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Press Work: Releases and Clippings (D1.3) - Year 2005-2006
IST-FP6-004308 "Web Services And Semantics" (WS2) Project

Press Releases - Press Clippings

Press Releases

23 May 2006
W3C Work Featured at WWW2006 in Edinburgh
9 May 2006
Web Services Addressing 1.0 is now a W3C Recommendation
21 March 2006
W3C Renews Web Services Activity, Expanding Work
21 February 2006
W3C Holds Web Services Seminar

Press Clippings [2005 - 2006]

Misc. Sept-Dec. 06 (35)

VNUnet [29 December]
"Jean-François Gervais (INA) : "Un service Web 2.0 est participatif et collaboratif"" , Sophie Fiévée, W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web (in French)
SearchWebServices [29 December]
"WS-Policy on SOA fast track, W3C approval this summer", Rich Seeley, W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy, SOAP, WSDL
SearchWebServices [27 December]
"IDEs for Web Services - NetBeans" , William Brogden, W3C, Web Services, XML, SOAP, WSDL, DOM, XML Schema
SOA Web Services Journal [14 December]
"Complete Data Integration Through XQuery", Jonathan Robie, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XQuery, HTTP, XML, DOM, XSLT [12 December]
"Les nouvelles tendances de la BI", Renaud Finaz, W3C, Web Services (in French)
MS coder [8 December]
"L'interopérabilité des systèmes d'informations : fantasme ou réalité ?", W3C, XML, Web Services, (in French)
Computerworld [7 December]
"Q&A: Getting a grip on XQuery", Eric Lai, W3C, XML, HTML, XQuery, DOM, Web Services, XSLT, XPath
Programmez! [1 December]
"SOA et Web Services sur le terrain" , François Tonic, W3C, Web Services, WSDL, WS-Addressing, MTOM (in French)
SMBedge [16 November]
"The World of Web Services" , Steve Russell, W3C, Web Services
InfoWorld [16 November]
"On semantics, ontologies and standards" , W3C, RDF, OWL, XQuery
"Managing SOA Semantics Using Ontologies and Supporting W3C Standards...Part II",Dave Linthicum, W3C, RDF, OWL, XML, Semantic Web, Web Seervices, Tim Berners-Lee
InfoWorld [15 November]
"Managing SOA Semantics Using Ontologies and Supporting W3C Standards..."Web 3.0?"" ,Dave Linthicum, W3C, Semantic Web, XML Schema, RDF, RDF Schema, OWL
InfoWorld [13 November]
"Managing SOA Semantics Using Ontologies and Supporting W3C Standards...Part I" , Dave Linthicum, W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web [2 November]
"MIT will train students to build a better Web", Ben Ames, W3C, HTTP, URL, Voice, Web Services, XML, Tim Berners-Lee, Danny Weitzner
Programmez [1 November]
"Web Services : une définition", Philippe Guédez, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, XML (in French)
"Mes premiers pas en services Web", Cyril Pierre de Geyer and François Le Doff, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, XML (in French)
"Les standards des Web Services" , Julien Chable, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL (in French)
.net [1 November]
"/PHP/make your own SOAP" , Paul Hudson, W3C, Web Services, XML, SOAP, WSDL
IET Information Professional [November]
"The politics of SOA evolution" , W3C, SOAP, Web ServicesWSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy [31 October]
"Microsoft XML Expert Joins Open-Source Middleware Firm", Darryl K. Taft, W3C, XML, Web services, XML processing, XPath, XSLT, XML Base, xml:id, Xinclude, XPointer
ManagingInformation [28 October]
"W3C Web Services Policy Primer: Working Draft", W3C, Web Services, Web Services Policy Working Group
Upgrade-CEPIS [October]
"Web Services" , by CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies), W3C, Web Services standards
Novática [October]
"Servicios Web", W3C, Web Services standards (in Spanish)
L'oeil expert [October]
"Gouvernance des architectures SOA" , W3C, Web Services, RDF, OWL, Semantic Web (in French)
InfoWorld [26 September]
"W3C boosts Web access for disabled", Paul Krill, W3C, Accessibility, WAI-ARIA, ARIA, DOM, HTML, URI, URL, WAI, WCAG, Web Services, XHTML, XML
Le Mensuel d’AGEFI Luxembourg [September]
"La modernisation des services publics" , W3C, XML, SOAP, Web Services
datanews [14 September]
"Microsoft promet le libre usage de divers standards web" , W3C, WSDL, SOAP, Web services (in French)
01 Informatique [1 September]
"Les référentiels s'imposent pour les grands projets SOA" , Philippe Davy, W3C, Web Services, RDF, OWL, Semantic Web, XML (in French)
WebProNews [31 August]
"E.U. Leads The Charge In Web Services" , Doug Caverly, W3C, Web Services, WS2, WS-Choreo, SAWSDL, Carine Bournez
IST Results [28 August]
"EU research driving the web services seismic shift" , W3C, WS2, Web Services, Carine Bournez
ComputerSweden [25 August]
"Web Services vital for business" , W3C, Web Services (in Swedish)
SearchWebServices [10 August]
"WS-Policy on track for W3C approval, standard will improve SOA development" , Rich Seeley, W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy, WSDL, SOAP
TMCnet [8 August]
"SOA Needs to Develop in Unison for Telecom, Enterprise" , Robert Liu, W3C, Web Services, WSDL
SearchWebServices [7 August]
"SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ)" , William Brogden, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML
International Developer Magazine [1 July]
"E2E builds a bridge over troubled integration waters" , Alex Büch, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML, WSDL

