W3C Public WorkshopArchitecture Domain

Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing
Call for Participation

Can the Web fulfill industry and business requirements?

27-28 February 2007
MITRE, Bedford, MA, USA

The mission of the W3C is to improve the Web of documents, data, and services. The Web of documents is an unquestioned success, but is it either the same or sufficient for the Web of services, which has not yet fulfilled its original vision as a solution for Web enabled business processes.

Note: the program is now available.


The aim of this Workshop is to gather interested parties to discuss and provide recommendations to W3C regarding the best approaches to facilitate the processing of business transactions and interactions with systems that pre-date the Web, and address the need to interconnect intranet and/or extranet services using Web technologies.

We expect to receive a large range of use cases to illustrate the challenges that technology, process, and possibly standards would eventually address. For example, banks or insurance companies may be trying to come to terms with the thousands of services they provide currently with technologies ranging from the latest to 30 year old applications. On the other hand, companies with few legacy assets may be trying to expose their internal services using Web 2.0 approaches.

The Workshop's primary goal is to lay use cases on the table to develop a shared understanding of their space and complexity. Second, Workshop participants will discuss whether existing specifications and solutions support these use cases, in order to identify where future work may be needed. The range of possible conclusions from the Workshop is also large: from new W3C groups to help insurance companies deploy Web services, to groups to help the deployment of HTTP POX/Jason/PHP APIs on the Web. The use cases are expected to raise diverse specific needs, for example, in security, messaging systems, and orchestration. Thus we are emphasizing the importance of the discussion on use cases to first categorize the problem space.

Scope of the Workshop

The Workshop will investigate the following questions:

Position Papers

Position papers are required in order to participate in this Workshop (except for the Workshop Chairs and W3C Team). Participation is pending the acceptance of the position paper by the Program Committee. Each organization or individual wishing to participate must submit a position paper explaining their interest in the Workshop no later than 10 January 2007. The intent is to make sure that participants have an active interest in the area, and that the Workshop will benefit from their presence. The authors of accepted papers will be allowed to send two participants to the Workshop. A set of papers selected by the Program Committee will also be presented during the Workshop.

The position paper should address the questions:

The position paper should also include:

Send papers (1 to 5 pages in valid XHTML/HTML or PDF) to: [email protected] (an archived mailing list accessible to the W3C Team and the Program Chairs).

Position papers will be disseminated to the Program Committee on January 11. Accepted position paper authors will be contacted on 20 January. All accepted position papers will be available from the Workshop Web pages on 25 January. The Workshop Web pages will be public, so position papers and slides must be suitable for public dissemination. Speaker slides will also be available on the public Web pages after the Workshop. There will not be printed proceedings.


Although the Workshop is public, it is restricted to 60 places. Registration is required for all attendees. The URI for the registration form will be sent to you after your position paper is accepted.

There is no participation fee.

Important Dates

Organizing Committee

Workshop Chairs
Eric Newcomer (IONA), Ken Laskey (MITRE)
W3C Team Contact
Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C
Program Committee Members

Workshop Details


MITRE Bedford Complex
202 Burlington Rd. (Rt. 62)
Bedford, MA 01730-1420

The Workshop will be held at the MITRE Corporation Bedford Campus in Bedford, Massachusetts, USA. Individuals should present themselves to the building S lobby entrance. Breakfast and afternoon snack will be provided. Lunch will be available in the MITRE cafeteria.


Bedford Glen Hotel
44 Middlesex Turnpike
Bedford, MA 01730

When registering, mention W3C WSEC Workshop. The guaranteed rate is $104/night. There is no complimentary breakfast at the hotel but breakfast will be provided at the workshop. The Bedford Glen Hotel is across the parking lot from MITRE. Walking out the rear of the hotel will have you facing Building K:

graphic to use showing the hotel and the entrance for the workshop

Getting There

Travelers can fly into Logan Airport or Manchester NH. Manchester is less crowded but has fewer flights, which could be a problem if the weather acts up.

From Logan Airport, if renting a car, it is probably advisable to ask directions from the rental car company in case there are any construction detours heading north.

See also the MITRE driving instructions and Meeting Taxis.

Ken Laskey, Philippe Le Hégaret, Eric Newcomer

$Date: 2007/06/08 21:02:06 $