [22 February]
"Workshop On Rule Languages For Interoperability" , W3C, Web Services, WSDL
Information Security Bulletin [18 February]
"Securing Web Services Based on Identity and XML Content" , Mark O'Neill, W3C, Web Services
Integration Developers News [17 February]
"Web Services 2005 -- Five Keys Unlock the Gate" , Joe Keller, W3C, Web Services, XML
Information Security Bulletin [18 February]
"Security Impacts of New Technical Trends", Jirí Ludvík, W3C, Web Services, XML
Sys-Con Media [9 February]
"Web Services: Why Can't We Just Talk?" , Calvin Austin , W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, XML
@IT [February]
"W3C/XML Watch - February 2005", Emie Kayama, W3C, XML, Web Services, SOAP, Binary XML, WS-Choreography, WS-Addressing, WSDL 2.0
Billing World [January]
"Enabling SOA Through Web Services" , Susana Schwartz, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, XML [10 January]
"The year ahead ... in technology: From business intelligence to wireless, progress abounds but work remains" , John Moore and Brian Robinson, W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web Services
Integration Developper News [14 January]
"A Developer's Roadmap to Using WS-Security" , Vance McCarthy, W3C, Web Services, XML Encryption, XML Signature, SOAP
Application Development Advisor [6 January]
"Go with the flow" , Dave Chadwick, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML
Journal of Information technology [31 December]
"Potential of Web services to enable smart business networks" , Jos van Hillegersberg, Ruurd Boeke and Willen-Jan van den Heuvel, W3C, SOAP, Web Services, WS-Chor, WSDL
SearchNetworking [29 December]
"Eyes, wallets wide open to XML traffic woes in 2005" , Michael S. Mimoso, W3C, Web Services, XML 1.0, XML Binary
SearchWebServices [20 December]
"Eyes, wallets wide open to XML traffic woes in 2005" , Michael S. Mimoso, W3C, Web Services, XML Binary
Integration Developper News [17 December]
"Demystifying SOA for Architects, Devs" , W3C, SOAP
Enjeux [3 December]
"Le W3C et la chorégraphie du Web..." , W3C, WS-CDL (in French)
InternetNews [29 November]
"Web Services Now and When" , Clint Boulton, W3C, XML, WSDL, SOAP, Web Services
XMLMania [16 November]
"SOAP Performance: Three W3C Proposed Recommendations" , W3C, SOAP 1.2, XML Schema, XOP, XML, Web Services
JDN Développeurs [5 November]
"SOAP, XML-RPC et REST : différences et intérêts" , Xavier Borderie, W3C, SOAP, XML (in French)
01 Réseaux [4 November]
"La sécurité des services web prête à l'emploi" , W3C, XML Signature, XML Encryption, WSDL, Web Services (in French)
Programmez! [1 November]
"Développez des Services Web avec des outils Open Source" , Sami Jaber, W3C, Web Services, WSDL (in French)

W3C Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities (9)

GridToday [18 October]
"W3C Workshop Explores Next Web Services Layer" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0
XMLMania [16 October]
"W3C Releases Revised Web Services Choreography Description Language Version 1.0 (WS-CDL)" , W3C, Web Services Choreography
Infoworld [14 October]
"Web services standards - Is enough enough already?" , Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, Ian Jacobs
Info Décideur [13 October]
"Un séminaire W3C pour explorer la nouvelle brique de base des services Web" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0 (in French)
Artesi IDF [13 October]
"Un séminaire W3C pour explorer la nouvelle brique de base des services Web" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0 (in French)
Business Wire [13 October]
"W3C Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities to Explore Next Web Services Layer; Workshop Draws Numerous Speakers Interested in Web Services Constraints and Capabilities Framework" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0
XMLMania [2 July]
"W3C Sponsors Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities for Web" , W3C, Web Services, P3P, XHTML, HTTP, HTML [2 July]
"W3C Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities for Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, WSDL, HTTP, SOAP
Cover Pages [1 July]
"W3C Sponsors Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities for Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, P3P, XHTML, WSDL, HTTP, SOAP, HTML, Philippe Le Hégaret

WS-Addressing (37)