Web Services at WWW2006 (4)

Web Host Directory [24 May]
"W3C Work Featured at WWW2006 in Edinburgh", W3C, HTML, SVG, Semantic Web, Web Services, XML
IT World [23 May]
"Berners-Lee: Neutrality preserves Net openness", Jeremy Kirk, W3C, HTML, RDF, Semantic Web, URL, Voice, Web Services, XML, Tim Berners-Lee
The Observer [21 May]
"All set for a revolution", David Smith, W3C, Tim Berners-Lee, W3C, URI, Semantic Web
Computing [6 April]
"Berners-Lee visits key web issues" , W3C, HTML, Web Services, Semantic Web, CSS

Web Services Addressing (13)

ClieNT Server News [15 May]
"W3C Standardizes Web Services Addressing 1.0", W3C, Web Services Addressing 1.0, SOAP
Computerworld Singapore [15 May]
"Web services addressing specification is approved", Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, Web Services Addressing, SOAP, WSDL
Réseaux Télécoms [12 May]
"Le W3C ratifie WS-Addressing", Cyrille Chausson, W3C, WS-Addressing, Web Services, SOAP, Philippe Le Hégaret (in French)
PC PRO [11 May]
"W3C releases web service recommendations", Simon Aughton, W3C, Web Services Addressing, SOAP, Philippe Le Hégaret [10 May]
"W3C web services addressing cleans up with Soap", Robert Jaques, W3C, Web Services, Web Services Addressing 1.0, SOAP, WSDL, Semantic Web, Philippe Le Hégaret
GRID Today [21 March]
"Web Services Addressing 1.0 a W3C Recommendation", W3C, Web Services Addressing Core and SOAP Binding, SOAP, WSDL [10 May]
"W3C: WS-Addressing is Good to Go", Clint Boulton , W3C, Web Services, Web Services Addressing, SOAP
TechNews [10 May]
"Web Services Addressing 1.0" , W3C, Web Services Addressing Core and SOAP Binding, SOAP, WSDL
NetEco [10 May]
"Le W3C recommande officiellement 'Web Services Addressing 1.0'" , Ariane Beky, W3C, Web Services Addressing, SOAP (in French)
InfoWorld [9 May]
"Web services addressing specification is approved" , Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, Web Services Addressing, SOAP, WSDL
Le Monde Informatique [9 May]
"JBoss rejoint le W3C, l'Oasis et le WS-I", Cyrille Chausson (in French), W3C, Web Services, groupes de travail Web
Business Wire [9 May]
" Web Services Addressing 1.0 is Now a W3C Recommendation" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP, Web Services Addressing
GRID Today [21 March]
"W3C renews Web Services Activity", W3C, WS2 project, Web Services, SWS IG, WSDL 2.0, SOAP, RDF

