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W3C WS2 Web Semantic Web Services Demonstrator

Eric Prud'hommeaux, [email protected]
RDF Data Access Working Group
Semantic Annotations for Web Services Description Language Working Group

Presenting for Hugo Haas

Recent Semantic Web Services Standardization

Demonstrator Plan

SPDL Demonstrator

SPDL (SParql in wsDL) uses linkages between Web Services and the Semantic Web.

Demonstrate which technologies?

SPARQL + WSDL Demonstrator


Identifying information


What happens when the user issues a query?

  1. Machine matches a service to the query.
  2. Invokes the service.
  3. Returns results to RDF data model.
  4. Data reported to user (or used in further queries).

Technology Features

Relevance to Industry

Next steps

Next steps

Watch the SPDL Home Page for progress.

WP2 Extension Plan

The WS2 Extension Plan enables us to take the next steps:

We propose to extend this functionality with a proof-based matching algorithm. This will allow two new features, the deconstruction of user queries into smaller queries that can be answered by advertised services, and the selection of the best set of invocations to answer the user query. It is currently not known what criteria we will need to evaluate in order to weight alternative invocation paths. We will study existing web services such as the Amazon Web Services in order to establish practical criteria.

Demo excerpts

PREFIX tnss: <>
SELECT ?asin ?title WHERE {
 ?X tnss:id "0FWYBWB91M5S26YBE382" ;
    tnss:keywords "cola" ;
    tnss:index "Books" ;

    tnss:asin ?asin ;
    tnss:doctitle ?title }
asin title
"0896584542""The Sparkling Story of Coca-Cola"
"0953984028""The World Stormrider Guide (Stormrider Guides)"
"0887307515""Secret Formula"
"0873493818""The Encyclopedia of Pepsi-Cola Collectibles (Encyclopedia of Pepsi-Cola Collectibles)"
"0896960528""The Cola Wars: The story of the global battle between the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, Inc."
"1887432930""Coca-Cola Collectible Santas (Collector's Guide to Coca Cola Items Series)"
"0977184307""Splenda® Is It Safe Or Not?"
"0873492412""Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Price Guide (Petretti's Coca-Cola Collectibles Price Guide)"
"0553568914""Elvis, Jesus and Coca-Cola (Kinky Friedman Novels (Paperback))"
"0465054684""For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It"