O'Reilly Developer Blog [1 April]
"WS-Addressing goes to “Last Call” status" ,Dave Chappell, W3C, Web Services, WS-Adressing
Client Server News [17 January]
"BEA To Lead WS-Addressing Effort" , W3C, WS-Adressing
Dealing with Technology [17 January]
"BEA Systems Techie to chair W3C Group" , W3C, WS-Addressing
Computer Weekly [11 January]
"Firms submit cross-platform compatibilty spec to W3C" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Addressing
PR Newswire [10 January]
"BEA Technologist Selected as Chair of W3C Working Group; Underscores Company's Leadership Role in Advancing Web Services Standards Efforts" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Addressing, SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0, XInclude 1.0, XQuery 1.0, XOP1.0, MTOM
Yahoo!Finance [10 January]
"BEA Technologist Selected as Chair of W3C Working Group; Underscores Company's Leadership Role in Advancing Web Services Standards Efforts" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Addressing, SOAP 1.2, WSDL 2.0, XInclude 1.0, XQuery 1.0, XOP 1.0, MTOM
Search Web Services [13 December]
"W3C releases WS-Addressing working drafts" , Michael S. Mimoso, W3C, WS-Addressing, SOAP, WSDL
XMLMania [12 December]
"W3C Publishes Three Initial Working Drafts for Web Services Addressing" , W3C, WS-Addressing, SOAP, WSDL
Internetnews [9 December]
"Microsoft, Sun Submit Web Services Drafts to W3C" ,Clint Boulton, W3C, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services, WS-Addressing
SearchWebServices [11 October]
"W3C forms WS-Addressing working group" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1
XMLMania [10 October]
"W3C Announces Formation of New Web Services Addressing Working Group" , W3C, Web Services
InternetWeek [8 October]
"W3C Launches Web Services Addressing Working Group" , W3C, Web Services
WirelessEurope [18 September]
"Identity federation provides greater mobility for Internet users" , Bjorn Wigforss, W3C, Web Services
XMLMania [26 August]
"SOAP Performance: Three W3C Candidate Recommendations Published" , W3C, SOAP
NewMediaAge [19 August]
"Technology firms team up to create Web standard" , W3C, Web services
The Guardian [19 August]
"Address Code" , W3C, Web Services
SearchWebServices [17 August]
"Breaking through fog of Web services standards" , Mark Brunelli, W3C, XML, SOAP, XSDL, Web Services
ARNnet [17 August]
"Companies play nice in front of W3C" , John Fontana, W3C, Web Services
Computer Weekly [17 August]
"Web services standard submitted to W3C" , W3C, Web services
eWeek [16 August]
"Web Services Need W3C" , Eric Newcomer, W3C
Computer World [16 August]
"Web Services Glossary" , W3C, Web Services
IT Week [16 August]
"Vendors back Web Services Spec" , W3C, Web services
Computer Reseller News [16 August]
"WS-Addressing unveiled" , W3C, Web Services
Client Server News [16 August]
"WS-Addressing Spec sent to W3C" , W3C, Web Services [12 August]
"La spécification 'Web Services Addressing' est soumise au W3C" , Yves Grandmontagne, W3C, Web Services (in French)
JDNSolutions [12 August]
"Accord historique des grands éditeurs sur le front des Web Services" , Antoine Crochet-Damais, W3C, Web Services (in French)
Computer Weekly [11 August]
"Crucial web services standard enters final straight" , Joris Evers, W3C, Web Services
ComputerWorld [10 August]
"WS-Addressing specification submitted to W3C" , Joris Evers, W3C, Web Services
XMLMania [5 August]
"W3C Issues Last Call Working Drafts for WSDL Version 2.0 Specifications" , W3C, WSDL 2.0, Web Services, SOAP, HTTP/1.1, XML
InternetWeek [4 August]
"Enterprises Finally Seeing Business Benefits Of Web Services" , W3C, Web Services
ComputerWire [3 August]
"OASIS expects user input on Web services, looking to grid" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Chor
Web Services Journal [3 August]
"Web Services Messaging with JAX-RPC" , Mark D. Hansen, W3C, SOAP, XML, WSDL [28 July]
"Synthèse des standards des Web Services" , Hervé Agnous, W3C, SOAP 1.2, WS-CDL (in French) [9 July]
"XML dégraissé : ASN1 accélère les Services Web" , Claude Chiaramonti, W3C, Web Services, XML (in French)
Infoworld [2 July]
"Is BPEL the real deal?" , Philipp J. Windley, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML, WS-Chor
XMLMania [2 July]
"W3C Sponsors Workshop on Constraints and Capabilities for Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web, P3P, HTTP [16 May]
"Semantic Web et/ou Services Web ?", Claude Chiaramonti,W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web, RDF, HTML, HTTP, OWL, Tim Berners-Lee (in French)

Marie-Claire Forgue - WP1 Leader
Last revised: $Date: 2005/08/04 15:05:51 $