Renewal of the Web Services Activity (2)

Business Wire [21 March]
"W3C Renews Web Services Activity, Expanding Work Semantic Annotations for WSDL Working Group Launched" , W3C, Web Services,WSDL, Semantic Annotations, SOAP, RDF, WS2 project
GRID Today [21 March]
"W3C renews Web Services Activity", W3C, WS2 project, Web Services, SWS IG, WSDL 2.0, SOAP, RDF

Web Services seminar (18)

SophiaNet [9 March]
"W3C : riche moisson de standards en vue pour 2006" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar, WS-Adressing 1.0, WSDL 2.0, WS-CDL (in French)
ITRManager [8 March]
"Une riche moisson de standards pour le W3C en 2006" , Guy Hervier, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, WS-CDL, Philippe Le Hégaret (in French) [6 March]
"Services Web : de l'infrastructure à la sémantique" , Eric van der Vlist, W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web, SOAP 1.2, W3C XML Schema, XML Protocol, XForms, WSDL 2.0, WS-CDL 1.0, RDF Mappings, XOP, MTOM, RDF, SPARQL, RDF Schema, OWL, Hugo Haas, Philippe Le Hégaret, Yves Lafon, Eric Prud'hommeaux, Marie-Claire Forgue (in French)
La lettre des Achats [6 March]
"Colloque W3C" , W3C, WS2 seminar, Web Services (in French)
DataEvent [6 March]
"L’utilisation des services web : de l’infrastructure a la sémantique" , W3C, Web services, WS2 seminar (in French)
SophiaNet [3 March]
"Le W3C organise un séminaire à Paris sur les "Services Web" , W3C, WS2 seminar, WSDL 2.0, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, WS-Addressing 1.0, WS-CDL, MTOM (in French)
Courrier Cadres [2 March]
"Présentation W3C" , W3C, WS2 seminar (in French)
Computer Reseller News [2 March]
''Le 6 mars 2006 - séminaire W3C" , W3C, W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar (in French)
Programmez! [March]
"Séminaire W3C" , W3C, WS2 seminar, Web Services (in French)
Le Monde Informatique [March]
"Agenda Mars 06 : L'utilisation des services web : de l'infrastructure à la sémantique" , W3C, WS2 seminar, Web Services (in French)
Décision Informatique [27 February]
"Utilisation des services Web ; de l'infrastructure à la sémantique" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, MTOM, WS2 seminar (in French)
Innovation & Administration [23 February]
"Utilisation des services Web ; de l'infrastructure à la sémantique" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar (in French)
Verivox [21 February]
"W3C Holds Web Services Seminar" , W3C, WS2 seminar, Web Services (in Swedish)
Technology News [21 February]
"W3C Invites the Public" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar
TMCNet [21 February]
"W3C Holds Web Services and Semantics Seminar" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar
Business Portal [21 February]
"W3C Holds Web Services Seminar" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar
PresseBox [21 February]
"W3C Holds Web Services Seminar" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar
Artesi IDF [9 February]
"L’utilisation des services web : de l’infrastructure a la sémantique" , W3C, Web Services, WS2 seminar (in French)

Misc. articles (99)

