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W3C Workshop
Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services

Call for Participation

June 9-10, 2005
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Innsbruck, Austria

Nearby: Workshop program
Workshop participants
Workshop Summary Report
Workshop minutes for June 9th am, June 9th pm, June 10th am, June 10th pm.



Web Services standards, under development in the W3C Web Services Activity and other organizations, make up an integrated technology stack that Web applications developers can rely on to ensure interoperability. From the beginning, some research has been conducted to meet particular needs in this area, such as registering resources or services, discovering resources or services on the Web, composing a service by using several other services, etc. The early solutions consist of using Web agents, often using pre-defined directories, sometimes simply crawling the Web.

In parallel, starting from the need for metadata in resources, the W3C Semantic Web Activity has developed the initial building blocks of the Semantic Web technologies: the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). The W3C Semantic Web Services Interest Group has shown a strong interest in having more integrated semantics inside the Web Services stack, and also provides evidence of a rich variety of research proceeding in this area. This work aims towards the general objective of a more comprehensive, more expressive framework for describing all aspects of services, which can enable more powerful tools and fuller automation of a broad range of Web services activities.

Recently, during the Constraints and Capabilities Workshop, proposals including Semantic Web technologies have already been discussed, in the light of requirements for expressing policies for Web Services. We now aim at looking into a generic extensible framework based on Semantic Web technologies, to support longer-term objectives, while continuing to develop immediate solutions for the most pressing Web Services requirements. The OWL-S submission has already demonstrated interest in this approach. Integration to the Web Services stack, and also in the Web architecture, should be key properties of such a framework.

The intent of the workshop on Frameworks for Semantics in Web Services is to provide advice to W3C on possible future work in the area, in particular the creation of a Working Group.

Scope of the Workshop

There is a lot of potential relationship to existing Semantic Web efforts as well as to existing Web Services development. It includes:

Discussion of the relationship of these areas to the workshop topic is encouraged.

Position Papers

Each participating organization or individual is required to submit a position paper (1 to 5 pages when printed on A4 or letter paper); some will be selected for presentation at the workshop by the Program Commitee. Topics for position papers may include (but are not limited to):

Use cases and examples are greatly appreciated. It is also recommended to give your position clearly on what topic is the most important to you.


Although the workshop is public, it is restricted to 80 participants.

Position papers are required in order to participate in this workshop (except for the workshop chairs). Participation is pending the acceptance of the position paper by the Program Committee. Each group, organization or individual, wishing to participate must submit a position paper explaining their interest in the workshop no later than April 29, 2005. The intent is to make sure that participants have an active interest in the area, and that the workshop will benefit from their presence. The authors of accepted papers will be allowed to send two participants to the workshop. A set of papers selected by the Program Committee will also be presented during the workshop.

Send papers (in valid XHTML/HTML, or plain text. PDF is acceptable) to: [email protected] (an archived mailing list, accessible to the W3C Team and the Program Chairs). Position papers will be disseminated to the Program Committee on April 30, 2005. Accepted position paper authors will be contacted on May 16, 2005

All accepted position papers will be available from the workshop web site on May 20, 2005. The workshop web site will be public, so position papers and slides must be suitable for public dissemination. Speaker slides will also be available at the web site after the workshop. There will not be printed proceedings.

To attend, you must register by filling out the registration form. The URI for the registration form will be sent to you after your position paper is accepted.

There will be no participation fee.

Important Dates

Organizing Committee

Workshop and Program Chairs
Program Committee Members

Workshop details


Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), Innsbruck, Austria

Local organizers: Axel Polleres and Eyal Oren (DERI)

Workshop details (accomodations, getting there) will be communicated to the participants in advance of the workshop. See also local arrangements

$Date: 2005/08/22 15:27:48 $