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This document describes the SPARQL Annotations in WSDL (SPDL) project, a system for allowing web services to provide bindings for SPARQL queries. SPDL integrates WSDL, XML Schema, WSDL, XPath and SPARQL to allow SPARQL queries to choreograph and invoke web services and bind the returned information to SPARQL results.
This is the work of the author — it is not endorsed by the W3C members.
SPARQL Annotations in WSDL (SPDL) maps information between RDF Graphs and the XML messages used in web service. This mapping enables RDF applications to invoke web services and use the resulting data.
W3C's SPARQL Query Language for RDF offers the semantic web a standard way to query a materialized or conceptual RDF graph. WSDL 2.0 provides the information necessary to invoke web services, but provides no explicit semantics. SPARQL Annotations (SPAT) provide a conduit between RDF graphs and XML documents. SPDL applies these annotations to WSDL and the associated XML Schema provide the necessary information to bridge Web Services and the Semantic Web.
SPDL uses a combination and extension of many technologies:
The code is tested against an annotated version of Amazon's own WSDL description of their web services. This was chosen for its practicality, familiarty, and complexity; it provides a realistic web services demonstration.
SPDL was implemented and tested on annotated Amazon Web Services WSDL service description. The Amazon WSDL describes many web servise offered by Amazon. A test program demonstrates how a small number of annotations enabled a user query to choreograph two Amazon Web Service operations. The process is documented in AWS Choreography Example.
The SPARQL PATHPATTERNs required modification of the SPARQL grammar:
'PATHPATTERN' ConstructTemplate SolutionModifier
'XPATH' '(' String ')'
An existing XML Schema processor had to be extended in two ways:
No existing schema libraries supported handler dispatch for non-XML Schema data. The XML Schema language documents two distinct ways to include non-schema data in a schema:
The XML::Validator::Schema was extended to allow a the caller to register handlers for given namespaces. The handler is called when an attribute or an Appinfo sub-element with that namespace is found:
<xs:element name="SubscriptionId" spat:SPAT='?req tns:id xpath("tns:SubscriptionId")'/>
<xs:element name="SubscriptionId"/> <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo><spat:SPAT> PATHPATTERN { ?X tns:id xpath("tns:SubscriptionId") } </spat:SPAT></xs:appinfo></xs:annotation>
XPaths in these annotations are resolved relative to the parent context.
SPDL uses this extension point to enable contextual parsing of SPARQL annotations. The context includes the location in the schema and the current namespaces.
The schema-validation library was extended with functions to, given a set of bindings of XPath to PCData, generate a valid XML document with that data. The extension is used to generate the request message. It takes the bindings from SPARQL variables to XPath locations and creates a valid request message with those bindings substituted into the message. (Extracting the bindings from the response message is simply done with an XPath processor.)
The first stage of this project was a success. It verified that annotations could be added to existing WSDL schemas to provide intuitive and easy to maintain semantics. Further, it demonstrated that semantic web machinery could use those annotations to automatically invoke queries.
The second stage demonstrated the use of a rule system to choreograph services annotated with SPDL annotations. This system is compatible with conventional rules for ontology mapping, enabling better use of the annotated services.
I propose the following work, in order of importance:
with mappings between First Order Logic (FOL) and Logic Programming (LP)
@@ based on F-logic, but with a mapping to RDF.
$Log: Overview.html,v $ Revision 1.18 2007/02/10 02:27:06 eric + author Revision 1.17 2007/02/07 14:09:01 eric + review feedback: need clear purpose statement Revision 1.16 2007/01/30 03:52:36 eric - moved procedural details to AWS Choreography Example Revision 1.15 2007/01/29 23:38:28 eric ~ adapting to use the SPARQL Annotations page Revision 1.14 2007/01/27 04:38:40 eric + more links Revision 1.13 2007/01/26 19:07:53 eric . snapshot Revision 1.12 2007/01/25 19:27:27 eric + anchor SPAT and link to the spec Revision 1.11 2006/07/15 23:28:22 eric + nav Revision 1.10 2006/06/16 11:48:45 eric + descriptions of attribute and element annotation callbacks (from XML Schema) Revision 1.9 2006/06/16 11:36:15 eric + link to annotated Amazon Web Services WSDL ~ changed examples to use attribute notation Revision 1.8 2006/06/16 09:11:50 eric + Change History