SDA Asia [June]
"Web Services Are Not A Panacea For Interoperability" , Chris Sharp, W3C, XML, Web services, SOAP, WSDL
Sys-Con Italia [20 June]
"Best Practices for Securing Your SOA: A Holistic Approach", Mohamad Afshar, Nickolaos Kavantzas, Ramana Turlapati, Roger Goudarzi, Barmak Meftah and Prakash Yamuna, W3C, SOAP WSDL, Web Services, XML, XPath
Internet Travel Daily News [20 June]
"ARINC and SITA form industry work group to define business class messaging ", Vicky Karantzavelou, W3C, Web Services, XML
Breaking Travel News [19 June]
"ATI, SITA look at BtoB messaging", W3C, Web Services, XML
E-Commerce Times [17 June]
"IBM Makes Ajax Play for Open Source Collaboration", W3C, HTML, PNG, Web Accessibility Initiative, Web Services, XML
Computer World Blogs [16 June]
"Is Forefront in the Forefront?", Eric Ogren , W3C, DOM, Rules, Semantic Web, Web Services, XML
Enterprise Networks and Servers [15 June]
"Service Oriented Utility computing, next generation enterprise IT infrastructure", Parviz Peiravi, W3C, WSDL, Web Services, XML
Sys-Con Media [13 June]
"SOA Web Services Journal - U Don't Deploy It", Ajit Sagar, W3C, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services, XML
Open Source Magazine [12 June]
"Sri Lankan Company, WSO2, Focuses on SOA and AJAX, Receives Funding from Intel", W3C, HTML, PICS, SOAP, WSDL, Web Services, XML
ZDnet Asia [12 June]
"Web and grids work together" , W3C, Web Services, Semantic Web [12 June]
"oXygen XML Editor and XSLT Debugger", W3C, CSS, DOM, HTML, RDF, SVG, Semantic Web, WSDL, Web Services, XForms, XLink, XML, XML Schema, XQuery, XSL, XSLT
InfoWorld [5 June]
"IBM enhancing AJAX by contributing to Dojo toolkit", W3C, DOM, HTML, HTTP, Web Accessibility Initiative, Web Services, XML
SYS-CON Media [3 June]
"SOA Best Practices - Four Steps to Securing Your Web Services", Dr. Adam Kolawa, W3C, HTTP, QA, SOAP, URI, WSDL, Web Services, XML, XML Encryption, XML Signature, XPath
eMediaWire [1 June]
"Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Portal Adds Web Services Directory", W3C, RDF, SOAP, URI, URL, Web Services, XML
Intranet Journal [30 May]
"User Interface Reusability, Part 2: Tools and Techniques", Robert Bogue, W3C, CSS, HTML, HTTP, Web Services, XML, XSL, XSLT
IT-Director [22 May]
"There really are new ways to approach old problems", Terry Schurter, W3C, Web services
ZDNet Korea [16 May]
"For the Semantic Web 2.0", W3C, DOM, HTML, HTTP, OWL, RDF, Rich Web Client, SOAP, Semantic Web, Web Services, XML (in Korean)
CIO Espana [10 May]
"JBoss se suma a varias iniciativas de estandarizacian para Web Services", W3C, Web Services, Web Services Addressing, Web Services Choreograpy, WSDL (in Spanish)
Computerworld Singapore [9 May]
"JBoss to join key Web services standards groups", Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, WSDL
Enterprise Networks & Servers [9 May]
"Java Community Process Java EE/SE Executive Committee approves Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 specification", Web Services, W3C, SOAP, WSDL, XML
Computer World [9 May]
"JBoss to join key Web services standards groups" , Paul Krill, W3C, Web Services, WSDL
Le Monde Informatique [9 May]
"JBoss rejoint le W3C, l'Oasis et le WS-I", Cyrille Chausson, W3C, Web Services (in French)
Le Monde Informatique [3 May]
"Seize éditeurs adhèrent à SOA Link" , Pierre Tran, W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy (in French)
ComputerWire [2 May]
"W3C accepts WS-Policy Submission" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy [27 April]
"Complete WS-Policy Submitted to W3C" , Andy Patrizio, W3C, WS-Policy, Web Services
SearchWebServices [27 April]
"SOA's orphan standard WS-Policy finds a home at W3C" , Rich Seeley, W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy
eWeek [27 April]
"W3C Reviews 'Milestone' WS-Policy Submission" , Darryl K. Taft, W3C, WS-Policy, SOAP, WSDL
ebizQ [27 April]
"PolarLake's ESB to Support W3C's Choreography Description Language" , W3C, Web Services, WS-CDL, XML
Sys-Con Australia [26 April]
"IBM, BEA, Others Submit SOA Web Services Proposal to W3C" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy, XML-Infoset
Sci-Tech Today [24 April]
"Can There Be Too Much SOA?" , W3C, Web Services
SearchWebServices [24 April]
"Key SOA standard WS-Policy expected to enter W3C" ,Rich Seeley, W3C, Web Services, WS-Policy, WSDL
Computer Business Review Online [21 April]
"It's official: WS-I adds new testing profile" , W3C, Web Services, WS-Addressing, SOAP, WSDL 1.1, XML Schema 1.0, MTOM, XML 1.0
Line56 [21 April]
"Enterprise Solutions Architecture Framework" , Sarma Pisapati, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML
01 Informatique [10 March]
"Parasoft ajoute le langage BPEL au programme de ses tests SAO" , W3C, Web Services, WSDL 2.0
Business Wire [8 March]
"IONA's Expertise and Unique Approach to SOA Highlighted at Leading Industry Events" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP 1.2, XML Protocol Working Group
TMCNet [7 March]
"Semantic Technology Conference 2006 Exhibitor Profiles" , W3C, OWL, RDF, XML, SOAP, WSDL
XML Journal [6 March]
"Perfect Partner for Web Services: Getting to Know XForms", Craig Caulfield, W3C, XForms, XML, XHTML, XML Schema, HTML, HTTP, SVG, XPath, DOM, Web services, SOAP, XSLT
ACM Queue [2 March]
"A Conversation with Steve Ross-Talbot" , Stephen Sparkes, W3C, Web Services
Business Wire [1 March]
"Altova to Showcase XML, Data Management, UML, and Web Services Tools at FOSE 2006" , W3C, Web Services, XML
Mag-Securs [March]
"Gouvernance : Parasoft lance SOAtest 4.5" , Marc Jacob B , W3C, Web Services
SYS-CON Australia [20 February]
"Don't Forget Security on the Way Out" , Tieu Luu, W3C, Web Services, XML Signature, XML, SOAP, XML Encryption
Computer Business [23 February]
"Web Services Standards Investigated" , Jason Stamper, W3C, SOAP, XML, WSDL
LinuxPlanet [28 February]
"Wall Street: Linux Gets a Lift from Web Services, Tech Support" , Jacqueline Emigh, W3C, Web Services
SearchWebServices [8 February]
"WSDL 2.0: Web services' lightning rod standard" , Colleen Frye, W3C, Web Services, WSDL 2.0, SOAP, HTML
Enjeux [1 February]
"W3C recommande XKMS 2.0 pour gérer les clés de chiffrement XML" , W3C, Web Services, XKMS 2.0, XML
SYS-CON Media [26 January]
"WSDL 2.0 Implementation Progress - Apache Woden Milestone 3 Declared!" , Arthur Ryman, W3C, WSDL 2.0, Web Services
Business Wire [26 January]
"Mark Logic Named 2006 CODiE Awards Finalist for Best Enterprise Search Engine and Best Content Management Solution", W3C, XML, XQuery, XML Schema, XSLT 1.0/2.0, XPath 1.0/2.0, WSDL, SOAP, Web Services
SOA Web Services Journal [20 January]
"WSDL 2.0 Enters New Phase As Spec Becomes Official W3C Candidate Recommendation", W3C, WSDL, WS Description WG
"WSDL 2.0 Enters New Phase As Spec Becomes Official W3C Candidate Recommendation", W3C, WSDL, WS Description WG
EContent [17 January]
"Syncro Soft Announces New Release of XML Editor", W3C, CSS, Web Services, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XQuery, XSL, XSLT
Eclipse [12 January]
"WSDL 2.0 Call For Implementations" , W3C, WSDL 2.0
01 Réseaux [9 January]
"Les services Web loin du compte" , Jean-pierre Blettner, W3C, WSDL, SOAP, XML (In French)
SearchWebServices [6 January]
"Iona's Newcomer on ESBs, XML and Web services standards, part 2" , Michael Meehan, W3C, XML, XML DataBindings, HTML, XML Schema, WSDL, Web Services, RDF [5 January]
"Iona's Newcomer on what Eclipse brings to SOA", Michael Meehan, Web services, SOAP
Ubiquity [21-28 December]
"From Characters to Web Services .. to Internationalization is Everywhere", Felix Sasaki, Web Services, Internationalization, W3C, HTML, CSS, XML, XML Schema, XPath, SOAP, WSDL
IT Management [16 December]
"Myths And Realities of Web Services", Erin Joyce, Web Services, XML, W3C, SOAP
Le Monde Informatique [1 July]
"La SOA cède la place à l'applistructure" , W3C, Web Services (in French) [15 December]
"Myths And Realities of Web Services", Erin Joyce, Web services, XML, W3C, SOAP [15 December]
"W3C to Workshop Web Security", Clint Boulton, W3C, Web services, Janet Daly
ZDNet Blogs [8 December]
"Another view: Binary XML rocks!", Joe McKendrick, XML, W3C, Binary XML
AUSTRALIAN IT [7 December]
"QUT joins W3C", Chris Jenkins, W3C, HTTP, HTML, XML, Web Services, Semantic Web, Web Accessibility guidelines [2 December]
"Web 2.0 : mythe et réalité", Eric van der Vlist, XML, HTML, XHTML, CSS, HTTP, W3C, Services Web, Web Sémantique, URIs, XForms (in French)
International Developer [1 December]
"Serving up SOA" , Raymond Lambie, W3C, XML, XML Schema, SOAP 1.2
Blogs ZDNet [28 November]
"Binary XML advances, but not all are happy" , W3C, Binary XML, EXI, SOAP
Publish [8 November]
"W3C Group Works to Standardize Web Rules", Elizabeth Millard, W3C, Rule Interchange Format (RIF) WG, Semantic Web, Web Services, SOAP, RDF, OWL, XML, Sandro Hawke, Tim Berners-Lee
Mainichi Communications, MYCOM PC WEB [5 November]
"W3C issues XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 as W3C Candidate Recommendations", W3C, XSLT 2.0, XPath 2.0, XQuery 1.0, XML, Web Services, XSL, XHTML, XML Schema (in Japanese)
internetnews [3 November]
"W3C Close In on Key XML Specs" , Clint Boulton, W3C, Web Services, XML, XSLT 2.0, XML XQuery 1.0
Archimag [22 October]
"Le compromis des services web" , Pierre Méléard, W3C, Web Services, XML, SOAP (In French)
Decision Informatique [17 October]
"La guerre des standards" , Frédéric Bordage, W3C, Web Services, WSDL, SOAP 1.2 (in French)
Sys-Con France [10 October]
"SOA Management: Exclusive Q & A With Michael Liebow, VP of IBM Web Services" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML
BioIT [29 September]
"Grids Moving into Strategic New Roles", Salvatore Salamone, W3C, Web Services
PRNewswire [22 September]
"Aspect Communications Showcases Converged Contact Center Applications at VON" , W3C, Web Services, SOAP
Wireless Developer Network [19 September]
"MobileAwareCalls on Industry Players to Support Initiatives at Stimulating the Mobile Web", MWI, Device Description Working Group, Web Services, W3C [12 September]
"Open Season in Massachusetts" , Jim Wagner , W3C, Web Services, XML, SOAP
Straight Through Processing [4 september]
"Dancing to the STP tune" , Steve Ross-Talbot, W3C, Web Services, XML, SOAP, WS-CDL
SYS-CON Media [3 September]
"The Xamlon Story", Bill Wolff, W3C, XML, HTML, CSS, SOAP, SVG, Web services, PNG, HTTP
CSO [31 August]
"Jericho Forum Looks to Bring Network Walls Tumbling Down", Paul Stampa and Robert Whiteley with Laura Koetzle and Michael Rasmussen, W3C, Web Services [29 August]
"Mix-And-Match Services", Michael Caton, HMTL, CSS, XML, Web Services
SearchWebServices [29 August]
"Quality of service standards coming for Web services" , Michael Meehan, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, XML, WSDL
SearchWebServices [23 August]
"Synapse to provide open source Web services mediation" , Colleen Frye, W3C, Web Services, SOAP
@IT [16 August]
"W3C/XML Watch - August 2005" , Emie Kayama, W3C, XKMS 2.0, XML Encryption, XML Signature, SOAP, XML, SpecGL, xml:id, VoiceXML 2.1/3.0, CCXML 1.0/2.0, SCXML 1.0, XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0, XLink 1.1, XSL 1.1, CSS 3, CSS2.1, WCAG 2.0, EARL 1.0, SPARQL, P3P 1.1, XML Schema, XHTML, SVG (in Japanese)
it-Expert [12 August]
"L'interopérabilité des systèmes d'informations: Fantasmes ou perspective ?" , Julien Green, W3C, SOAP, Web Services, XML, WSDL (in French)
Slashdot [8 August]
"Microsoft Linux Lab Manager Responds", Roblimo, W3C, Web Services, HTTP [3 August]
"Implementing WS-Security with Java and WSS4J", Jeff Hanson, W3C, Web Services, WSDL, HTTP, SOAP, XML, XML Signature, XML Encryption
Computer Weekly [1 August]
"XML and web services skills are a 'prized commodity' for business" , Nick Langley, W3C, Web Services, XML
CERN Courrier [August]
"W3C backs XML Key Management System" , Hannelore Hämmerle and Nicole Crémel, W3C, Web Services, XKMS 2.0
Datamonitor Computerwire [28 July]
"The Saga of the Rich Internet Client", W3C, HTML, CSS, XML, Web Services [27 July]
"IBM promotes open approach to virtualisation", Michael Vizard, W3C, Web Services
CRN [26 July]
"IBM Promotes Open Approach To Virtualization", Michael Vizard, W3C, Web Services
InformationWeek [26 July]
"IBM Promotes Open Approach To Virtualization", Michael Vizard, W3C, Web Services
@IT [23 June]
"W3C/XML Watch - June 2005", Emie Kayama, W3C, Semantic Web, SKOS, SPARQL, OWL, RDF, RDF Schema, XML, Namespaces in XML 1.1/1.0, XML Schema, XSLT 2.0/1.0, DI, DISelect 1.0, MWI, XKMS 2.0, SMIL 2.1, XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0, SVG 1.2 Full/Tiny, WS-Addressing, WSDL 2.0, MMI, XLink 1.1, QA Framework, XHTML 2.0, Tim Berners-Lee, Liam Quin (in Japanese)
Communications News [20 July]
"Are you being served?" , Heather McLean, W3C, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, WS-Addressing, XML, WS-Choreography [20 July]
"Java SE 6 met l'accent sur les services Web" , Frédéric Laurent, W3C, XML, Web Services, SOAP, HTTP, WSDL (in French) [18 July]
"Rogue Rides SOA Wave", Kathleen Ohlson, W3C, SOAP, XML, HTTP, WSDL
Computer World [14 July]
"IBM, Microsoft develop Web services security protocol", John Fontana, W3C, Web Services
Conspectus [14 July]
"Talking to each other" , James Robertson, W3C, XML, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, HTML, RDF
Computer Woche [13 July]
"W3C-Spezifikation soll XML-Interoperabilität verbessern", W3C, xml:id, XML, eb Services, SOAP (in German)
Sécurité Informatique [12 July]
"Le W3C recommande XKMS 2.0 comme système de gestion de clés de chiffrement XML" , W3C, Web Services, XKMS 2.0 (in French)
Primezone [11 July]
"Intentia Application Suite Meets Mid-market Need for Service-oriented Architecture" , W3C, Web Services
MYCOM PC WEB [11 July]
"Java XML Digital Signature APIs 1.0 (JSR 105) - supports Digital Signature on XML", Mr. Takaaki Sugiyama, W3C, XML, XPath, DOM, XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0, Exclusive XML Canonicalization Version 1.0, Web Services (in Japanese)
Sophianet [5 July]
"Sécurité Web : une nouvelle recommandation du W3C" , W3C, XKMS 2.0, XKMS 2.0 Bindings, Web Services (in French)
TechNews [2 July]
"XML Key Management Specification (XKMS 2.0)", W3C, XML Key Management System 2.0 (XKMS 2.0, XKMS 2.0 Bindings), Web Services Security, XML Signature
Revue Banque [1 July]
"Outil de gestion du changement" , Yvon Avenel, W3C, Web Services, SOAP
Le Monde Informatique [1 July]
"W3C : XKMS 2.0 recommandé pour la gestion des PKI" , W3C, XKMS 2.0, XML Signature, XML Encryption, Exclusive XML Canonicalization, Web Services (in French)
CIO Asia [1 July]
"Security Beyond Firewalls", Tan Shong Ye and Henry Lim, W3C, Web services

Marie-Claire Forgue - WP1 Leader
Last revised: $Date: 2007/01/15 14:49:24 $